46 research outputs found
Aceh province is densely packed with Islamic culture and beliefs, particularly those concerning the selling and acquisition of land. There are provisions for Shuf'ah rights in the buying and selling of land under Aceh customary law. One of the customary rights in Aceh is the right of Syuf’ah, which is a particular rule that applies in the sale and purchase of land and its usage and emphasizes noble values, one of which is the value of justice. In Aceh Province, the practice of buying and selling land related to Langgeh Rights (Syuf’ah) is still not going well, because there are no specific provisions governing the implementation of Langgeh Rights (Syuf’ah). Furthermore, two legal provisions control dispute resolution: Qanun No. 10 of 2002 concerning Islamic Sharia Courts and Law No. 44 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of Aceh's Privileges. This adds to the legal uncertainties surrounding the settlement of Langgeh Rights (Syuf’ah). A normative legal method was applied in this study. The purpose of this research was to determine the application of the justice principle in the Langgeh Rights (Syuf’ah) and the resolution of Langgeh Rights (Syuf’ah) conflicts in the buying and selling of land in Aceh.
Keywords: Principles of Justice; Shuf'ah rights; Buying and Selling Lan
Indonesia Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) masih tinggi yaitu 34/1.000 Kelahiran Hidup (SDKI 2007), sekitar 56% kematian terjadi pada periode sangat dini yaitu di masa neonatal. Faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap tingginya mortalitas pada neonatus ( BBL) salah satunya adalah asfiksia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk diketahuinya prosedur tindakan penanganan resusitasi pada neonatus dengan asfiksia, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni systematic review dengan telaah artikel yang dipublikasi melalui situs google scholar sebanyak 20 jurnal review. Hasil telaah jurnal penelitian ditemukan tindakan resusitasi awal yang sesuai sebanyak 8 tindakan (53,3%) dan tindakan kurang sesuai 7 tindakan (46,7%). Sebagian besar tindakan sesuai yaitu 8 tindakan (93,3%) pada resusitasi lanjutan. Kesimpulan bahwa tenaga kesehatan dalam memberikan tindakan resusitasi awal hampir sama antara tindakan yang sesuai dengan kurang sesuai. Sementara tindakan resusitasi lanjutan sebagian besar dilakukan dengan sesuai prosedur resusitasi bayi baru lahir. Rekomendasi penelitian ini agar dijadikan bahan acuan bagi bidan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kesesuaian prosedur tindakan resusitasi neonatus
Eksistensi Pengawasan Dan Pelayanan Bea Dan Cukai Di Perairan Laut Teritorial Aceh Barat Dalam Kasus Rokok Ilegal
West Aceh with its vast sea brings good benefits to the community, the natural resources contained in the sea are very abundant, so that they can be utilised for the welfare of the community. With a very large sea zone, West Aceh is vulnerable to the criminal act of smuggling illegal cigarettes. One of the criminal offences that occurred was the smuggling of illegal cigarettes. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the Supervision of the Meulaboh Customs and Excise Supervision and Service Office (KPPBC) in supervising the smuggling of illegal cigarettes and what are the factors that become obstacles for the Meulaboh Customs and Excise Supervision and Service Office (KPPBC) in conducting supervision of illegal cigarettes. The purpose of this study is to determine the Supervision of the Office of Customs and Excise Supervision and Services (KPPBC) Meulaboh in supervision of the smuggling of Illegal Cigarettes and to find out also the factors that become obstacles in conducting supervision of the smuggling of Illegal Cigarettes. This research is included in the type of empirical legal research. The results of this study are that the supervision carried out on the circulation of illegal cigarettes without excise until now is still widespread in the Meulaboh area, which handles excisable goods or illegal excise that has entered into the Meulaboh area, namely the Section Head of Enforcement and Investigation, as well as Factors that become obstacles for the Office of Customs and Excise Supervision and Services (KPPBC) Meulaboh in conducting supervision of illegal cigarettes, namely the Lack of Patrol Officer Personnel, Large Geographical Area, Economic Factors, Still weak supervision carried out by customs and excise officers and the lack of operational facilities
