83 research outputs found

    Influence of the Beehive Type on the Quality of Honey

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    Agricultural producers apply numerous technological procedures, and enlarging efforts to produce the high-quality products. This initiative is present in the beekeeping, too. The quality of the honey produced by the honey bee colonies depends of various factors, but prevailing are the ecological conditions and the floristic composition of the honeyfull plants. The aim of our research was to discover the influence of the beehive type on the quality of honey, which is produced at apiaries under the similar environmental conditions. The whole studied honey bee colonies belong to the European race, Apis mellifera carnica, and they used the same honeyfull plants pastures. The results indicate that different beehive type used at apiaries influenced on the quality of honey

    Influence of the Beehive Type on the Quality of Honey

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    Agricultural producers apply numerous technological procedures, and enlarging efforts to produce the high-quality products. This initiative is present in the beekeeping, too. The quality of the honey produced by the honey bee colonies depends of various factors, but prevailing are the ecological conditions and the floristic composition of the honeyfull plants. The aim of our research was to discover the influence of the beehive type on the quality of honey, which is produced at apiaries under the similar environmental conditions. The whole studied honey bee colonies belong to the European race, Apis mellifera carnica, and they used the same honeyfull plants pastures. The results indicate that different beehive type used at apiaries influenced on the quality of honey

    Review: Ivan Padjen, Metodologija pravne znanosti: pravo i susjedne discipline, Pravni fakultet SveučiliŔta u Rijeci, Rijeka, 2015

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    Knjiga autora prof. dr. sc. Ivana Padjena, profesora teorije prava i države te znanstvenog savjetnika politologije Pravnog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Rijeci, jedinstvena je jer obrađuje srediÅ”nje teme prava i pravne znanosti koje dosad nisu bile cjelovito i primjereno obrađene u hrvatskoj pravnoj literaturi. Knjiga je podijeljena u pet dijelova: 1. Uvod; 2. Istraživanja prava i druÅ”tva; 3. Poimanja prava i druÅ”tva; 4. Metodologija pravne znanosti: syllabus, te 5. Sažetak na engleskom jeziku (Methodology of Legal Science: Law and Related Disciplines ā€“ A Summary).Review of a book by a distinguished Croatian scholar of legal theory Ivan Padjen on various issues of methodology in law and legal science


