41 research outputs found
Topological spin texture and d-vector rotation in spin-triplet superconductors: A case of UTe2
A novel spin texture formed by Cooper pair spins is found theoretically with
a phase string attached by half-quantized vortices at both ends in a unit cell
and characterized by its topologically rich vortex structure in a spin-triplet
pairing. It is stable at an intermediate field region sandwiched by two
conventional singular vortex phases below and above it. The d-vector direction
of this spin texture is tilted from the principal crystal axes, whose spin
susceptibility is neither the normal Pauli one \c{hi}N nor zero, describing
microscopically the process of the d-vector rotation phenomena observed
recently in UTe2. We compare the spin texture and singular vortex state in
relation to the quasi-particle structure with Majorana zero modes for STM, the
nuclear spin resonance spectral line width for NMR and {\mu}SR, and the vortex
form factors for SANS to facilitate the identification of the pairing symmetry
in UTe2.Comment: 9 pages, 5figure