Peranan Kejaksaan dalam Penanganan Perkara Pelecehan Seksual Anak Dibawah Umur Di Kabupaten Aceh Barat
This research is entitled "The role of the prosecutor in handling cases of sexual abuse of minors in Aceh Regency. The method used is empirical and the data analysis used is qualitative, the data collection technique is conducted interviews and documentation, the type of data used is primary data, secondary data, based on the results of research on proving that in Aceh Province, especially in West Aceh, there are cases of child abuse under This age and the indictment dropped by the public pros ecutor are in accordance with the Aceh Qanun law, in the process of handling cases of sexual abuse of minors, the application or working method of the public prosecutor is in accordance with the prosecutor's law, although there are tips and certain tricks contained in the m legislation used by the prosecutor's office
Upaya Penyelesaian Kredit Macet Dana Bergulir di Unit Pengelola Kegiatan (Upk) Kecamatan Jeumpa Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya
Savings and loans revolving fund PNPM Mandiri Rural in the UPK Jeumpa District, Aceh Barat Daya Regency has been running since 2009 until now, but in its implementation many loans are experiencing bottlenecks because the borrower group does not use the loan in accordance with the agreement letter.The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts to resolve bad loans and the obstacles in the settlement of non-performing loans in revolving funds at the UPK Jeumpa District, Southwest Aceh Regency. This research is an empirical juridical research using descriptive analysis method that describes efforts to resolve bad loans.The results of this study indicate that the settlement of bad debts is carried out by the following mechanism, arrears in the first month are given a verbal warning to the group leader, if the first method does not work then a warning letter will be given three times in a row and if the debtor still does not have good intentions To pay off the credit, the UPK will make efforts to save the credit, namely the confiscation of the collateral. Furthermore, a negotiated settlement is carried out for debtors who have good intentions, namely by providing credit relief by extending the loan period. As for the obstacles in resolving bad loans, there are debtors who have bad intentions who intentionally do not complete their credit payments, the spread of the Corona Virus which has an impact on the community's economy, business failures that result in debtors having difficulty completing their loans, and the UPK's lack of firmness in imposing sanctions on debtors. or groups of borrowers who are in arrears, so that the debtor ignores the sanctions.Suggestions for the Activity Management Unit (UPK), to be more thorough, careful and careful in choosing groups to be given loans, and to collect regularly, in an effort to settle bad loans, the UPK should be more strict with debtors who violate the agreement by providing heavier sanctions so that the debtor feels deterred. And for the Women's Savings and Loans group (SPP) it is expected that they fulfill the agreements that have been made and mutually agreed upon so as not to cause problems in the future
Sosialisasi Pendampingan Hukum Terhadap Anak Asuh di SOS Children Villages
Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning protection of children also guarantees the fulfillment of children's rights to survival, growth and development and is entitled to protection from violence and discrimination. Fulfillment of the rights of basic needs and protection for children in the scope of West Aceh has not yet been fully implemented. The process of conducting the socialization was carried out by the method of exposure and discussion of legal counseling materials about the role and obligations of the Government in providing legal protection to children who need legal assistance. The participation of all parties in paying attention to the protection of children is one thing that is very urgent. Given cases involving children in conflict with the law both as perpetrators and victims, often ignoring the rights of children who should be protected by laws and regulations. This is what needs to be done by all parties to encourage the West Aceh District Government to immediately give birth a Qanun on Child Protection. So that with regulations specifically related to child protection, children's rights are guaranteed by law.