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    PoÅ”tovano čitateljstvo, pred vama je poseban broj Pravnog vjesnika pod naslovom ā€žKonsenzualna pravda u hrvatskom kaznenom postupkuā€œ, koji kroz pet znanstvenih radova raspravlja o različitim oblicima konsenzualnih postupaka u hrvatskom kaznenom procesnom pravu. Autori, redom istaknuti znanstvenici sa sva četiri pravna fakulteta u Republici Hrvatskoj, propituju temeljne aspekte pojedinih oblika konsenzualnih postupaka prvenstveno teorijskim, poredbenopravnim i normativnim pristupom, ali i analizirajući sudsku praksu te uzimajući u obzir europske pravne standarde i temeljna načela suvremenog kaznenog procesnog prava. Riječ je o člancima koji su rezultat rada na znanstveno-istraživačkom projektu Pravnog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu ā€žSustavni pristup modelima konsenzualne pravde u hrvatskom kaznenom postupku ā€“ NegJusCroā€œ koji je financiran sredstvima Hrvatske zaklade za znanost. Aktivnosti na projektu usmjerene su prema sustavnoj znanstvenoj analizi problematike nagodbi u hrvatskom kaznenom procesnom pravu kako bi se razmotrili kritični nedostaci postojećeg normativnog okvira i prakse hrvatskih pravosudnih tijela u cilju predlaganja konkretnih zakonodavnih promjena za bolje i jasnije uređenje različitih konsenzualnih postupaka u hrvatskom pravu ā€“ i na normativnoj razini i u praksi. Prvi od pet radova posvećen je klasičnoj nagodbi u kaznenom postupku ā€“ presudi na temelju sporazuma stranaka. Autori Elizabeta Ivičević Karas, Ante Novokmet i Igor Martinović kroz poredbeni pristup analiziraju pojedine problematične aspekte nagodbe kako bi se utvrdilo ima li hrvatski model ovog konsenzualnog postupka neka specifična obilježja koja se možda razlikuju od razmatranih europskih poredbenopravnih rjeÅ”enja te uzrokuju li upravo ta specifična obilježja određene teorijske i praktične probleme. U radu autora Elizabete Ivičević Karas, Zorana Burića i Matka Pajčića, također kroz poredbenopravnu perspektivu, razmatra se procesni položaj ā€žsuradnika pravosuđaā€œ ā€“ (potencijalnih) osumnjičenika ili optuženika koji odluče surađivati s tijelima kaznenog progona doprinoseći otkrivanju i kaznenom progonu drugih teÅ”kih kaznenih djela i počinitelja, prvenstveno svjedočenjem pred sudom. Posebna pozornost dana je pojedinim pitanjima zakonitosti ispitivanja krunskog svjedoka i osobe s imunitetom svjedoka iz prakse Vrhovnog suda Republike Hrvatske. Autori Zlata Đurđević, Marin Bonačić i Marija Pleić u radu o kaznenom nalogu u hrvatskoj i poredbenoj perspektivni sveobuhvatno analiziraju zakonodavni okvir i sudsku praksu kako bi se utvrdile osobitosti hrvatskog uređenja kaznenog naloga, a posebno nedostaci postojećeg normativnog okvira i prakse. Posebna pozornost posvećena je pretpostavkama za izdavanje kaznenog naloga, sudskoj kontroli optužnice kojom se traži izdavanje kaznenog naloga, pravima obrane u postupku prije izdavanja kaznenog naloga i položaju žrtve. O uvjetnoj odgodi (odustanku) od kaznenog progona rad su napisali Zoran Burić, Marija Pleić i Ivana Radić sagledavajući u poredbenom kontekstu korisnost i svrhovitost tog instituta te uzimajući u obzir kaznena djela na koja se može primijeniti, ulogu suda, prava okrivljenika i položaj žrtve kaznenog djela. Rad posvećen učincima okrivljenikova priznanja krivnje tijekom rasprave u kaznenom postupku napisali su Igor Martinović i Ivana Radić. U njemu razmatraju utjecaj i pravne posljedice priznanja krivnje u kontinentalno-europskom i angloameričkom pravu, a posebice položaj optuženika nakon priznanja danog na raspravi, učinke priznanja, ulogu suda u daljnjem postupku i prava žrtve kaznenog djela. Već iz ovako načelno prikazanih tema pojedinih radova vidljiva je iznimna predanost autora ostvarivanju zacrtanih projektnih zadataka. Posvećujući poseban broj Pravnog vjesnika ovoj zanimljivoj i nadasve aktualnoj temi, čiju je važnost za hrvatski pravni poredak uočila i podržala Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, vjerujemo da ćemo potaknuti daljnju raspravu o značaju i o svrhovitosti različitih konsenzualnih oblika postupanja kako u Hrvatskoj tako i kontinentalno-europskom okruženju.Dear readers, In front of you is a special issue of the Journal of Law entitled, ā€œConsensual Justice in Croatian Criminal Procedureā€, which, in five published studies, addresses various forms of consensual procedures in Croatian criminal procedural law. The authors, prominent scholars from all four law faculties in the Republic of Croatia, question the basic aspects of certain forms of consensual procedures primarily through theoretical, comparative and normative approaches but also through the analysis of case law, taking into account European legal standards and basic principles of contemporary criminal procedure law. These articles are the result of a research project of the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb ā€” ā€œSystematic approach to models of negotiated justice in Croatian criminal procedure ā€“ NegJusCroā€ ā€” which is funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. Project activities are aimed at a systematic scientific analysis of the issue of consensual justice in Croatian criminal procedure law in order to consider the critical shortcomings of the existing normative framework and practice of Croatian judicial bodies to propose concrete legislative changes for the better and clearer regulation of various consensual procedures in Croatian law ā€” both at the normative level and in practice. The first of the five papers is dedicated to the classic plea-bargaining in criminal proceedings ā€” a judgment based on the agreement of the parties. Authors Elizabeta Ivičević Karas, Ante Novokmet and Igor Martinović use a comparative approach to analyze some problematic aspects of the agreement in order to determine whether the Croatian model of this consensual procedure has some specific features that may differ from the analyzed solutions in comparative law and whether these specific features actually cause certain theoretical and practical problems. The paper of Elizabeta Ivičević Karas, Zoran Burić and Matko Pajčić, also through a comparative legal perspective, discusses the procedural position of ā€œcollaborators of justiceā€ā€” (potential) suspects or defendants who choose to cooperate with the authorities by contributing to the detection and prosecution of other serious crimes and perpetrators, primarily by testifying before the court. Special attention was paid to certain issues of the legality of the examination of a crown witness and a person with witness immunity from the practice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia. Authors Zlata Đurđević, Marin Bonačić and Marija Pleić consider the penal order in Croatian law in their paper and from a comparative perspective, comprehensively analyzing the legislative framework and jurisprudence in order to determine the peculiarities of the penal order in Croatia, focusing on the shortcomings of the existing normative framework and practice. Special attention is given to the requirements for the issuing of the penal order, the judicial control of the indictment requesting a penal order, the defense rights in the proceedings before issuing a penal order and the position of the victim. Zoran Burić, Marija Pleić and Ivana Radić wrote a paper about the conditional deferral (and withdrawal) from criminal prosecution, considering the usefulness and purposefulness of that institute in a comparative context, taking into account the criminal offenses to which it can be applied, the role of the court, the rights of the defendant and the position of the victim. A paper devoted to the effects of the defendantā€™s admission of guilt during the criminal proceedings was written by Igor Martinović and Ivana Radić. It discusses the impact and legal consequences of a guilty plea in continental European and Anglo-American law, in particular the position of the accused after the confession given at the trial, the effects of the confession, the role of the court in further proceedings and the rights of the victim. The exceptional commitment of the authors to the realization of the set project tasks can already be seen from such a short presentation of individual papers. We believe that by dedicating a special issue of the Journal of Law to this interesting and above all current topic ā€” of such importance for the Croatian legal order, as was noticed and supported by the Croatian Science Foundation ā€” we will encourage further discussion on the importance and purpose of various consensual forms in Croatia as well in continental Europe

