17 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Populasi Mutan Penanda Aktivasi: I. Transformasi Padi Japonica Tropis Lokal Sulawesi CV. Asemandi Dengan Bantuan Agrobacterium Tumefaciens

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    The rice transformation technologyis not only provides valuable methods for the introductionof useful genes into rice plant to improve importantagronomic traits, but also helps in studying gene functionand regulation based on rice genome sequence information.Knockout of genes by insertional mutagenesis is a straightforwardmethod to identify gene functions. One of themethods to develop rice mutants is through genetic transformationmediated by Agrobacterium using activationtagging by Ac-Ds system. A study was done with an objectiveto obtain mutant rice of local tropical japonica cv. Asemandithrough genetic trans-formation mediated by Agrobacteriumtumefaciens. The transformation was conducted usingAgrobacterium vector with the strain of Agl-1 containingactivation tag construct. The result of experiment showedthat it has been obtained 17 independent line (304 plants)transgenic Asemandi containing activation tag construct.These starter lines will be used as materials to developseveral generations of stabil rice mutant through selfing

    Introduksi Konstruk Gen CsNitr1-L dengan Promotor Ubiquitin melalui Agrobacterium Tumefaciens dan Deteksi Molekulernya pada Padi Kultivar Nipponbare

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    Nitrogen based fertilizers such as urea and NPK are primary needs for rice farmers. To get significant improvement of crop yield, the more quantity of fertilizers are applied. It make negative impact for surrounding environment. Based on that, the efforts should be done to suppress the demand of fertilizers such as by developing Nitrogen Use Efficiency crops. CsNitr1-L is one of gene that related to Nitrogen Use Efficiency trait in plant. The objectives of this research are to develop the construction of CsNitr1-L gene candidate in pCAMBIA1300-Ubi1 promoter and to obtain the transformants of rice cultivar Nipponbare which contain the construction of CsNitr1-L gene candidate. The construction of pCAMBIA1300::Ubi1::CsNitr1-L has successfully assembled and was transformed to immature embryo of rice cultivar Nipponbare using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404. It was obtained 146 lines of T0 Nipponbare. PCR analysis of T0 Nipponbare lines showed that 66 of them was identified as positive T0 lines contained hptII and CsNitr1-L genes. Transformation efficiency obtained was 11,9%. The result of analysis copy number using Southern Hybridization in positive PCR of T0 lines randomly indicated that 4 lines have a single copy of transgene. Based on these results, it can be concluded that CsNitr1-L gene construct was successfully introduced into the genome of the rice plant cultivar Nipponbare and the positive PCR of T0 lines containing the gene of hptII and CsNitr1-L, also a single copy of the transgene was obtained

    Respon Padi Transgenik CV. Nipponbare Generasi T1 Yang Mengandung Gen Oryza Sativa Dehydration-response Element Binding 1a (Osdreb1a) Terhadap Cekaman Salinitas [Response of T1 Generation Transgenic Rice CV. Nipponbare Containing an Oryza Sativa Dehydration-response Element Binding 1a (Osdreb1a) Gene to Salinity Stress]

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    Salinity is one of the abiotic constraints in the cultivation of rice crop. One of the reasons agricultural land becomes saline is due to the intrusion of seawater into the mainland as a result of global climate change. Dehydration-responsive element binding (DREB) gene is a plant -specific transcription factor gene that have important role in regulating plant responses to abiotic stresses, including high salinity. Transgenic rice plants cv. Nipponbare carrying OsDREB1A gene have been generated. However, study of the response of putative transgenic plants to salinity has not been done. The research objective is to study the response of T1 generation Nipponbare-OsDREB1A transgenic rice plants to salinity stress. The result showed that the response of putative transgenic rice Nipponbare-OsDREB1A to salinity stress 25 mM and 150 mM NaCl indicated a level of tolerance varies from highly sensitive to highly tolerance. These variations were possibly occurred because of the segregation state of the T1 generation transgenic rice. Based on damage symptom scoring and PCR analysis provided information that transgenic rice plant cv. Nipponbare-OsDREB1A which showed positive PCR had a very high tolerance to salinity stress 150 mM compared with non-transgenic rice cv. Nipponbare