24,171 research outputs found

    Safe Schedulability of Bounded-Rate Multi-Mode Systems

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    Bounded-rate multi-mode systems (BMMS) are hybrid systems that can switch freely among a finite set of modes, and whose dynamics is specified by a finite number of real-valued variables with mode-dependent rates that can vary within given bounded sets. The schedulability problem for BMMS is defined as an infinite-round game between two players---the scheduler and the environment---where in each round the scheduler proposes a time and a mode while the environment chooses an allowable rate for that mode, and the state of the system changes linearly in the direction of the rate vector. The goal of the scheduler is to keep the state of the system within a pre-specified safe set using a non-Zeno schedule, while the goal of the environment is the opposite. Green scheduling under uncertainty is a paradigmatic example of BMMS where a winning strategy of the scheduler corresponds to a robust energy-optimal policy. We present an algorithm to decide whether the scheduler has a winning strategy from an arbitrary starting state, and give an algorithm to compute such a winning strategy, if it exists. We show that the schedulability problem for BMMS is co-NP complete in general, but for two variables it is in PTIME. We also study the discrete schedulability problem where the environment has only finitely many choices of rate vectors in each mode and the scheduler can make decisions only at multiples of a given clock period, and show it to be EXPTIME-complete.Comment: Technical report for a paper presented at HSCC 201

    Semistability and Hilbert-Kunz multiplicities for curves

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    We study Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity of non-singular curves in positive characteristic. We analyse the relationship between the Frobenius semistability of the kernel sheaf associated with the curve and its ample line bundle, and the HK multiplicity. This leads to a lower bound, achieved iff the kernel sheaf is Frobenius semistable, and otherwise to formulas for the HK multiplicity in terms of parameters measuring the failure of Frobenius semistability. As a byproduct, an explicit example of a vector bundle on a curve is given whose nn-th iterated Frobenius pullback is not semistable, while its (n−1)(n-1)-th such pullback is semistable, where n>0n>0 is arbitrary.Comment: Latex2e, 12 pages, final version, revised as per the referee's suggestions, to appear in Journal of Algebr

    The Legal Needs of Local Media Reform Organizations: Report of a National Survey

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    This report summarizes a nationwide survey of media reform groups to gauge their needs for pro bono legal assistance. Conclusions are that local media democracy groups need legal help on multiple issues, ranging from municipal broadband to cable franchising to low-power radio
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