    Globalisation and the State Sovereignty

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    Dugo je vremena koncept suvereniteta smatran kamenom temeljcem domaćeg i međunarodnog prava te političke misli. Koncepcija suvereniteta blisko je povezana s koncepcijom države. Bilo je to Ā»normalnoĀ« stanje države, u kojem ona ima vrhovnu ili konačnu vlast u unutarnjim političkim i pravnim pitanjima, a svojstvo neovisnosti prema drugim državama. Međunarodnu zajednicu činile su ravnopravne i neovisne države. Danas, na početku 21. stoljeća, koncept suvereniteta izložen je mnogim izazovima, od kojih je najznačajniji proces globalizacije koji je doveo do sve veće međupovezanos- ti ljudi Å”irom svijeta vidljive na svim poljima: političkim, vojnim, ekonomskim, kulturnim i pravnim. U ovom radu usredotočit ćemo se na pitanje kako globalizacija utječe na državni suverenitet te dati pregled argumenata koriÅ”tenih u novijoj literaturi.The concept of sovereignty was for a long time considered as one of the corner- stones of national and international law, and of political thought. The concept of sovereignty was closely connected with the concept of the state. It was a Ā»normalĀ« situation of a country where it had supreme or final power in political and legal matters in its domestic affairs, while at the same time it was independent in relation to all other countries. The international community used to consist of equal and independent States. At the beginning of the 21st Century, the concept of sovereignty is faced with many challenges, both in theory and in practice. What happens within a countryā€™s territory and to its inhabitants is now less a consequence of national politics than the result of international circumstances - the difference between internal and foreign affairs is becoming increasingly vague. Several processes are happening simultaneously: globalisation (the development of information and communication technology; increase in foreign Investments, the development of multinational corporations, and strengthening of the international economic and trade organisationsā€™ role), the process of European integration, the development of international protection of human rights (the development of cogent rules of international law, humanitarian interventions, the role of transnational non/governmental organisations), and the phenomenon of Ā»failed StatesĀ«. All the above mentioned has created a need to redefine the concept of sovereignty

