12 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Dinas Tata Ruang dan Bangunan Kota Pekanbaru terhadap Bangunan yang Tidak Memiliki Izin Mendirikan Bangunan di Kecamatan Tampan

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    Supervision of Building Permit (IMB) is an activity and effort to determine and assess the actual reality of the execution of the work or activity is in accordance with the plans and procedures or not. The problem in this research is how the implementation of supervision by the Department of Spatial Planning and Building Pekanbaru on building permits (building does not have permission), and the factors that triggered the building that does not have a license in the District of Pekanbaru City Handsome and obstacles in the implementation of supervision. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of supervision by the Department of Spatial Planning and Building Pekanbaru to buildings that do not have the IMB.Researchers used the theoretical concept which adopted the theory of supervision by Manullang. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative data collection instrument includes interviews with employees of the Department of Spatial control section and Pekanbaru City and community building, observation and document.The results of this study indicate that supervision Spatial Planning and Building Pekanbaru to buildings that do not have a building permit (IMB) in District Charming is not good. Factors that influence the lack of supervision of building permits and building permits violated ie, lack of personnel and operational vehicles to conduct a thorough supervision, lack of socialization, lack of public awareness, community economic factors, particularly the lower middle income people are the cause of reluctance in taking care of IMB before building.Keywords: Development, Monitoring, IMB

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa dalam Pembangunan Fisik Desa Kota Intan Kecamatan Kunto Darussalam Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Village chief, as leader of government within village scope should be able to perform their duties empirically, either as a public servant or as an intermediary who can provide solutions to the problems that arise in a society that covers the scope of the area under his authority. The aspirations submitted by society should be heard by a village chief so that their common goal can be achieved as expected. Also the physical development of the village must be considered by the village chief, because it will be needed by the villagers. But in fact, there are still some problems caused by the lack of village chief leadership on the physical development of Kota Intan village.The purpose of this study was to determine the village chief leadership on the physical development of Kota Intan Village Kunto Darussalam Subdistrict Rokan Hulu Regency, as well as factors that hinder the physical development of Kota Intan Village Kunto Darussalam Subdistrict Rokan Hulu Regency. To analyze the phenomenon in this study the author used Sondra P Siagian\u27s theory with indicators as follows : a leader as determinants directions, a leader as a representative and spokesperson, a leader as an effective communicator, a leader as a reliable mediator, and a leader as an effective integrator. Methodology used in this study is a qualitative descriptive study with Snowball sampling method.This study shows that Chief Village Leadership on Physical Development of Kota Intan Village Kunto Darussalam Subdistrict Rokan Hulu Regency is good. The factors found are funds, land disputes, lack of government attention and resources

    Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Tugas Pos Kerja Tanjung Berlian Kantor Unit Penyelenggara Pelabuhan Tanjung Berlian Kundur Utara Kabupaten Karimun

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    Kundur Islands is one of uplift in the Riau Islands province, Kundur Island is one of a small town with shipping activity. No wonder if in Kundur Island harbors many of the people there. To manage all the activities in all the ports of the people in the region Kundur islands, then Pos formed under the auspices of the Working Syahbandar Implementation Unit Port (KUPP) Kundur. According to Law No. 17 of 2008 on the cruise, carry out the functions of the port safety and security of shipping which includes implementation, monitoring and enforcement in the field of transport in the waters, ports, and maritime environmental protection at the port. However, based on the authors observations Tanjung Berlian, still a lot of the discrepancy between theory and practice that occur in the field. Examples are as follows: lack of a clear process of issuance of Letter of Approval Sailing (SPB) for shipping agents in ports, Less neat and completeness of documents manning ships that operate in the Post Employment Cape Diamond, Less conduct surveillance and Sailing Bandar tongue in their respective work stations.Based on the above phenomena, the formulation of the problem in this research is: How Workplace Effectiveness of Post Office Task Execution Unit Operator Tanjung Diamond District of North Kundur, Karimun and Factors Affecting Implementation Task Effectiveness of Post Employment Cape Diamond District of North Kundur Karimun.The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the Post Implementation Task Work Cape Diamond, North Kundur, Karimun Regency and Knowing the factors that influence the effectiveness of post work assignments Cape Diamond. Theory (approach) is used as an analytical tool in this study is about the effectiveness of the proposed theory by Sumaryadi (2005: 105) effectiveness is how well the work take place, where a person menghaliskan sjauh output as expected. While the research methods used in this study is descriptive qualitative research that is intended to provide an overview of systematic explanation of the observed phenomenon.Based on the results of field research on the effectiveness of the writer peaksanaan task Cape Diamond workstations running the Less Well, it can be seen from inspection of the complete document indent indicator ship and crew as well as the issuance of Letter of Approval process indicators that are sailing in the unfavorable category. So far the implementation of the tasks performed areJom FISIP Volume 1 No. 2 Oktober 2014 2administrative in nature but only in the form directly in the field pelaksnaan task is still very rare.Keywords: Efectiviness, Implementation, Principal Duties and Functions

    Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Lalu Lintas Angkutan Jalan (Llaj) di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi pada Angkutan Travel Luar Kota dan dalam Kota)

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    The research was conducted in the city of Pekanbaru is the Department of Transportation Traffic Monitoring the Implementation of Transportation (LLAJ) in Pekanbaru City (Studies in Urban and Transport Traveling Outside In The City) The aim is to determine how the Implementation Monitoring Traffic Transportation (LLAJ) in the city of Pekanbaru (study On Transportation Travel Outside the City and in the City), The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of the Road Traffic and Transport Supervision (LLAJ) in the city of Pekanbaru (Studies in the Outer City Travel and Transportation in the City) and the factors that affect the implementation of the Road Traffic and Transport Supervision (LLAJ) in the city of Pekanbaru (Studies in Out of Town Travel and Transportation in the City). The method used in this study is the type of data collected included primary data is data that was obtained directly from the informant that wasdal Head, ed wasdal, PO, and the people who became the object of research in the form of information that is relevant to the issues formulated in the research . Include: such as interviews, observation or written remarks. As well as secondary data includes data ie the data that was obtained from the documents and reports that are related to the research problem and also books related to this research. While the data clotting techniques used were interviews, observation and study of literature and. Techniques of data analysis in this study performed using data processed using qualitative methods where the data obtained from the interview onwards systematically described with reference to the theoretical foundation or government regulations relating to the discussion to find solutions to problems. From these results it can be concluded that the implementation of Transportation Traffic Monitoring (LLAJ) in Pekanbaru City (Studies in Urban and Transport Traveling Outside In The City). still not running as expected or can not be considered successful as expected, it is evident from the respondents or the public. As for the implementation of monitoring indicators that set standards, conduct assessments and perform corrective actions

    Pengendalian Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd) oleh Dinas Kesehatan di Kecamatan Pangkalan Kerinci Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine disease control Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever conducted by the Department of Health in the District of Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan and to mengetaui factor of any factor that inhibits disease control Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever by Public Health Service, the concepts used in the theory proposed Lubis (2000 : 105), which expresses the control is a function that regulates and directs how the implementation of a planned program and other administrative activities, either in the form of management of the arrangements, procedures and through action to intervene to allow the optimization of the implementation of a program plan. The results of this study indicate that the development of mass media and outreach to the community about the disease Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in the District of PangkalanKerinci is still not good it is in because of less intensive DHO Palalawan in propagating his program, Investigations Epidemiology conducted by PHC Berseri District of Pangkalan Kerinci is good, Mobilization society through Pemberantasan mosquito nest (PSN) in the District of Pangkalan Kerinci somewhat less than effective this is due to lack of participation, Abatesasi performed by PHC Berseri District of Pangkalan Kerinci still not effective, this is due to lack of education about the use of abate to the public, Fogging is carried out by the District Health Office Palalawan still less than optimal because it is a new Pelalawan District Health Office will conduct fogging after reports an epidemiological survey conducted by Radiant Health Center District of Pangkalan Kerinci

    Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Swasta (Studi Kasus Pengelolaan Parkir di Kota Pekanbaru)

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    This research is motivated by the phenomenon of maximal management of common-street parking in the city of Pekanbaru. Still unclear parking management system in the city of Pekanbaru that cause various effects such as land use do not have permission to be used as a parking lot, causing traffic jams.This study aimed to investigate the implementation of the management conducted by the Department of Transportation UPTD Parking manage parking in the city of Pekanbaru and to identify factors - factors that affect the management of parking in the city of Pekanbaru. From the results of this study found several factors that affect the success of the management of parking, including factors that management systems are used, the coordination between the parties to the participation and awareness. The most dominating factor to cope with parking in the city of Pekanbaru permaslahan this is a factor of parking management system itself because this is the system that directs the management of this park.The research was conducted in the city of Pekanbaru precisely in UPTD Parking Pekanbaru City Department of Transportation. Key informants in this research is the Head Of UPTD Pparking, managers, parking attendants to the public. The sampling technique is snowball sampling in data collection used the method of observation, interviews and documentation. After the data were analyzed by using qualitative descriptive analysis.After a study found that the management of parking in the city of Pekanbaru has not been maximized, it can be seen from the theory of George R. Terry on the Management functions are reviewed based on four indicators, namely: planning, organizing, directing and monitoring.Keywords: Management System, Cooperation, Parkin

