169 research outputs found

    Perilaku Makan dengan Kejadian Sindrom Premenstruasi pada Remaja

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    Eating Behavior and the Prevalence of Premenstrual Syndrome in TeenagersBackground: Problems commonly encountered by teenagers in relation to menstruation are dysmenorrheal and premenstrual syndrome. Some recent studies reveal that micronutrients (calcium, magnesium and vitamin D) have an important role in causing disorder of mood and behavior during premenstruation. Teenagers generally consume foods with low nutrients and have a diet that causes lack of nutrient intake leading to menstrualdisorder.Objective: To identify the association between eating behavior and the prevalence of premenstrual syndrome in teenagers at District of Purworejo.Method: This was a case control study with quantitative approach. Subject of the study were students of SMKN 3 and SMAN I Purworejo. Analysis stage I was made to identify the prevalence of premenstrual syndrome (n=749). Analysis stage II was made to identify the association between eating behavior and the prevalence of premenstrual syndrome; the comparison between samples of cases and control was 1:1 (n=160).Result: The prevalence of premenstrual syndrome in teenagers was 24.6%. The test in eating behavior and premenstrual syndrome showed the result was statistically significant. When variable of stress was controlled, the risk for premenstrual syndrome was 2.3 times greater. The result of logistic regression analysis on nutrient intake showed that fat and potassium had the most dominant effect to the incidence of premenstrual syndrome with standardized coefficient value as much as 0.7982 and 0.7834 subsequently.Conclusion: Unhealthy eating behavior increased risk for premenstrual syndrome 2.3 times greater. Intake of fat and potassium most dominantly affected premenstrual syndrome

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Praktik(Psp) Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Mengenai Pengelolaan Diabetes Mellitus Dengan Kendali Kadar Glukosa Darah

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    ABSTRACT The diabetes mellitus (DM) prevalence in Indonesia is continuously increasing. At present it reaches 1.4-1.6%. DM is chronic disease that is unable to recover, but it is potential to control, i.e. by managing DM appropriately so that the glucose level is controllable. DM is a disease that is related with life styletherefore, the success of controlling the disease depends mostly on the victim\u27s effort to change his or her behavior so as to be appropriate with behavior for diabetes mellitus management. This study was aimed at finding out the relationship between behavior (knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of the victim in managing DM and glucose level control. This was an observational study by obtaining data quantitatively using a case control design and qualitatively through depth interviews. The subjects were DM outpatients in Dr Sardjito hospital in July, August, and September 2001. The subjects were 2 groups, 43 patients of the case group (control-led glucose level) and 43 patients of the control group (uncontrolled glucose level). The univariate analysis showed that there were 47% respondents who had low knowledge51,2% had negative attitude58,1% had poor practice in DM management. The bivariate (correlation) analysis showed that there was negative linear relationship (


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    Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap 30 orang petani yang bertugas dalam regu pemberantas hama (RPH), di Kalurahan Tlogodadi, Kecamatan Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman,Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat pengaruh pemaparan pestisida terhadap sistem saraf yang diduga menimbulkan gejala polineuropati . Disain penelitian adalah case control, study dengan ketentuan, orang yang menderita penyakit diabetes melitus, gizi kurang, dan infeksi virus pada saluran nafas atas dikeluarkan dari subjek penelitian. Sebagai kontrol diambil dari 12 orang petani dari kelurahan yang sama, tetapi bukan sebagai penyemprot hams. Diagnosis polineuropati ditegakkan berdasarkan anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik neurologik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara melakukan anamnesis terhadap subjek penelitian dengan kuesioner, dilanjutkan memeriksanya secara fisik-neurologik. Kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan darah di laboratorium, meliputi (1) kadar Hb dengan metode Sahli(2) kadar gula darah sesaat, metode GOD-PAP kolorimetrik dan enzymatikdeproteinisasidan (3) kolinesterase dengan alchohol test. Pemeriksaan elektromiografi dengan EMNG merk Nikon Khoden tipe 3102, terhadap nervus medianus, nervus radialis, nervus ulnaris, dan F-reflek dari ekstremitas bawah. Uji statistik dilakukan dengan analisis Nest dan analisis variansi. Uji t-test memberikan hasil sebagai berikut: (1) ada perbedaan bermakna antara aktivitas kolinesterase dan F-Reflek (p0,01)

    Tingkat keracunan dan perilaku petani dalam menggunakan pestisidadi kabupaten brebes