    Hermann U. Kantorowiczā€™s Legal Thought and the Era of National Socialism

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    Cilj ovog rada propitivanje je uloge antiformalističke kritike prava Hermana Kantorowicza, jednog od najistaknutijih pripadnika pokreta slobodnog prava (Freirechtsbewegung), u njemačkoj pravnoj teoriji i praksi u vrijeme nacionalsocijalizma. Pripadnici ovog pokreta isticali su nužnost postojanja pravnih praznina, pozivali suce da napuste pravni pozitivizam/formalizam te ga zamjene sustavom koji uzima u obzir druÅ”tvene okolnosti u kojima pravni spor nastaje te načelo pravednosti. Niz suvremenih autora posvetio se pitanju jesu li te ideje, koje su zastupali Kantorowicz i ostali pripadnici ovog pokreta, na određeni način otvorile vrata za ono Å”to su u nacističkoj Njemačkoj, od 1933. do 1945. godine, činili njemački suci, odnosno jesu li postavile temelje za ā€œpravni terorā€ koji je obilježio to razdoblje. Rad je podijeljen u dva dijela. Prvi dio rada propituje temeljne ideje o pravu, pravnoj znanosti i ulozi sudaca koje je Kantorowicz iznio u Borbi za pravnu znanost. Drugi dio istražuje niz argumenata iz članaka objavljenih u eminentnim pravnim časopisima u prilog ili protiv optužbi usmjerenih na Kantorowicza i pokret slobodnog prava.This paper is aimed at challenging the role of the anti-formalist criticism of law by Hermann Kantorowicz, one of the most prominent members of the Free Law Movement (Freirechtsbewegung) in German legal theory during the era of national socialism. Members of that movement highlighted the principle of justice and the necessity of the existence of legal gaps (lacunae), and invited judges to abandon legal positivism/formalism and replace it with a system which would take account of the social circumstances in which a legal dispute arises. A number of contemporary authors have questioned whether Kantorowicz and other members of the movement actually made what German judges did in Nazi Germany in the period from 1933 to 1945 possible or, in other words, whether they set the grounds for the ā€œlegal terrorā€ which characterized that period. The paper is divided into two parts. The first part examines the fundamental concepts of law and legal science, and the role of judges, conveyed in Kantorowiczā€™s book The Battle for Legal Science. The second part explores a number of arguments published in distinguished legal journals, which support or contest the allegations against Kantorowicz and the Free Law Movement

    Zahtjevi i kontrola posla te socijalna podrŔka kao prediktori zadovoljstva i izgaranja na poslu medicinskih sestara/ tehničara zaposlenih u području palijativne skrbi u Hrvatskoj

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    The Job Demands-Control-Support (JDCS) model has seldom been tested in palliative care settings, and occupational well-being of palliative care professionals has never before been investigated in Croatia. Our aim was therefore to fill that gap by testing the JDCS model among Croatian nurses providing palliative care. More specifically, we wanted to see how job demands, job control, and social support at work affect occupational well-being outcomes (i.e. job satisfaction and burnout dimensions of exhaustion and disengagement from work) in terms of the modelā€™s iso-strain and buffer hypotheses. This cross-sectional study included 68 nurses working in various palliative care institutions across Croatia, who answered our online questionnaire. Overall, the nurses did not report high levels of burnout or low job satisfaction. The only significant effect was that of job control on job satisfaction (Ī²=0.38; P<0.01) and disengagement (Ī²=-0.45; P<0.01), while job demands and social support at work had a significant interaction effect on the burnout dimension of exhaustion (Ī²=0.39; P<0.01) in the sense that high social support at work buffered the increase in exhaustion associated with high job demands. These findings suggest that interventions aimed at increasing perceived job control and social support at the workplace could improve occupational well-being of nurses working in palliative care.Ispitivanja Modela zahtjeva-kontrole posla-socijalne podrÅ”ke (JDCS) u kontekstu palijativne skrbi doista su rijetka. Uz to, nedostaju istraživanja profesionalne dobrobiti zaposlenih u području palijativne skrbi u Hrvatskoj. Stoga je cilj ovoga istraživanja bio testirati JDCS model među hrvatskim medicinskim sestrama/tehničarima zaposlenima u području palijativne skrbi. Točnije, pokuÅ”ali smo provjeriti kako zahtjevi i kontrola posla te socijalna podrÅ”ka na radnome mjestu utječu na profesionalnu dobrobit (tj. zadovoljstvo poslom i dimenzije izgaranja ā€’iscrpljenost i otuđenost) u kontekstu tzv. iso-strain i buffer hipoteza. U presječnom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 68 medicinskih sestara/tehničara zaposlenih u različitim institucijama koje pružaju palijativnu skrb u Hrvatskoj. Podatci su prikupljeni ispunjavanjem online upitnika. Ukupno gledano, medicinske sestre/tehničari nisu izvijestili o visokim razinama profesionalnog izgaranja ili o niskom zadovoljstvu poslom u području palijativne skrbi. Rezultati su potvrdili značajan učinak kontrole posla u objaÅ”njenju zadovoljstva poslom (Ī²=0,38; P<0,01) i otuđenosti (Ī²=-0,45; P<0,01), a zahtjevi posla i socijalna podrÅ”ka na poslu pokazali su značajan interakcijski učinak na iscrpljenost kao dimenziju izgaranja (Ī²=0,39; P<0,01) na način da visoka socijalna podrÅ”ka usporava porast iscrpljenosti povezane s visokim zahtjevima posla. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja impliciraju da bi intervencije usmjerene na povećanje percipirane kontrole posla i socijalne podrÅ”ke na radnome mjestu mogle poboljÅ”ati profesionalnu dobrobit medicinskih sestara/tehničara zaposlenih u palijativnoj skrbi

