372 research outputs found
Non-Fermi liquid, unscreened scalar chirality and parafermions in a frustrated tetrahedron Anderson model
We investigate a four-impurity Anderson model where localized orbitals are
located at vertices of a regular tetrahedron and find a novel fixed point in
addition to the ordinary Fermi liquid phase. That is characterized by
unscreened scalar chirality of a tetrahedron. In this phase, parafermions
emerges in the excitation spectrum and quasiparticle mass diverges as 1/|T
log^3 T| at low temperatures (T). The diverging effective mass is a
manifestation of singular Fermi liquid states as in the underscreened Kondo
problem. Between the two phases, our Monte Carlo results show the existence of
a non Fermi liquid critical point where the Kondo effects and the intersite
antiferromagnetic interactions are valanced. Singular behaviors are prominent
in the dynamics and we find that the frequency (omega) dependence of the
self-energy (Sigma) is the marginal Fermi liquid like, -Im Sigma \sim |omega|.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, published versio
High field properties of geometrically frustrated magnets
Above the saturation field, geometrically frustrated quantum antiferromagnets
have dispersionless low-energy branches of excitations corresponding to
localized spin-flip modes. Transition into a partially magnetized state occurs
via condensation of an infinite number of degrees of freedom. The ground state
below the phase transition is a magnon crystal, which breaks only translational
symmetry and preserves spin-rotations about the field direction. We give a
detailed review of recent works on physics of such phase transitions and
present further theoretical developments. Specifically, the low-energy degrees
of freedom of a spin-1/2 kagom\'e antiferromagnet are mapped to a hard hexagon
gas on a triangular lattice. Such a mapping allows to obtain a quantitative
description of the magnetothermodynamics of a quantum kagom\'e antiferromagnet
from the exact solution for a hard hexagon gas. In particular, we find the
exact critical behavior at the transition into a magnon crystal state, the
universal value of the entropy at the saturation field, and the position of
peaks in temperature- and field-dependence of the specific heat. Analogous
mapping is presented for the sawtooth chain, which is mapped onto a model of
classical hard dimers on a chain. The finite macroscopic entropies of
geometrically frustrated magnets at the saturation field lead to a large
magnetocaloric effect.Comment: 22 pages, proceedings of YKIS2004 worksho
Effective Hamiltonian of Three-orbital Hubbard Model on Pyrochlore Lattice: Application to LiV_2O_4
We investigate heavy fermion behaviors in the vanadium spinel LiV_2O_4. We
start from a three-orbital Hubbard model on the pyrochlore lattice and derive
its low-energy effective Hamiltonian by an approach of real-space
renormalization group type. One important tetrahedron configuration in the
rochlore lattice has a three-fold orbital degeneracy and spin S=1, and
correspondingly, the effective Hamiltonian has spin and orbital exchange
interactions of Kugel-Khomskii type as well as correlated electron hoppings.
Analyzing the effective Hamiltonian, we find that ferromagnetic double exchange
processes compete with antiferromagnetic superexchange processes and various
spin and orbital exchange processes are competing to each other. These results
suggest the absence of phase transition in spin and orbital spaces down to very
low temperatures and their large fluctuations in the low-energy sector, which
are key issues for understanding the heavy fermion behavior in LiV_2O_4.Comment: 26 pages, 26 figure
Phase transition in the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model with attractive electron-electron interaction
The one-dimensional Kondo lattice model with attractive interaction among the
conduction electrons is analyzed in the case of half-filling. It is shown that
there are three distinct phases depending on the coupling constants of the
model. Two phases have a spin and charge gap. While one shows a clear
separation of the spin and charge excitation spectrum the other phase may be
characterized as a band insulator type where both excitations are due to
two-particle states. The third phase is gapless in both channels and has quasi
long-range order in the spin and charge density wave correlation. In this phase
the spin and charge excitations have again a clearly separated spectrum. For
the analysis we discuss first two limiting cases. Then a density matrix
renormalization group calculation on finite systems is applied to determine the
phase diagram and the correlation functions in the gapped and gapless phase for
general couplding constants.Comment: 9 pages, 7 Postscript figures, REVTe
Self-similarity under inflation and level statistics: a study in two dimensions
Energy level spacing statistics are discussed for a two dimensional
quasiperiodic tiling. The property of self-similarity under inflation is used
to write a recursion relation for the level spacing distributions defined on
square approximants to the perfect quasiperiodic structure.
New distribution functions are defined and determined by a combination of
numerical and analytical calculations.Comment: Latex, 13 pages including 6 EPS figures, paper submitted to PR
Spin, Charge and Quasiparticle Gaps in the One-Dimensional Kondo Lattice with f^2 Configuration
The ground state properties of the one-dimensional Kondo lattice with an f^2
configuration at each site are studied by the density matrix renormalization
group method. At half-filling, competition between the Kondo exchange J and the
antiferromagnetic intra f-shell exchange I leads to reduction of energy gaps
for spin, quasi-particle and charge excitations. The attractive force among
conduction electrons is induced by the competition and the bound state is
formed. As J/I increases the f^2 singlet gives way to the Kondo singlet as the
dominant local correlation. The remarkable change of the quasi-particle gap is
driven by the change of the spin-1/2 excitation character from the itinerant
one to the localized one. Possible metal-insulator transition is discussed
which may occur as the ratio J/I is varied by reference to mean-field results
in the f^2 lattice system and the two impurity Kondo system.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp
Spin Gaps in Coupled t-J Ladders
Spin gaps in coupled - ladders are investigated by exact
diagonalization of small clusters up to 48 sites. At half-filling, the
numerical results for the triplet excitation spectrum are in very good
agreement with a second order perturbation expansion in term of small
inter-ladder and intra-ladder exchange couplings between rungs
(). The band of local triplet excitations moving
coherently along the ladder (with momenta close to ) is split by the
inter-ladder coupling. For intermediate couplings finite size scaling is used
to estimate the spin gap. In the isotropic infinite 4-chain system (two coupled
ladders) we find a spin gap of , roughly half of the single ladder
spin gap. When the system is hole doped, bonding and anti-bonding bound pairs
of holes can propagate coherently along the chains and the spin gap remains
finite.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, uuencoded form of postscript files of figures
and text, LPQTH-94/
Thermodynamic properties of the one-dimensional Kondo insulators studied by the density matrix renormalization group method
Thermodynamic properties of the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model at
half-filling are studied by the density matrix renormalization group method
applied to the quantum transfer matrix. Spin susceptibility, charge
susceptibility, and specific heat are calculated down to T=0.1t for various
exchange constants. The obtained results clearly show crossover behavior from
the high temperature regime of nearly independent localized spins and
conduction electrons to the low temperature regime where the two degrees of
freedom couple strongly. The low temperature energy scales of the charge and
spin susceptibilities are determined and shown to be equal to the quasiparticle
gap and the spin gap, respectively, for weak exchange couplings.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figures, REVTeX, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp
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