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    .Poisoning by pesticide on sprayer farmers was caused by the behavior of using pesticide disobeyeing the right order of dosage, kind, and Way. The farmers are getting fond to use pesticide when germ attact is getting difficult to be solved, and the farmers also often use pestiside whether there is germ or not. The research aim is to know the behavior of sprayer farmers in using pesticide related to the poisoning level (poisoning status and felt subjective complaint) in Brebes district Central Java. This research is observational research with cross sectional approach, using qualitative and quantitative method, held in area of onion plant producer and most pesticide users in Central Java. The subject of the research is pesticide sprayer farmers. As many as 419 people were chosen in simple random. Independent variables were knowledge, attitude, and practice of sprayer farmers in using pesticide. The dependent variable was poisoning level and felt subjective complaint. Blood cholinesterase content was measured by using kinetic test method. From 419 sprayer farmers, 106 suffered from poisoning. The result of correlate logistic regresion showed that there was a significant correlation between practice of usingpesticide with poisoning level and felt subjective complaint (

    Hambatan pemberian ASI ekslusif pada ibu bekerja: teori ekologi sosial

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    Obstacles of providing exclusive breastfeeding among working mothers using social-ecological theoryBackground: The coverage of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) in Indonesia was increased to 38% but it was lower than the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) target (80%). One of the influence factors is to return to work. Society assumed that a mother who stays at home more successful to provide EBF than working mothers. A previous study indicated that some obstacles become early cessation factors among working mothers.Objective: To explore the obstacle of breastfeeding using social-ecological theory.Methods: Qualitative research inquiry based on phenomenology design. Informants were chosen through purposive sampling. Inclusion criteria were working mothers who succeeded provide exclusive breastfeeding, had children age 6-24 months, lived, and formally worked at Manado. Data triangulation was conducted through in-depth interviews with the manager/supervisor/colleague. Data collected using in-depth interviews and observation.Results: A total of twelve informants have interviewed consists of six working mothers and six triangulation informants. The result indicated that lack of confidence was related to providing exclusive breastfeeding. This is caused by family influence, culture, health provider, and lack of awareness from the working place. A support group was the main factors that influence the mother to overcome all obstacles.Conclusions: The main obstacles for working mothers to provide EBF come from interpersonal factors that determined by other factors: intrapersonal, organizational, community. Therefore working mothers need breastfeeding preparation since early pregnancy to decrease breastfeeding obstacles

    Hubungan Status Sosial Ekonomi dengan Tingkat Konsumsi Fast Food pada Remaja

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    Modernization has brought negative impact to the public, including in adolescents directly or indirectly, that has directed the diversion a healthy diet. Adolescent are required to more selective in choosing food products consumed. Fast food is food containing high in calories, fat and low fibers. To know the relationship of socioeconomic status with fast food consumption levels among adolescents in Mataram city. The study was observational studies with cross sectional design. The samples as many as 373 students. Dependent variable was the consumption of fast food, and the independent variable was socioeconomic status. The instruments used were questionnaire and FFQ. Data analysis by means of descriptive, and Chi Square test (χ²). Based on the duration per week, there was a relationship between socio-economic status with the western fast food consumption levels (p = 0.00) and local fast food (p = 0.00). Moreover, adolescents with prosperous socioeconomic status have a higher consumption of fast food was very high with a duration of 1 time/week and 2 times/week. While based on the frequency, there was a significant relationship between socioeconomic status with western fast food consumption levels with p = 0.00 and local fast food with p = 0.00 influence of friends was significant with western fast food consumption levels in adolescents (p = 0.002). The habit of eating at home (lunch with p = 0.007) and the effect of mass media was significant with the local fast food consumption levels (p = 0.04). Adolescents with a prosperous socioeconomic status have greater opportunities to consume fast food than in adolescents with socioeconomic status were less prosperous

    Perilaku sadar gizi dan ketahanan pangan keluarga serta hubungannya dengan status gizi balita di Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Kalimantan Selatan

