187 research outputs found
Dual Gauged Supergravities
We shall review a novel formulation of four dimensional gauged supergravity
which is manifestly covariant with respect to the non-perturbative
electric-magnetic duality symmetry transformations of the ungauged theory, at
the level of the equations of motion and Bianchi identities. We shall also
discuss the application of this formalism to the description of M-theory
compactified on a twisted torus in the presence of fluxes and to the
interpretation from a M/Type IIA theory perspective of the D=5 --> D=4
generalized Scherk-Schwarz reduction. This latter analysis will bring up the
issue of non-geometric fluxes.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX file, typo in formula (70) of the Appendix corrected,
references update
On Extremal Limits and Duality Orbits of Stationary Black Holes
With reference to the effective three-dimensional description of stationary,
single center solutions to (ungauged) symmetric supergravities, we complete a
previous analysis on the definition of a general geometrical mechanism for
connecting global symmetry orbits (duality orbits) of non-extremal solutions to
those of extremal black holes. We focus our attention on a generic
representative of these orbits, providing its explicit description in terms of
D=4 fields.
As a byproduct, using a new characterization of the angular momentum in terms
of quantities intrinsic to the geometry of the D=3 effective model, we are able
to prove on general grounds its invariance, as a function of the boundary data,
under the D=4 global symmetry. In the extremal under-rotating limit it becomes
moduli-independent. We also discuss the issue of the fifth parameter
characterizing the four-dimensional seed solution, showing that it can be
generated by a transformation in the global symmetry group which is manifest in
the D=3 effective description.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX source, typos corrected, expressions for the entropy
of the non-extremal solutions adde
On the dualization of Born-Infeld theories
We construct a general Lagrangian, quadratic in the field strengths of
abelian gauge fields, which interpolates between BI actions of n abelian
vectors and actions, quadratic in the vector field-strengths, describing
Maxwell fields coupled to non-dynamical scalars, in which the electric-magnetic
duality symmetry is manifest. Depending on the choice of the parameters in the
Lagrangian, the resulting BI actions may be inequivalent, exhibiting different
duality groups. In particular we find, in our general setting, for different
choices of the parameters, a -invariant BI action, possibly related
to the one in \cite{Aschieri:2008ns}, as well as the recently found
supersymmetric BI action \cite{Ferrara:2014oka}.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX source, typos corrected, definition of the matrix S
in eq. (3.22) correcte
Fluxes, supersymmetry breaking and gauged supergravity
We report on the gauged supergravity interpretation of certain
compactifications of superstring theories with p-form fluxes turned on. We
discuss in particular the interplay of duality symmetries in type IIB
orientifolds and gauged isometries in the corresponding supergravity models.
Turning on fluxes is generally described by the gauging of some nilpotent Lie
group whose generators correspond to axion symmetries of R-R and N-S scalars.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of ``Sugra20'' Conference, Department
of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston (Ma) 02115 USA; March 200
Axion Wormholes in AdS Compactifications
We find regular axionic Euclidean wormhole solutions in Type IIB string
theory compactified on . AdS/CFT
enables a precise derivation of the axion content of the Euclidean theory,
placing the string theory embedding of the wormholes on firm footing. This
further sharpens the paradox posed by these solutions.Comment: 11 page
Stable de Sitter Vacua from N=2 Supergravity
We find extrema of the potential of matter couplings to N=2 supergravity that
define de Sitter vacua and no tachyonic modes. There are three essential
ingredients in our construction: namely non-abelian non-compact gaugings, de
Roo-Wagemans rotation angles, and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure; v2: Added reference, and typos corrected. Version
to be published in CQ
The maximal D=5 supergravities
The general Lagrangian for maximal supergravity in five spacetime dimensions
is presented with vector potentials in the \bar{27} and tensor fields in the 27
representation of E_6. This novel tensor-vector system is subject to an
intricate set of gauge transformations, describing 3(27-t) massless helicity
degrees of freedom for the vector fields and 3t massive spin degrees of freedom
for the tensor fields, where the (even) value of t depends on the gauging. The
kinetic term of the tensor fields is accompanied by a unique Chern-Simons
coupling which involves both vector and tensor fields. The Lagrangians are
completely encoded in terms of the embedding tensor which defines the E_6
subgroup that is gauged by the vectors. The embedding tensor is subject to two
constraints which ensure the consistency of the combined vector-tensor gauge
transformations and the supersymmetry of the full Lagrangian. This new
formulation encompasses all possible gaugings.Comment: 36 pages, LaTeX2e; v2: minor changes, version published in NP
Gauging Maximal Supergravities
We review recent progress in gauging maximal supergravity theoriesComment: LateX file, needs fortschritte.st
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