6 research outputs found

    Grandi e piccoli eventi militari nell’archeologia romana: due casi studio di Battlefield Archaeology a confronto

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    La Battlefield Archaeology adotta una metodologia specifica per lo studio dei siti di scontri militari: nell’impostazione della ricerca va considerata, per i battlefield antichi, anche la distinzione tra siti di grandi eventi militari, narrati dalle fonti scritte, ed eventi minori che le fonti non menzionano. Una delle problematiche di questa disciplina consiste nella difficoltà di applicare ai battlefield antichi il metodo nato negli anni Ottanta per indagare quelli moderni, ma in anni recenti alcuni siti hanno offerto l’occasione per sperimentare la costruzione di un metodo più adeguato per i campi di battaglia antichi: per il presente contributo sono stati scelti due siti di epoca romana, Pedrosillo e Baecula, affini ma l’uno frutto di un “piccolo”, l’altro di un “grande evento” militare, di cui vengono confrontati le metodologie adottate e i risultati ottenuti. L’obiettivo è stabilire quanto la distinzione tra grande e piccolo evento influisca sulle scelte strategiche della ricerca e quanto, a sua volta, la diversa impostazione delle indagini incida sulla natura dei risultati.Battlefield Archaeology adopts a methodology that is specific to the study of military sites. Concerning ancient battlefields, the distinction between great military events, narrated in written sources, and minor events, which are not recorded, must also be taken into account while setting the research. One of the problems of this discipline is the difficulty of applying to ancient battlefields the method born in the Eighties to study modern ones. Recently, some sites have offered the opportunity to experiment with the construction of a more suitable method for ancient battlefields: this paper analyzes two Roman sites, Pedrosillo and Baecula, chosen for their similarity and for having originated respectively from a small and a great event. The methodologies adopted and results obtained are then compared. The aim is to understand to what extent the distinction between great and small events affects the approach to research and to what extent, in turn, this impacts the nature of the results

    I Romani oltre il Danubio (167-180 d.C.): Marco Aurelio imitator Augusti

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    The debate about the Marcomannic wars has always focused on the provincialization of the Quadi and Marcomanni’s territory, on the almost sole basis of written sources. The recent progress in archaeological research between Lower Austria, Moravia and south-western Slovakia enables to shed new light on the Marcomannic wars: this article, using both written sources and archaeological data, aims to demonstrate that Marcus Aurelius intended to provincialize the land beyond the middle Danube and that this operation was probably preliminary to the reconquest of Germania Magna, as a programmatic imitatio Augusti

    I castra di Traiano in Dacia: una rilettura archeologica e topografica della Colonna Traiana

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    Il legame tra realtà e rappresentazione nei rilievi storici è sempre stato visto come una fedele trasposizione di eventi storici o come una mera costruzione simbolica. Questo articolo mira a stabilire in che modo e fino a che punto il fregio della Colonna Traiana possa ritenersi realistico, dato l’uso simbolico dei dettagli architettonici e topografici nella rappresentazione degli accampamenti romani, confrontando l’iconografia di alcune scene notevoli contenenti fortificazioni con la morfologia e la collocazione geografica dei campi romani archeologicamente noti in Dacia (odierna Romania).The connection between reality and representation in historical reliefs has always been seen either as a faithful transposition of historical events or as an entirely symbolic construction. This paper aims to examine how and to what extent the frieze of Trajan’s Column can be considered realistic, given the symbolic use of architectural and topographical details in the representation of Roman camps, by comparing the iconography of some remarkable scenes featuring fortifications to the morphology and location of real Roman camps archaeologically known in Dacia (present-day Romania)

    La rappresentazione dell'ariete d'assedio. Un blocco con fregio d'armi da Novalesa (TO)

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    The battering ram has scarcely ever been represented on Roman reliefs: it occurs on six monuments only, a block with a weapons frieze from Novalesa being among them. This paper aims to offer an accurate description of this relief and to demonstrate that such a realistic representation of the battering ram in its entirety cannot be recognised in any of the other occurrences (mostly located in Rome). Although the frieze can be dated between the mid first and the early second century A.D. thanks to technical and iconographic details, it is challenging to define the client and the nature of its original monument. Given the closeness of Susa, it can nevertheless be argued that the relief came from there, thus proving once more that provincial Ă©lites were eager to adhere to the Urban models, despite adjusting them to their own taste, cultural and artistic influences

    Le pitture della galleria superiore della cappella di S. Aquilino a Milano: i motivi e le tecniche nel loro spazio architettonico

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    This paper proposes the first detailed documentation of the paintings in the upper gallery of S. Aquilino, an annex to the basilica of S. Lorenzo in Milan. The limited attention received by these remains from critics, as well as the new dating of the building to the fifth century, pushed to present the motifs, their meaning, the execution from a technical standpoint, aiming at the definition of their function within their architectural context. This study highlights how in the fifth century, in a likely context of imperial patronage, the techniques used are in continuity with Antiquity and the materials employed belong to the classic decorative repertoire, with themes largely attested in Cisalpina during Late Antiquity. Although several groups of craftsmen executed the paintings and mosaics, the cycle belongs to a unified decorative program: it shows possible symbolic links with the mosaics, around a Christological theme that resonates with the liturgy that the building was probably intended for