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    Background: Act No. 25/2000 about National Development Program and Vision Healthy Indonesia 2010 specifi ed that 80% of Indonesian families become nutrition aware families. The result of survey on nutrition aware families in indicated that in 2006 as much as 52.7% and in 2007 as much as 27.2% of families were not yet nutrition aware. The result of nutritional status monitoring of underfi ves (Z-score) showed undernourishment increased from 5.1% in 2004 to 10.1% in 2005.Objective: To analyze association between nutrition aware behavior and food security of the family and nutrition status of underfi ves at District of Tanah Laut, Province of Kalimantan Selatan.Method: The study was observational with cross sectional design. The dependentvariable was nutritional status of underfi ves (z-score for weight/length); the independent variables were nutrition aware behavior and food security of the family; and the confounding variables were characteristics of the family (parents’ education, number of the family members, knowledge of mothers about nutrition and family income). Subject consisted of underfi ves of 6–24 months with as many as 198 underfi ves. Data analysis used chi square and double logistic regression (multiple logistic regression) and qualitative analysis with indepth interview for families that were not yet nutrition aware.Result: There were 145 families (73.2%) that were nutrition aware and 53 (26.8%) that were not yet nutrition aware; based on energy consumption 51.1% of families had enough food and 48.9% were undernourished; based on protein consumption 52.5% of families had enough food and 47.5% were undernourished; and children with good nutrition status were 72.6% for boys and 72.8% or girls. There was signifi cant association between nutrition aware behavior and nutrition status of underfi ves (p=0.010). The result of logistic regression test showed that there was signifi cant association between the number of family members and food security of the family (p<0.05) with OR=5.516 (95%CI=2.584–11.775). There was signifi cant association between knowledge of mothers about nutrition and food security of the family (p<0.05) with OR=0.486 (95%CI=0.25–0.914).Conclusion: There was no association between nutrition aware behavior and food security of the family based on level of energy and protein consumption. There was signifi cant association (p<0.05) between number of family members and food security of the family based on level of energy and protein consumption. There was signifi cant association between knowledge of mothers about nutrition and food security of the family based on energy consumption. There was no association between parents’ education and family income based on level of energy and protein consumption. There was signifi cant association between nutrition aware behavior of the family and nutrition status of underfi ves; however there was no association between food security of the family and nutrition status of underfi ves.KEYWORDS: nutrition aware, family characteristics, food security, nutritional status of underfi vesABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Undang-undang nomor 25 tahun 2000 tentang Program Pembangunan Nasional dan Visi Indonesia Sehat 2010 menetapkan  80% keluarga menjadi keluarga sadar gizi (kadarzi). Hasil data survei kadarzi pada tahun 2006 dan 2007 didapatkan keluarga yang belum kadarzi 52,7% dan 27,2%. Hasil pemantauan status gizi balita (z-ScoreBB/U) didapatkan status gizi kurang menunjukkan adanya peningkatan, yaitu  tahun 2004 sebesar (5,1%),  tahun 2005 (9,8%)dan tahun 2006 (10,1%) Tujuan: Untuk  menganalisis hubungan antara perilaku sadar gizi  dan ketahanan pangan keluarga dengan status gizi balita di Kabupaten Tanah Laut  Provinsi  Kalimantan Selatan.Metode: Jenis penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Variabel terikat: status gizi balita (z-score BB/TB) dan variabel bebas:  perilaku sadar gizi, ketahanan pangan keluarga serta variabel pengganggu: pendidikan orang tua, jumlah anggota keluarga, pengetahuan gizi ibu dan pendapatan keluarga. Subjek penelitian balita usia 6-24 bulan,  jumlah 198 balita. Analisis yang digunakan adalah uji chi-square dan regresi logistik  berganda  (multiple logistic regression)  dan didukung  analisis kualitatitf  dengan indepth interview  bagi keluarga belum kadarzi.Hasil: Keluarga sudah kadarzi 145 (73,2%) dan belum kadarzi 53 (26,8%). Indikator kadarzi tentang dukungan keluarga memberikan ASI eksklusif 0-6 bulan paling banyak tidak dilaksanakan. Alasannya adalah setelah melahirkan ASI tidak keluar, susu ibu bengkak dan mengeluarkan  darah, hamil lagi, dan alasan pekerjaan. Semua keluarga menggunakan garam beryodium dalam memasak makanan. Keluarga tahan pangan dan tidak tahan pangan berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi energi masing-masing sebesar 47,5% dan 52,5%, keluarga yang tahan pangan dan tidak tahan pangan berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi protein masing-masing sebesar 52,5% dan 47,5% dan status gizi balita hasil z-score BB/TB didapatkan  balita gizi baik 72,7% dan gizi kurang 27,3%.  Perilaku sadar gizi berhubungan signifi kan dengan ketahanan pangan keluarga berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi energi (p<0,05). Perilaku sadar gizi dan ketahanan pangan keluargaberdasarkan tingkat konsumsi energi dan protein tidak berhubungan signifi kan dengan status gizi balita  (p>0,05).Kesimpulan: Perilaku sadar gizi, jumlah anggota keluarga, pengetahuan gizi ibu dan pendapatan per kapita berhubungan signifikan dengan ketahanan pangan keluarga berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi energi, sedangan pengetahuan gizi ibu dan pendapatan per kapita berhubungan signifi kan dengan ketahanan pangan keluarga berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi protein. Perilaku sadar gizi keluarga dan ketahanan pangan keluarga berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi energi dan protein tidak berhubungan dengan status gizi balita (z-score BB/TB).KATA KUNCI: keluarga sadar gizi, karakteritik keluarga, ketahanan pangan, status gizi balit