    Djeca i donoŔenje medicinskih odluka

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    Pediatric medical decision making has been a matter of discussion for the last few decades. Generally, the currently prevailing viewpoints are that the childrenā€™s wishes should be heard and that children should be allowed to participate in medical decision-making according to their development. Those discussions do not only touch on ethical, legal and political matters, but are also based on empirical research. There are no simple answers to those large issues, especially the age limit at which children can be considered capable of giving informed consent. In that context, a balance needs to be struck between the protection of childrenā€™s interests and the respect for their ā€œdeveloping autonomyā€. The first part of this article outlines the principle of autonomy that informed consent is based on, whereas the second part focuses on two concepts: that of parental permission and of assent of the child, both of which are well-known in the contemporary medico-legal realm. The term ā€œassentā€ is commonly used in cases when individuals are not legally allowed to give informed consent but are capable of taking part in the process of medical decision-making. In the third part of the paper, three Croatian legal acts were analyzed in a context of the informed consent of the child: the Protection of Patientā€™s Rights Act, the Family Act and the Civil Obligations Act. The fact that several legal regulations, in particular the Protection of Patientā€™s Rights Act, the Family Act and the Civil Obligations Act, must be used in parallel when it comes to the issue of informed consent of a child, can be, legally speaking, quite confusing. Thus, such regulation may leave some doubts and difficulties in the immediate application, especially with regard to emergency medical interventions. In this regard, perhaps the fact of adopting a special law on the consent of children to medical procedures could be considered, or at least the provision within the Family Act or the Protection of Patientā€™s Rights Act, which uniformly summarizes all the above regulations.Posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća vode se opsežne rasprave o problematici donoÅ”enja medicinskih odluka koja se tiču djece. Općenito, trenutno prevladava glediÅ”te da se djetetove želje treba posluÅ”ati i da se djeci treba omogućiti sudjelovanje u donoÅ”enju medicinskih odluka u skladu s njihovim razvojem. Te rasprave ne dotiču se samo etičkih, pravnih i političkih pitanja, već se temelje i na empirijskim istraživanjima. Nema jednostavnih odgovora na ta bitna pitanja, osobito na ona koja se tiču dobne granice u kojoj se djeca mogu smatrati sposobnima dati informirani pristanak. U tom kontekstu potrebno je uspostaviti ravnotežu između zaÅ”tite interesa djece i poÅ”tivanja njihove ā€œautonomije u razvojuā€. Prvi dio ovog članka prikazuje načelo autonomije na kojem se temelji informirani pristanak, dok se drugi dio usredotočuje na dva koncepta: roditeljsko dopuÅ”tenje i pristanak djeteta, koja su oba dobro poznata u suvremenoj medicinskoj praksi. Izraz ā€žpristanakā€œ (assent) obično se koristi u slučajevima kada pojedincima nije zakonski dopuÅ”teno davanje informiranog pristanka, ali se smatraju sposobnima sudjelovati u procesu donoÅ”enja medicinskih odluka. U trećem dijelu rada analizirana su tri hrvatska pravna akta u kontekstu informiranog pristanka djeteta: Zakon o zaÅ”titi prava pacijenata, Obiteljski zakon i Zakon o obveznim odnosima. Činjenica da se nekoliko zakonskih propisa, a posebno Zakon o zaÅ”titi prava pacijenata, Obiteljski zakon i Zakon o obveznim odnosima, moraju koristiti paralelno kada je u pitanju pristanak djeteta, može biti, pravno gledano, prilično zbunjujuće. Stoga takva regulativa može ostaviti određene nedoumice i poteÅ”koće u neposrednoj primjeni, posebno u pogledu hitnih medicinskih intervencija. S tim u vezi, mogla bi se razmotriti mogućnost donoÅ”enja posebnog zakona o pristanku djece na medicinske zahvate koji bi ujednačeno sažimao sve navedene propise
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