127 research outputs found

    Double inflation in supergravity and the primordial black hole formation

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    We study a double inflation model (a hybrid inflation + a new inflation) in supergravity and discuss the formation of primordial black holes (PBHs) with mass \sim 10^{-20}-10^{5}M_{\odot}. We find that in a wide range of parameter space, we obtain PBHs which amount to \Omega \simeq 1, i.e., PBH dark matter. Also, we find a set of inflation parameters which produces PBHs evaporating now. Those PBHs may be responsible for antiproton fluxes observed by the BESS experiment.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures (RevTeX file

    Isocurvature Fluctuations of the M-theory Axion in a Hybrid Inflation Model

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    The M-theory, the strong-coupling heterotic string theory, presents various interesting new phenomenologies. The M-theory bulk axion is one of these. The decay constant in this context is estimated as Fa≃1016F_a\simeq 10^{16} GeV. Direct searches for the M-theory axion seem impossible because of the large decay constant. However, we point out that large isocurvature fluctuations of the M-theory axion are obtained in a hybrid inflation model, which will most likely be detectable in future satellite experiments on anisotropies of cosmic microwave background radiation.Comment: 14 pages (RevTeX file), the final version to appear in Prog. Theor. Phy

    In Vivo Microwave Ablation of Normal Swine Lung at High-power, Short-duration Settings

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    To evaluate the volume and heat-sink effects of microwave ablation (MWA) in the ablation zone of the normal swine lung. MWA at 100 W was performed for 1, 2, and 3 min in 7, 5, and 5 lung zones, respectively. We assessed the histopathology in the ablation zones and other outcome measures: namely, length of the longest long and short axes, sphericity, ellipsoid area, and ellipsoid volume. The mean long- and short-axis diameters were 22.0 and 14.1 mm in the 1-min ablation zone, 27.6 and 20.2 mm in the 2-min ablation zone; and 29.2 and 21.2 mm in the 3-min ablation zone, respectively. All measures, except sphericity, were significantly less with 1-min ablation than with either 2- or 3-min ablation. There were no significant differences between the 2- and 3-min ablation zones, but all measures except sphericity were larger with 3-min ablation. Although there were no blood vessels that resulted in a heat-sink effect within the ablation zones, the presence of bronchi nearby in 5 lung ablation zones resulted in reduced ablation size. In high-power, short-duration MWA, the lung ablation volume was affected by ablation time. Some ablations showed that a heat-sink effect by a neighboring bronchus might occur

    Influence of Visual Stimulation-Induced Passive Reproduction of Motor Images in the Brain on Motor Paralysis After Stroke

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    Finger flexor spasticity, which is commonly observed among patients with stroke, disrupts finger extension movement, consequently influencing not only upper limb function in daily life but also the outcomes of upper limb therapeutic exercise. Kinesthetic illusion induced by visual stimulation (KINVIS) has been proposed as a potential treatment for spasticity in patients with stroke. However, it remains unclear whether KINVIS intervention alone could improve finger flexor spasticity and finger extension movements without other intervention modalities. Therefore, the current study investigated the effects of a single KINVIS session on finger flexor spasticity, including its underlying neurophysiological mechanisms, and finger extension movements. To this end, 14 patients who experienced their first episode of stroke participated in this study. A computer screen placed over the patient’s forearm displayed a pre-recorded mirror image video of the patient’s non-paretic hand performing flexion–extension movements during KINVIS. The position and size of the artificial hand were adjusted appropriately to create a perception that the artificial hand was the patient’s own. Before and after the 20-min intervention, Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) scores and active range of finger extension movements of the paretic hand were determined. Accordingly, MAS scores and active metacarpophalangeal joint extension range of motion improved significantly after the intervention. Moreover, additional experimentation was performed using F-waves on eight patients whose spasticity was reduced by KINVIS to determine whether the same intervention also decreased spinal excitability. Our results showed no change in F-wave amplitude and persistence after the intervention. These results demonstrate the potential clinical significance of KINVIS as a novel intervention for improving finger flexor spasticity and extension movements, one of the most significant impairments among patients with stroke. The decrease in finger flexor spasticity following KINVIS may be attributed to neurophysiological changes not detectable by the F-wave, such as changes in presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents. Further studies are certainly needed to determine the long-term effects of KINVIS on finger spasticity, as well as the neurophysiological mechanisms explaining the reduction in spasticity

    Zerobot®: A Remote-controlled Robot for Needle Insertion in CT-guided Interventional Radiology Developed at Okayama University

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    Since 2012, we have been developing a remote-controlled robotic system (Zerobot®) for needle insertion during computed tomography (CT)-guided interventional procedures, such as ablation, biopsy, and drainage. The system was designed via a collaboration between the medical and engineering departments at Okayama University, including various risk control features. It consists of a robot with 6 degrees of freedom that is manipulated using an operation interface to perform needle insertions under CT-guidance. The procedure includes robot positioning, needle targeting, and needle insertion. Phantom experiments have indicated that robotic insertion is equivalent in accuracy to manual insertion, without physician radiation exposure. Animal experiments have revealed that robotic insertion of biopsy introducer needles and various ablation needles is safe and accurate in vivo. The first in vivo human trial, therefore, began in April 2018. After its completion, a larger clinical study will be conducted for commercialization of the robot. This robotic procedure has many potential advantages over a manual procedure: 1) decreased physician fatigue; 2) stable and accurate needle posture without tremor; 3) procedure automation; 4) less experience required for proficiency in needle insertion skills; 5) decreased variance in technical skills among physicians; and 6) increased likelihood of performing the procedure at remote hospitals (i.e., telemedicine)

    Needle Tract Ablation in Liver Tissue Using a Cryoprobe Combined with an Electrosurgical Device: Influence of ex vivo and in vivo Animal Models

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    To assess the feasibility of needle tract ablation in liver tissue in ex vivo and in vivo animal models using a cryo-probe and electrosurgical device. The experimental device is made by inserting a cryoprobe through an intro-ducer sheath for insulation, with 2-cm of probe tip projecting out. A beagle liver was punctured by the device, and electric current was applied at 30-W with the electrosurgical knife touching the non-insulated device base. The discolored area of cut surface along the device was evaluated in 5 application-time groups (5 , 10 , 15 , 20, or 25 seconds). An ex vivo experiment was performed to determine an ablation algorithm with an appropriate application time by comparison with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) results. Thereafter, an in vivo experiment was performed to verify the algorithm’s feasibility. In the ex vivo model, the cut surface demonstrated different amounts of discolored area according to the application time. The total discolored area in the 20-seconds group was similar to that by RFA. In the in vivo model, the liver did not bleed, the total discolored area was similar to that ex vivo, and coagulation necrosis was confirmed by photomicrograph. Needle tract ablation can be per-formed using the experimental device and electrosurgical device
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