    Perilaku sadar gizi dan ketahanan pangan keluarga serta hubungannya dengan status gizi balita di Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Kalimantan Selatan

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    Background: Act No. 25/2000 about National Development Program and Vision Healthy Indonesia 2010 specifi ed that 80% of Indonesian families become nutrition aware families. The result of survey on nutrition aware families in indicated that in 2006 as much as 52.7% and in 2007 as much as 27.2% of families were not yet nutrition aware. The result of nutritional status monitoring of underfi ves (Z-score) showed undernourishment increased from 5.1% in 2004 to 10.1% in 2005.Objective: To analyze association between nutrition aware behavior and food security of the family and nutrition status of underfi ves at District of Tanah Laut, Province of Kalimantan Selatan.Method: The study was observational with cross sectional design. The dependentvariable was nutritional status of underfi ves (z-score for weight/length); the independent variables were nutrition aware behavior and food security of the family; and the confounding variables were characteristics of the family (parents’ education, number of the family members, knowledge of mothers about nutrition and family income). Subject consisted of underfi ves of 6–24 months with as many as 198 underfi ves. Data analysis used chi square and double logistic regression (multiple logistic regression) and qualitative analysis with indepth interview for families that were not yet nutrition aware.Result: There were 145 families (73.2%) that were nutrition aware and 53 (26.8%) that were not yet nutrition aware; based on energy consumption 51.1% of families had enough food and 48.9% were undernourished; based on protein consumption 52.5% of families had enough food and 47.5% were undernourished; and children with good nutrition status were 72.6% for boys and 72.8% or girls. There was signifi cant association between nutrition aware behavior and nutrition status of underfi ves (p=0.010). The result of logistic regression test showed that there was signifi cant association between the number of family members and food security of the family (p<0.05) with OR=5.516 (95%CI=2.584–11.775). There was signifi cant association between knowledge of mothers about nutrition and food security of the family (p<0.05) with OR=0.486 (95%CI=0.25–0.914).Conclusion: There was no association between nutrition aware behavior and food security of the family based on level of energy and protein consumption. There was signifi cant association (p<0.05) between number of family members and food security of the family based on level of energy and protein consumption. There was signifi cant association between knowledge of mothers about nutrition and food security of the family based on energy consumption. There was no association between parents’ education and family income based on level of energy and protein consumption. There was signifi cant association between nutrition aware behavior of the family and nutrition status of underfi ves; however there was no association between food security of the family and nutrition status of underfi ves.KEYWORDS: nutrition aware, family characteristics, food security, nutritional status of underfi vesABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Undang-undang nomor 25 tahun 2000 tentang Program Pembangunan Nasional dan Visi Indonesia Sehat 2010 menetapkan  80% keluarga menjadi keluarga sadar gizi (kadarzi). Hasil data survei kadarzi pada tahun 2006 dan 2007 didapatkan keluarga yang belum kadarzi 52,7% dan 27,2%. Hasil pemantauan status gizi balita (z-ScoreBB/U) didapatkan status gizi kurang menunjukkan adanya peningkatan, yaitu  tahun 2004 sebesar (5,1%),  tahun 2005 (9,8%)dan tahun 2006 (10,1%) Tujuan: Untuk  menganalisis hubungan antara perilaku sadar gizi  dan ketahanan pangan keluarga dengan status gizi balita di Kabupaten Tanah Laut  Provinsi  Kalimantan Selatan.Metode: Jenis penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Variabel terikat: status gizi balita (z-score BB/TB) dan variabel bebas:  perilaku sadar gizi, ketahanan pangan keluarga serta variabel pengganggu: pendidikan orang tua, jumlah anggota keluarga, pengetahuan gizi ibu dan pendapatan keluarga. Subjek penelitian balita usia 6-24 bulan,  jumlah 198 balita. Analisis yang digunakan adalah uji chi-square dan regresi logistik  berganda  (multiple logistic regression)  dan didukung  analisis kualitatitf  dengan indepth interview  bagi keluarga belum kadarzi.Hasil: Keluarga sudah kadarzi 145 (73,2%) dan belum kadarzi 53 (26,8%). Indikator kadarzi tentang dukungan keluarga memberikan ASI eksklusif 0-6 bulan paling banyak tidak dilaksanakan. Alasannya adalah setelah melahirkan ASI tidak keluar, susu ibu bengkak dan mengeluarkan  darah, hamil lagi, dan alasan pekerjaan. Semua keluarga menggunakan garam beryodium dalam memasak makanan. Keluarga tahan pangan dan tidak tahan pangan berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi energi masing-masing sebesar 47,5% dan 52,5%, keluarga yang tahan pangan dan tidak tahan pangan berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi protein masing-masing sebesar 52,5% dan 47,5% dan status gizi balita hasil z-score BB/TB didapatkan  balita gizi baik 72,7% dan gizi kurang 27,3%.  Perilaku sadar gizi berhubungan signifi kan dengan ketahanan pangan keluarga berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi energi (p<0,05). Perilaku sadar gizi dan ketahanan pangan keluargaberdasarkan tingkat konsumsi energi dan protein tidak berhubungan signifi kan dengan status gizi balita  (p>0,05).Kesimpulan: Perilaku sadar gizi, jumlah anggota keluarga, pengetahuan gizi ibu dan pendapatan per kapita berhubungan signifikan dengan ketahanan pangan keluarga berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi energi, sedangan pengetahuan gizi ibu dan pendapatan per kapita berhubungan signifi kan dengan ketahanan pangan keluarga berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi protein. Perilaku sadar gizi keluarga dan ketahanan pangan keluarga berdasarkan tingkat konsumsi energi dan protein tidak berhubungan dengan status gizi balita (z-score BB/TB).KATA KUNCI: keluarga sadar gizi, karakteritik keluarga, ketahanan pangan, status gizi balit

