5 research outputs found
Ijtihad Sahabat di Tengah Pergumulan Transformasi Pemikiran Hukum
Ijtihad merupakan dasar hukum yang ketiga sesudah al-Qur'an dan as-Sunnah. Meski demikian kadang ada yang mempertanyakan atau bahkan mempertentangkan tentang nilai akurat dan validitasnya. Terlepas dari berbagai tanggapan atau argumen masing-masing para tokoh hukum Islam, ada baiknya kita menengok setting kehidupan para sahabat ketika mereka melakukan sesuatu hal yang berkaitan dengan legalitas ijtihad di tengah kebutuhan akan kepastian hukum atas sesuatu perkara yang muncul di setiap waktu dalam kehidupan yang sarat akan perkembangan dan Perubahan. Sepeninggal Rasulullah berbagai perkembangan dan Perubahan dalam kehidupan ini semakin mengisyaratkan perlunya ijtihad. Berbagai persoalan yang sangat kompleks bermunculan, sehingga memerlukan kepastian hukum, karena akan diterapkan untuk kehidupan ummat Islam yang sesuai dengan Syariat Islam. Oleh karena itu, perlu juga ummat Islam memahami hukum dari aspek historis. Ijtihad di zaman sahabat telah dicontohkan oleh para sahabat, seperti: Abu Bakar ash-Shiddiq, Umar bin Khaththab, dan Ali bin Abi Thalib. Masing-masing sahabat pun memiliki kecenderungan maupun orientasi yang khas tentang pemikirannya. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh sikap mental dan ketajaman pola pikir mereka. Namun demikian perbedaan tersebut tidaklah menjadi pertentangan, sebaliknya semua perbedaan itu justru dijadikan sebagai landasan untuk bersikap lebih arif. Rasulullah sesungguhnya telah mengisyaratkan tentang perbedaan di kalangan ummat Islam justru akan membawa rahmat
Pembentukan Karakter Remaja Melalui Keterampilan Hidup
: This research aimed to describe the juvenile issues related to various challenges faced and efforts to overcome them. This was a library research study using analytic psychological and sociological approach. The research data were taken from the library as the primary source exploited from the materials on juveniles and their development, juveniles' character education, and life skills programs for late juveniles coupled with secondary sources in the form of other relevant literatures such as: Orang Tua sebagai Sahabat Remaja by BKKBN Pusat Jakarta. The results show that the juveniles should be armed with life skills education which tends to lead them to the character shaping that makes them healthier and more prestigious in the community. Life skills education includes a number of aspects such as: (1) physical skills, of which the essence is how to balance between nutrition, sports, and resting; (2) mental skills, of which the essence is how to think positively; (3) emotional skills, of which the essence is how to communicate with others effectively; (4) spiritual skills, the essence of which is how to thank and pray to ask for Allah's approval; (5) vocational skills, the essence of which is how to turn hobby and talent into an effort to live autonomously; and (6) adversity skills, of which the essence is how to face problems in life by changing constraints into opportunities
Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender (LGBT) merupakan fenomena yang
merebak di era modern sebagai bentuk penyimpangan seks yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh
pola asuh yang salah, kurangnya peran seorang ayah, pendidikan agama Islam yang kurang
memadai, dan pornografi yang sangat mudah terakses semua kalangan.
Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak mencakup aspek-aspek penting yang harus
diseimbangkan dan diarahkan secara proporsional. Aspek-aspek pertumbuhan dan
perkembangan anak meliputi: spiritualitas (keimanan), fisik (jasmani), kejiwaan (psikis),
intelektual, emosi, moral, sosial, seksual, dan ekonomi. Jika orang tua dan guru mampu
menyeimbangkan aspek-aspek pendidikan tersebut, maka akan tercapai pemahaman dan
penyadaran tentang bahaya yang ditimbulkan perilaku LGBT. Oleh karena itu peranan orang
tua dan guru dalam memahami bahaya LGBT bagi generasi muda.
Penelitian ini dirancang untuk dapat memahamkan bahaya LGBT bagi orang tua dan
guru dalam pendidikan anak, dan dapat menjadi referensi bagi peneliti lain. Harapan peneliti,
penelitian ini dapat memperkaya pemahaman tentang LGBT dalam perspektif Islam dan
bahaya yang ditimbulkan sehingga bermanfaat untuk generasi dalam bidang pendidikan dan
kehidupan sosial sehingga dapat ditemukan dan diterapkan beberapa strategi penanganan
LGBT mulai dari mencegah/ menghindari sampai mengobatidari sisi ilmu jiwa dan
pendidikan agama Islam.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) is a phenomenon that has spread in the
modern era as a form of sexual deviation that is strongly influenced by wrong parenting, lack
of a father's role, inadequate Islamic religious education, and pornography that is easily
accessible to all groups .
Child growth and development includes important aspects that must be balanced and directed
proportionally. Aspects of child growth and development include: spirituality (faith), physical
(physical), psychological (psychological), intellectual, emotional, moral, social, sexual, and
economic. If parents and teachers are able to balance these aspects of education,
understanding and awareness of the dangers posed by LGBT behavior will be achieved.
Therefore the role of parents and teachers in understanding the dangers of LGBT for the
younger generation.
This research is designed to be able to understand the danger of LGBT for parents and
teachers in children's education, and can be a reference for other researchers. The hope of the
researchers is that this research can enrich understanding of LGBT in an Islamic perspective
and the dangers posed so that it is useful for generations in the field of education and social
life so that strategies and handling of LGBT can be found starting from preventing / treating
psychology and Islamic education
Model of School Management Based on Islamic Education
This research is revieweing the school management based on islamic education. It aims to obtain an overview of the implementation of Islamic boarding school education and a model for the development of education management at the Darul Hikmah Kutoarjo Islamic boarding school. This research problem will focus on how to plan, organize, coordinate, and control Islamic boarding schools. To answer the research problem, this type of qualitative research is used with a descriptive-analysis approach. The results of this study indicate that: a) The Darul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School Education Model is a pesantren education under the auspices of the Darul Hikmah Kutoarjo Foundation. The education pattern of Darul Hikmah Islamic boarding school isa boarding-based modern Islamic boarding school education pattern. In developing the management of the Darul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School, it uses the Target Based Management (MBS) or Management by Objective (MBO) model. The target to be achieved is to focus on education; c) To achieve this education, the management steps taken are: a) Planning. The planning model developed by the Darul Hikmah IslamicBoarding School is a strategic planning model consisting of planning, programming, and budgeting systems; b) Organizing. Organizing is carried out under a decentralized system in the division of powers and tasks and their development; 3) Coordination. Coordination is carried out in an effort to unify a series of activities in the organization of pesantren in order to increase cooperation and togetherness among organizational officials as much as possible; 4) Supervision. Supervision includes monitoring, supervision, evaluation, reporting, and follow-up of assessment results
Dinul Islam Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Perguruan Tinggi Umum
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