103 research outputs found

    Functional and Pharmacological Analysis of Cardiomyocytes Differentiated from Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear-Derived Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    SummaryAdvances in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology have set the stage for routine derivation of patient- and disease-specific human iPSC-cardiomyocyte (CM) models for preclinical drug screening and personalized medicine approaches. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are an advantageous source of somatic cells because they are easily obtained and readily amenable to transduction. Here, we report that the electrophysiological properties and pharmacological responses of PBMC-derived iPSC CM are generally similar to those of iPSC CM derived from other somatic cells, using patch-clamp, calcium transient, and multielectrode array (MEA) analyses. Distinct iPSC lines derived from a single patient display similar electrophysiological features and pharmacological responses. Finally, we demonstrate that human iPSC CMs undergo acute changes in calcium-handling properties and gene expression in response to rapid electrical stimulation, laying the foundation for an in-vitro-tachypacing model system for the study of human tachyarrhythmias

    Robust identification of deletions in exome and genome sequence data based on clustering of Mendelian errors

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    Multiple tools have been developed to identify copy number variants (CNVs) from whole exome (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS) data. Current tools such as XHMM for WES and CNVnator for WGS identify CNVs based on changes in read depth. For WGS, other methods to identify CNVs include utilizing discordant read pairs and split reads and genome-wide local assembly with tools such as Lumpy and SvABA, respectively. Here, we introduce a new method to identify deletion CNVs from WES and WGS trio data based on the clustering of Mendelian errors (MEs). Using our Mendelian Error Method (MEM), we identified 127 deletions (inherited and de novo) in 2,601 WES trios from the Pediatric Cardiac Genomics Consortium, with a validation rate of 88% by digital droplet PCR. MEM identified additional de novo deletions compared with XHMM, and a significant enrichment of 15q11.2 deletions compared with controls. In addition, MEM identified eight cases of uniparental disomy, sample switches, and DNA contamination. We applied MEM to WGS data from the Genome In A Bottle Ashkenazi trio and identified deletions with 97% specificity. MEM provides a robust, computationally inexpensive method for identifying deletions, and an orthogonal approach for verifying deletions called by other tools

    Modification of hERG1 channel gating by Cd2+

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    Each of the four subunits in a voltage-gated potassium channel has a voltage sensor domain (VSD) that is formed by four transmembrane helical segments (S1–S4). In response to changes in membrane potential, intramembrane displacement of basic residues in S4 produces a gating current. As S4 moves through the membrane, its basic residues also form sequential electrostatic interactions with acidic residues in immobile regions of the S2 and S3 segments. Transition metal cations interact with these same acidic residues and modify channel gating. In human ether-á-go-go–related gene type 1 (hERG1) channels, Cd2+ coordinated by D456 and D460 in S2 and D509 in S3 induces a positive shift in the voltage dependence of activation of ionic currents. Here, we characterize the effects of Cd2+ on hERG1 gating currents in Xenopus oocytes using the cut-open Vaseline gap technique. Cd2+ shifted the half-point (V1/2) for the voltage dependence of the OFF gating charge–voltage (QOFF-V) relationship with an EC50 of 171 µM; at 0.3 mM, V1/2 was shifted by +50 mV. Cd2+ also induced an as of yet unrecognized small outward current (ICd-out) upon repolarization in a concentration- and voltage-dependent manner. We propose that Cd2+ and Arg residues in the S4 segment compete for interaction with acidic residues in S2 and S3 segments, and that the initial inward movement of S4 associated with membrane repolarization displaces Cd2+ in an outward direction to produce ICd-out. Co2+, Zn2+, and La3+ at concentrations that caused ∼+35-mV shifts in the QOFF-V relationship did not induce a current similar to ICd-out, suggesting that the binding site for these cations or their competition with basic residues in S4 differs from Cd2+. New Markov models of hERG1 channels were developed that describe gating currents as a noncooperative two-phase process of the VSD and can account for changes in these currents caused by extracellular Cd2+

    Genetic and Physiologic Dissection of the Vertebrate Cardiac Conduction System

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    Vertebrate hearts depend on highly specialized cardiomyocytes that form the cardiac conduction system (CCS) to coordinate chamber contraction and drive blood efficiently and unidirectionally throughout the organism. Defects in this specialized wiring system can lead to syncope and sudden cardiac death. Thus, a greater understanding of cardiac conduction development may help to prevent these devastating clinical outcomes. Utilizing a cardiac-specific fluorescent calcium indicator zebrafish transgenic line, Tg(cmlc2:gCaMP)s878, that allows for in vivo optical mapping analysis in intact animals, we identified and analyzed four distinct stages of cardiac conduction development that correspond to cellular and anatomical changes of the developing heart. Additionally, we observed that epigenetic factors, such as hemodynamic flow and contraction, regulate the fast conduction network of this specialized electrical system. To identify novel regulators of the CCS, we designed and performed a new, physiology-based, forward genetic screen and identified for the first time, to our knowledge, 17 conduction-specific mutations. Positional cloning of hobgoblins634 revealed that tcf2, a homeobox transcription factor gene involved in mature onset diabetes of the young and familial glomerulocystic kidney disease, also regulates conduction between the atrium and the ventricle. The combination of the Tg(cmlc2:gCaMP)s878 line/in vivo optical mapping technique and characterization of cardiac conduction mutants provides a novel multidisciplinary approach to further understand the molecular determinants of the vertebrate CCS