97 research outputs found
Tangos: the agile numerical galaxy organization system
We present Tangos, a Python framework and web interface for database-driven
analysis of numerical structure formation simulations. To understand the role
that such a tool can play, consider constructing a history for the absolute
magnitude of each galaxy within a simulation. The magnitudes must first be
calculated for all halos at all timesteps and then linked using a merger tree;
folding the required information into a final analysis can entail significant
effort. Tangos is a generic solution to this information organization problem,
aiming to free users from the details of data management. At the querying
stage, our example of gathering properties over history is reduced to a few
clicks or a simple, single-line Python command. The framework is highly
extensible; in particular, users are expected to define their own properties
which tangos will write into the database. A variety of parallelization options
are available and the raw simulation data can be read using existing libraries
such as pynbody or yt. Finally, tangos-based databases and analysis pipelines
can easily be shared with collaborators or the broader community to ensure
reproducibility. User documentation is provided separately.Comment: Clarified various points and further improved code performance;
accepted for publication in ApJS. Tutorials (including video) at
Off the Beaten Path: A New Approach to Realistically Model The Orbital Decay of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy Formation Simulations
We introduce a force correction term to better model the dynamical friction
(DF) experienced by a supermassive black hole (SMBH) as it orbits within its
host galaxy. This new approach accurately follows the orbital decay of a SMBH
and drastically improves over commonly used advection methods. The force
correction introduced here naturally scales with the force resolution of the
simulation and converges as resolution is increased. In controlled experiments
we show how the orbital decay of the SMBH closely follows analytical
predictions when particle masses are significantly smaller than that of the
SMBH. In a cosmological simulation of the assembly of a small galaxy, we show
how our method allows for realistic black hole orbits. This approach overcomes
the limitations of the advection scheme, where black holes are rapidly and
artificially pushed toward the halo center and then forced to merge, regardless
of their orbits. We find that SMBHs from merging dwarf galaxies can spend
significant time away from the center of the remnant galaxy. Improving the
modeling of SMBH orbital decay will help in making robust predictions of the
growth, detectability, and merger rates of SMBHs, especially at low galaxy
masses or at high redshift.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure, Accepted by MNRA
Dancing to ChaNGa: A Self-Consistent Prediction For Close SMBH Pair Formation Timescales Following Galaxy Mergers
We present the first self-consistent prediction for the distribution of
formation timescales for close Supermassive Black Hole (SMBH) pairs following
galaxy mergers. Using ROMULUS25, the first large-scale cosmological simulation
to accurately track the orbital evolution of SMBHs within their host galaxies
down to sub-kpc scales, we predict an average formation rate density of close
SMBH pairs of 0.013 cMpc^-3 Gyr^-1. We find that it is relatively rare for
galaxy mergers to result in the formation of close SMBH pairs with sub-kpc
separation and those that do form are often the result of Gyrs of orbital
evolution following the galaxy merger. The likelihood and timescale to form a
close SMBH pair depends strongly on the mass ratio of the merging galaxies, as
well as the presence of dense stellar cores. Low stellar mass ratio mergers
with galaxies that lack a dense stellar core are more likely to become tidally
disrupted and deposit their SMBH at large radii without any stellar core to aid
in their orbital decay, resulting in a population of long-lived 'wandering'
SMBHs. Conversely, SMBHs in galaxies that remain embedded within a stellar core
form close pairs in much shorter timescales on average. This timescale is a
crucial, though often ignored or very simplified, ingredient to models
predicting SMBH mergers rates and the connection between SMBH and star
formation activity.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
The Romulus Cosmological Simulations: A Physical Approach to the Formation, Dynamics and Accretion Models of SMBHs
We present a novel implementation of supermassive black hole (SMBH)
formation, dynamics, and accretion in the massively parallel tree+SPH code,
ChaNGa. This approach improves the modeling of SMBHs in fully cosmological
simulations, allowing for a more de- tailed analysis of SMBH-galaxy
co-evolution throughout cosmic time. Our scheme includes novel, physically
motivated models for SMBH formation, dynamics and sinking timescales within
galaxies, and SMBH accretion of rotationally supported gas. The sub-grid
parameters that regulate star formation (SF) and feedback from SMBHs and SNe
are optimized against a comprehensive set of z = 0 galaxy scaling relations
using a novel, multi-dimensional parameter search. We have incorporated our new
SMBH implementation and parameter optimization into a new set of high
resolution, large-scale cosmological simulations called Romulus. We present
initial results from our flagship simulation, Romulus25, showing that our SMBH
model results in SF efficiency, SMBH masses, and global SF and SMBH accretion
histories at high redshift that are consistent with observations. We discuss
the importance of SMBH physics in shaping the evolution of massive galaxies and
show how SMBH feedback is much more effective at regulating star formation
compared to SNe feedback in this regime. Further, we show how each aspect of
our SMBH model impacts this evolution compared to more common approaches.
Finally, we present a science application of this scheme studying the
properties and time evolution of an example dual AGN system, highlighting how
our approach allows simulations to better study galaxy interactions and SMBH
mergers in the context of galaxy-BH co-evolution.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures, Accepted to MNRAS, in press. Updated reference
Dynamics of supermassive black hole triples in the ROMULUS25 cosmological simulation
For a pair of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the remnant of a dual
galaxy merger, well-known models exist to describe their dynamical evolution
until the final coalescence accompanied by the emission of a low-frequency
gravitational wave (GW) signal. In this article, we investigate the dynamical
evolution of three SMBH triple systems recovered from the ROMULUS25
cosmological simulation to explore common dynamical evolution patterns and
assess typical coalescence times. For this purpose, we construct initial
conditions from the ROMULUS25 data and perform high-resolution gravitodynamical
\N-body simulations. We track the orbital evolution from the galactic inspiral
to the formation of hard binaries at sub-parsec separation and use the observed
hardening rates to project the time of coalescence. In all cases, the two
heaviest black holes form an efficiently hardening binary that merges within
fractions of the Hubble time. The lightest SMBH either gets ejected, forms a
stable hierarchical triple system with the heavier binary, forms a hardening
binary with the previously merged binary's remnant, or remains on a wide
galactic orbit. The coalescence times of the lighter black holes are thus
significantly longer than for the heavier binary, as they experience lower
dynamical friction and stellar hardening rates. We observe the formation of
hierarchical triples when the density profile of the galactic nucleus is
sufficiently steep.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in A&
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