23,790 research outputs found
Birational Symmetries, Hirota Bilinear Forms and Special Solutions of the Garnier Systems in 2-variables
Construction of N = 2 Chiral Supergravity Compatible with the Reality Condition
We construct N = 2 chiral supergravity (SUGRA) which leads to Ashtekar's
canonical formulation. The supersymmetry (SUSY) transformation parameters are
not constrained at all and auxiliary fields are not required in contrast with
the method of the two-form gravity. We also show that our formulation is
compatible with the reality condition, and that its real section is reduced to
the usual N = 2 SUGRA up to an imaginary boundary term.Comment: 16 pages, late
Topology of Boundary Surfaces in 3D Simplicial Gravity
A model of simplicial quantum gravity in three dimensions(3D) was
investigated numerically based on the technique of dynamical triangulation
(DT). We are concerned with the genus of surfaces appearing on boundaries
(i.e., sections) of a 3D DT manifold with topology. Evidence of a
scaling behavior of the genus distributions of boundary surfaces has been
found.Comment: 3 pages, latex, 4 ps figures, uses espcrc2.sty. Talk presented at
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