    Pengaruh Konseling Gizi terhadap Asupan Zat Gizi Lanjut Usia pada Kelompok Karang Lansia di Kota Mataram

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    Background: Elderly is one phase of life that to be passed by everyone. The health status of elderly is highly influenced by their nutrient intakes both quality and quantity. However, most of Indonesian elderly do not really understand proper food consumption and appropriate food intakes for their health. Objective: To examine the effect of nutrition counseling on nutrient intakes of the elder people. Methods: The study was done using qualitative and quantitative approaches with time series design. Samples were elderly aged 55 65 years old, who involved in the Karang Lansia participants. Seven groups of Karang Lansia selected for this study were those who still had regular activity at the time of the study. Each member of the elderly group were instructed to come to Karang Lansia four times during two weeks to receive nutrition counseling. The data on nutrient intakes of each elderly were collected using multiple recalls method conducted five times during the study. Results: The study showed that after nutrition counseling the average of the calorie intake of the elderly increased by 4,93% of the RDA and the average of the protein intake increased by 10,81% of the RDA. Age, gender and food habit were found to be important predictors of the nutrient intakes of the elderly. Conclusions: Nutrition counseling has significantly increased nutrient intakes of the elderly. Nutrition counseling is necessary to be given to elderly, especially to those who have inadequate food habit. Key word: Nutrition counseling, Elderly, Nutrient intake

    Aktivitas Fisik dan Konsumsi Camilan pada Remaja Obesitas

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    Tujuan: Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan aktivitas fisik dan konsumsi camilan pada remaja obesitas di desa dan kota di Bantul.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian case control, dengan populasi remaja sekolah menengah atas (SMA) negeri di Kabupaten Bantul. Kasus adalah remaja yang didiagnosis obesitas pada tahap skrining, sedangkan kontrol adalah remaja dengan berat badan normal. Analisis data meliputi univariabel yang menyajikan distribusi frekuensi, bivariabel dengan uji chi-square dan uji-t dan mulitivariabel dengan uji regresi logistik.Hasil: Remaja dengan aktivitas fisik ringan memiliki peluang hampir 5 kali lebih besar mengalami obesitas dibandingkan remaja dengan aktivitas fisik sedang (OR 4,96 (CI 95%:2.14 -11.63). Hubungan antara jenis camilan dan obesitas juga memiliki hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik dan praktis, yaitu obesitas banyak di temukan sebanyak 2 kali lebih besar pada remaja dengan konsumsi camilan goreng dibandingkan dengan remaja yang mengkonsumsi camilan non goreng.Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan rerata berat dan asupan camilan pada remaja obesitas dan non obesitas. Aktivitas fisik ringan, frekuensi camilan tinggi, jenis camilan gorengan, berat camilan dan asupan camilan tinggi berpeluang lebih besar meningkatkan obesitas remaja