467 research outputs found
High-Precision Value for the Quartic Anharmonic Oscillator Ground State
We will describe how a new, quite simple, but highly effective algorithm,
together with the asymptotically fast FFT-based high-precision number
multiplication of Mathematica 4 can calculate the ground state of the x^4
anharmonic oscillator to the new record of more than 1000 digits
Higgs form factors in Associated Production
We further develop a form factor formalism characterizing anomalous
interactions of the Higgs-like boson (h) to massive electroweak vector bosons
(V) and generic bilinear fermion states (F). Employing this approach, we
examine the sensitivity of pp -> F ->Vh associated production to physics beyond
the Standard Model, and compare it to the corresponding sensitivity of h -> V F
decays. We discuss how determining the Vh invariant-mass distribution in
associated production at LHC is a key ingredient for model-independent
determinations of h V F interactions. We also provide a general discussion
about the power counting of the form factor's momentum dependence in a generic
effective field theory approach, analyzing in particular how effective theories
based on a linear and non-linear realization of the SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y gauge
symmetry map into the form factor formalism. We point out how measurements of
the differential spectra characterizing h -> V F decays and pp -> F -> Vh
associated production could be the leading indication of the presence of a
nonlinear realization of the SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y gauge symmetry.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures v2: jhep versio
Examining the neutrino option
The neutrino option is a scenario where the electroweak scale, and thereby
the Higgs mass, is generated simultaneously with neutrino masses in the seesaw
model. This occurs via the leading one loop and tree level diagrams matching
the seesaw model onto the Standard Model Effective Field Theory. We advance the
study of this scenario by determining one loop corrections to the leading order
matching results systematically, performing a detailed numerical analysis of
the consistency of this approach with Neutrino data and the Standard Model
particle masses, and by examining the embedding of this scenario into a more
ultraviolet complete model. We find that the neutrino option remains a viable
and intriguing scenario to explain the origin of observed particle masses.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures v2, typo corrections and refs adde
Interpreting mass measurements in the SMEFT
Measurements of the mass () provide an important consistency
check of the Standard Model (SM) and constrain the possibility of physics
beyond the SM. Precision measurements of at hadron colliders are inferred
from kinematic distributions of transverse variables. We examine how this
inference is modified when considering the presence of physics beyond the SM
expressed in terms of local contact operators. We show that Tevatron
measurements of using transverse variables are transparent and applicable
as consistent constraints in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT)
with small measurement bias. This means that the leading challenge to
interpreting these measurements in the SMEFT is the pure theoretical
uncertainty in how these measurements are mapped to Lagrangian parameters. We
stress the need to avoid using naive combinations of Tevatron and LEPII
measurements of without the introduction of any SMEFT theoretical error
to avoid implicit UV assumptions. In a companion paper, we implement our
procedure to consistently incorporate measurements into a global fit.Comment: 6pp, 4 figures V2: minor typo corrections and text clarifications,
matches journal versio
An expansion for Neutrino Phenomenology
We develop a formalism for constructing the Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata
(PMNS) matrix and neutrino masses using an expansion that originates when a
sequence of heavy right handed neutrinos are integrated out, assuming a seesaw
mechanism for the origin of neutrino masses. The expansion establishes
relationships between the structure of the PMNS matrix and the mass differences
of neutrinos, and allows symmetry implications for measured deviations from
tri-bimaximal form to be studied systematically. Our approach does not depend
on choosing the rotation between the weak and mass eigenstates of the charged
lepton fields to be diagonal. We comment on using this expansion to examine the
symmetry implications of the recent results from the Daya-Bay collaboration
reporting the discovery of a non zero value for theta_{13}, indicating a
deviation from tri-bimaximal form, with a significance of 5.2 sigma.Comment: 16 pp, 1 figure v2: Jhep version, more exposition/description,results
On interference and non-interference in the SMEFT
We discuss interference in the limit in the
Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). Dimension six operators that
contribute to scattering events can experience a suppression of interference effects
with the Standard Model in this limit. This occurs for subsets of phase space
in some helicity configurations. We show that approximating these scattering
events by on-shell scattering results for intermediate
unstable gauge bosons, and using the narrow width approximation, can miss
interference terms present in the full phase space. Such interference terms can
be uncovered using off-shell calculations as we explicitly show and calculate.
We also study the commutation relation between the SMEFT expansion and the
narrow width approximation, and discuss some phenomenological implications of
these results.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Updated to published JHEP versio
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