Credit agreements commonly used by banking companies in Indonesia in lending are standard agreements or standard agreements whose clauses have been previously prepared by the bank with the intention of being used repeatedly with various parties and not open the possibility to be negotiated to the customer, and partly deliberately empty to be given the opportunity to negotiate with the customer, which is new in content after obtained agreement by both parties. Since such circumstances constitute a violation of the principle of responsible contracting freedom which results in an unbalanced bargaining power between the bank / creditor and the client / debtor, which then places the client in a weak position, the bank freely formulates clauses this exemption may harm the interests of the customer. In an agreement there is an important legal principle relating to the enactment of the contract is the principle of freedom of contract, meaning that parties are free to determine what contracts are already existing arrangements as well as that. Thus the customer has only the choice between accepting all contents or contract clauses or unwilling to accept the contract clauses either partly or wholly, for to amend the clause or content of the treaty completely absent or closed. This study uses the normative juridical method, which is the approach done by examining the legislation relevant to the problem under study or looking from the normative legal aspects. Technique of data collecting done by Research of Library (Library Research), that is by studying book and literature relevant with writing.Keyword :Exonoration Clauses, Agreements, Credits, Bankin
In Law Number 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction, in this case, it does not pay attention to the rights of indigenous peoples who have obtained customary rights or rights to control forests for generations. In Nagari Koto Malintang, they have local wisdom that they have practiced for years, such as felling 2 trees for basic needs and not for commercial purposes through permission from local traditional leaders and the Wali Nagari Koto Malintang.This research is a normative juridical research using a case approach and a statute approach, in this research the analysis is carried out by criticizing, supporting, or commenting, then making a conclusion on the results of the study with their own thoughts. and literature review assistance.The application of material punishment in decision number 129/Pid. B/LH/2017/PN.LBB, According to the author, it is not appropriate and does not meet the elements charged by the public prosecutor, but in the judge's consideration of the aggravating circumstances, the panel of judges did not reflect a sense of justice towards the defendants and the values of local wisdom who have lived and run in the community for many years. The judge's consideration in this case also contradicts the theory of criminal responsibility in which the defendants can be given excuses for forgiveness and the ultimum theory remediates that punishment is the last step.Law Enforcement Officials should be wiser in eradicating the crime of logging trees on customary lands of customary law communities and must pay attention to the values that live in local communities such as local wisdom that they have practiced for years.
Kegiatan pertambangan membawa dampak besar bagi lingkungan. Oleh karena itu untuk menjaga keberlanjutan lingkungan dalam kegiatan pengelolaan tambang mewajibkan perusahaan untuk melakukan reklamasi dan pascatambang. Namun sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang – Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 Tentang Perubahan atas Undang – Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara. Hadirnya ketentuan UU Minerba yang baru tersebut mengatur mengenai reklamasi dan pascatambang yang memiliki izin konsensi tambang (IUP) untuk melaksanakan reklamasi dan pascatambang dengan tingkat keberhasilan wajib mencapai 100% dan adanya penerapan sanksi pidana bagi perusahaan yang memiliki IUP apabila tidak melaksanakan ketentuan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberika gambaran dan jawaban tentang bentuk - bentuk tanggung jawab perusahaan pemegang IUP dalam melaksana reklamasi dan pascatambang yang harus mencapai tingkat keberhasilan 100%, kemudian kendala yang dialami perusahaan tambang tersebut serta upaya pemerintah dalam mengawasi jalannya tanggung jawab oleh perusahaan pemegang IUP dalam melaksanakan reklamasi dan pascatambang yang berwawasan lingkungan berdasarkan prinsip good mining practice. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode normatif-empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada berupa kewajiban pemberian uang jaminan reklmasi dan pascatambang yang dihitung dari luas area yang terkena dampak pengelolaan pertambangan dan berupa tujuh bentuk tanggung jawab yang lainnya yang diatur melalui Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 78 Tahun 2010 Tentang Reklamasi dan Pascatambang dan Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia Nomor 1827 K/30/MEM/2018 Tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kaidah Teknik Tambang Yang Baik.
Kata Kunci: Tambang, Batu Bara, Reklamasi, Tanggung Jawa