2,396 research outputs found

    A search for neutrino-antineutrino mass inequality by means of sterile neutrino oscillometry

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    The investigation of the oscillation pattern induced by the sterile neutrinos might determine the oscillation parameters, and at the same time, allow to probe CPT symmetry in the leptonic sector through neutrino-antineutrino mass inequality. We propose to use a large scintillation detector like JUNO or LENA to detect electron neutrinos and electron antineutrinos from MCi electron capture or beta decay sources. Our calculations indicate that such an experiment is realistic and could be performed in parallel to the current research plans for JUNO and RENO. Requiring at least 5σ\sigma confidence level and assuming the values of the oscillation parameters indicated by the current global fit, we would be able to detect neutrino-antineutrino mass inequality of the order of 0.5% or larger, which would imply a signal of CPT anomalies.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Production of <sup>235</sup>Np, <sup>236</sup>Pu and <sup>237</sup>Pu via nuclear reactions on <sup>235,236,238</sup>U and <sup>237</sup>Np targets

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    A summary of methods for cyclotron production of 235Np (396.1d), 236Pu (2.858y) and 237Pu (45.2d) via nuclear reactions with protons and 3He-ions on 235,236,238U and 237Np targets in wide energy ranges is given. Methods for the chemical separation and purification of these nuclides from the irradiated uranium and neptunium targets are described. Cross sections, yields and radionuclidic purities of 235Np, 236Pu and 237Pu are presented and compared with literature data on the nuclear reactions leading to these radionuclides. The nuclear reactions with the so far highest known yields of 235Np, 236Pu and 237Pu are determined: 236U(p, 2n)235Np, 237Np(p, 2n + pnβ-)236Pu and 237Np(p, n) 237Pu, respectively. The highest radionuclidic purity of 235Np, 236Pu and 237Pu tracers can be reached with the 236U(p, 2n)235Np, 236U(p, nβ -)236Pu and 237Np(3He, t) 237Pu reactions, respectively. In addition new cross sections and yield data of the 236U(3He, p3n)235Np reaction in the energy range 42.4-60 MeV are given.</p

    Production of a C-15 radioactive ion beam based on O-18(n, alpha)

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    .In the context of the SPIRAL2 radioactive beam facility the production rate of the neutron-rich C-15 nucleus by O-18(n,) has been investigated. In a water target of 20 cm(3), enriched in O-18 and placed behind the neutron converter, a rate of a few 10(10) nuclei per second can be reached with 1mA of 40MeV deuterons. A O-18(n,) cross-section based on the activation method is proposed. It is intermediate between the highest and lowest evaluations available to date.Peer reviewe

    Possibilities for Underground Physics in the Pyhasalmi mine

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    AbstractThe Pyhäsalmi mine is uniquely suited to host new generation of large-scale underground experiments. It was chosen both by the LAGUNA-LBNO and by the LENA Collaboration as the preferred site for a giant neutrino observatory. Regrettably, none of these projects got funded. The termination of the underground excavations in the fall of 2019 marks an important milestone. To maintain the infrastructure in good condition a new sponsor must be found: either a large-scale scientific project or new commercial operation. The considered alternatives for the commercial used of the mine include a pumped-storage hydroelectricity plant and a high-security underground data-storage centre. Without a new sponsor the ongoing experiments, including the cosmic-ray experiment EMMA and the study of 14C content in liquid scintillators, have to be completed within the next few years.Abstract The Pyhäsalmi mine is uniquely suited to host new generation of large-scale underground experiments. It was chosen both by the LAGUNA-LBNO and by the LENA Collaboration as the preferred site for a giant neutrino observatory. Regrettably, none of these projects got funded. The termination of the underground excavations in the fall of 2019 marks an important milestone. To maintain the infrastructure in good condition a new sponsor must be found: either a large-scale scientific project or new commercial operation. The considered alternatives for the commercial used of the mine include a pumped-storage hydroelectricity plant and a high-security underground data-storage centre. Without a new sponsor the ongoing experiments, including the cosmic-ray experiment EMMA and the study of 14C content in liquid scintillators, have to be completed within the next few years

    A stopped Delta-Matter Source in Heavy Ion Collisions at 10 GeV/n

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    We predict the formation of highly dense baryon-rich resonance matter in Au+Au collisions at AGS energies. The final pion yields show observable signs for resonance matter. The Delta(1232) resonance is predicted to be the dominant source for pions of small transverse momenta. Rescattering effects -- consecutive excitation and deexcitation of Deltas -- lead to a long apparent lifetime (> 10 fm/c) and rather large volumina (several 100 fm^3) of the Delta-matter state. Heavier baryon resonances prove to be crucial for reaction dynamics and particle production at AGS.Comment: 17 pages, 5 postscript figures, uses psfig.sty and revtex.st

    Measurement of nuclear effects on ψ(2S) production in p-Pb collisions at sNN−−−√ = 8.16 TeV

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    Inclusive psi(2S) production is measured in p-Pb collisions at the centre-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon pair root s(NN) = 8.16 TeV, using the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. The production of psi(2S) is studied at forward (2.03<y(cms)Peer reviewe
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