    Pelaksanaan Tugas Kepala Desa di Desa Sungai Jalau Kecamatan Kampar Utara Kabupaten Kampar

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    Execution Of Duty Lead In Desq River of Jalau District OfCamphor North of Kabupaaten Camphor. Target of this research is to knowexecution of duty lead countryside in river countryside of jalau district of northcamphor of camphor sub-province and also factors what is is resistor of execution ofduty lead countryside [in] river countryside of jalau district of north camphor ofcamphor sub-province. To analyse phenomenon in this research of writer use theoryof Winardi with indicator exploiting of right time, amount of output, readiness towork along, quality of work. Metedologi which is used in this research is research ofresearch qualitative. Result of this research show Pelaksnaan duty lead countryside inCountryside River of Jalau District Of Camphor North Sub-Province Camphor stillnot yet is optimal. Factors Adapaun the found is human being sumberdaya, facilitiesand basic facilities, and also factor of society.Keyword : Execution Of Duty, Head Countrysid

    Evaluasi Program Pelatihan Kewirausahaan oleh Disnaker Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research analyze about internship training program by Depertment of Labour in Pekanbaru, the purpose of this training have not been accomplished. From this problem, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of entrepreneurship training program by Department of Labour in Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the entrepreurial training especially the implementation of the program. This research is based on theory of William N Dunn that explains there are six evaluation criteria, namely effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equity, responsiveness and accuracy. This study uses qualitative descriptive method and technique of data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation. This research is based on theory of William N Dunn that explains there are six evaluation criteria, namely effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equity, responsiveness and accuracy. This study uses qualitative descriptive method and technique of data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation. Based on the result of interviews, researcher note that entrepreneurship training program by Depertment of Labour Pekanbaru still not reach the purpose of the program. It is ineffective as seen from the imperfect purpose and goal, the program also is inefficient seen from the time and man power needed is still not sufficient, the program also can not satisfy the need of the people, also the distribution of benefits to policy grup still uneven, and is still a lack of responsiveness to the problems that trainee faced, because many trainees are discontent to the program. The goals of the Program is good but still not properly implemented. This regulation must be repaired again to strengthen the basis of the program in the implementation of the program. This could happened because there are factors that affecting it such as, limited funds, limited human resource, and inadequation of facilities and infrastructure Based on the result of interviews, researcher note that entrepreneurship training program by Depertment of Labour Pekanbaru still not reach the purpose of the program. It is ineffective as seen from the imperfect purpose and goal, the program also is inefficient seen from the time and man power needed is still not sufficient, the program also can not satisfy the need of the people, also the distribution of benefits to policy grup still uneven, and is still a lack of responsiveness to the problems that trainee faced, because many trainees are discontent to the program. The goals of the Program is good but still not properly implemented. This regulation must be repaired again to strengthen the basis of the program in the implementation of the program. This could happened because there are factors that affecting it such as, limited funds, limited human resource, and inadequation of facilities and infrastructur

    Kompetensi Pemerintah Desa dalam Pembangunan Desa di Desa Surya Indah Kecamatan Pangkalan Kuras Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    Goverment's competence is the important aspect for the rural development of Surya Indah. Training which is done by the Goverment of Surya Indah must be fit to the general training in order to produce the quality human resources. But the budgetary funds for the training is too low. Informations which is gotten from villagers said that the goverment is not good enough for the administration services.This research used theory of Badan Kepegawaian Negara says that competence is defined by indicators of knowledge,skill, and attitude. This research is classified as qualitative descriptive, the technique of collecting data in this research through observation and interview from everyone who are involved as informen.The result of this research shows that the competence of goverment in the Surya Indah village runs well. This is proved from the result of interviews and observation data about aspects knowledge, skills and attitude of govermnet to improve rural development. Factors which influences of the competence of the rural goverment are formal education, training and working experience. Development in Surya Indah are good enough proved from facilities and infrastructures are complete for community life