150 research outputs found
Large N (=3) Neutrinos and Random Matrix Theory
The large N limit has been successfully applied to QCD, leading to
qualitatively correct results even for N=3. In this work, we propose to treat
the number N=3 of Standard Model generations as a large number. Specifically,
we apply this idea to the neutrino anarchy scenario and study neutrino physics
using Random Matrix Theory, finding new results in both areas. For neutrino
physics, we obtain predictions for the masses and mixing angles as a function
of the generation number N. The Seesaw mechanism produces a hierarchy of order
1/N^3 between the lightest and heaviest neutrino, and a theta(13) mixing angle
of order 1/N, in parametric agreement with experimental data when N goes to 3.
For Random Matrix Theory, this motivates the introduction of a new type of
ensemble of random matrices, the "Seesaw ensemble." Basic properties of such
matrices are studied, including the eigenvalue density and the interpretation
as a Coulomb gas system. Besides its mathematical interest, the Seesaw ensemble
may be useful in random systems where two hierarchical scales exist.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; accepted version for JHEP, references
Quantum critical metals in dimensions
We study the quantum theory of a Fermi surface coupled to a gapless boson
scalar in spacetime dimensions as a simple model for non-Fermi
liquids (NFL) near a quantum phase transition. Our analysis takes into account
the full backreaction from Landau damping of the boson, and obtains an RG flow
that proceeds through three distinct stages. Above the scale of Landau damping
the Fermi velocity flows to zero, while the coupling evolves according to its
classical dimension. Once damping becomes important, its backreaction leads to
a crossover regime where dynamic and static damping effects compete and the
fermion self-energy does not respect scaling. Below this crossover and having
tuned the boson to criticality, the theory flows to a scalar interacting
with a NFL. By increasing the number of bosonic flavors, the phase diagram near
the quantum critical point interpolates between a superconducting dome fully
covering the NFL behavior, and a phase where NFL effects become important
first, before the onset of superconductivity. A generic prediction of the
theory is that the Fermi velocity and quasiparticle residue vanish with a
power-law as the fixed point is approached. These features
may be useful for understanding some of the phenomenology of high
materials in a systematic --expansion.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures. v2: comments and references added; version
published in PR
Black branes in flux compactifications
We construct charged black branes in type IIA flux compactifications that are
dual to (2+1)-dimensional field theories at finite density. The internal space
is a general Calabi-Yau manifold with fluxes, with internal dimensions much
smaller than the AdS radius. Gauge fields descend from the 3-form RR potential
evaluated on harmonic forms of the Calabi-Yau, and Kaluza-Klein modes decouple.
Black branes are described by a four-dimensional effective field theory that
includes only a few light fields and is valid over a parametrically large range
of scales. This effective theory determines the low energy dynamics, stability
and thermodynamic properties. Tools from flux compactifications are also used
to construct holographic CFTs with no relevant scalar operators, that can lead
to symmetric phases of condensed matter systems stable to very low
temperatures. The general formalism is illustrated with simple examples such as
toroidal compactifications and manifolds with a single size modulus. We
initiate the classification of holographic phases of matter described by flux
compactifications, which include generalized Reissner-Nordstrom branes,
nonsupersymmetric and hyperscaling violating solutions.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures, typos corrected and comments adde
Supersymmetric Defect Models and Mirror Symmetry
We study supersymmetric field theories in three space-time dimensions doped
by various configurations of electric charges or magnetic fluxes. These are
supersymmetric avatars of impurity models. In the presence of additional
sources such configurations are shown to preserve half of the supersymmetries.
Mirror symmetry relates the two sets of configurations. We discuss the
implications for impurity models in 3d N=4 QED with a single charged
hypermultiplet (and its mirror, the theory of a free hypermultiplet) as well as
3d N=2 QED with one flavor and its dual, a supersymmetric Wilson-Fisher fixed
point. Mirror symmetry allows us to find backreacted solutions for arbitrary
arrays of defects in the IR limit of N=4 QED. Our analysis, complemented with
appropriate string theory brane constructions, sheds light on various aspects
of mirror symmetry, the map between particles and vortices and the emergence of
ground state entropy in QED at finite density.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: Figure 1 taken from
from a 2d gravity path integral
We develop a two-dimensional gravity path integral formulation of the deformation of quantum field theory. This provides an exactly
solvable generalization of the pure deformation that is relevant for
de Sitter and flat space holography. The path integral sheds light on quantum
aspects of these flows in curved space, most notably the Weyl anomaly, the
operator relation for the trace of the energy-momentum tensor, and the
renormalization of the composite operator. It also applies to both
the Hagedorn and the holographic signs of such flows. We present explicit
calculations for the torus and sphere partition functions that reproduce
previous results in the literature, now in path integral language. Finally, we
use the path integral representation in order to establish an explicit map with
3d gravity, and obtain new predictions for flat space holography.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figur
Metallic quantum critical points with finite BCS couplings
We study the fate of superconductivity in the vicinity of a class of metallic
quantum critical points obtained by coupling a Fermi surface to a critical
boson. In such systems there is a competition between the enhanced pairing
tendency due to the presence of long-range attractive interactions near
criticality, and the suppression of superconductivity due to the destruction of
the Landau quasiparticles. We show that there are regimes in which these two
effects offset one another, resulting in a novel non-Fermi liquid fixed point
with finite, scale invariant, BCS coupling. While these interactions lead to
substantial superconducting fluctuations, they do not drive the system into a
superconducting ground state. The metallic quantum critical fixed points are
connected to the superconducting regime by a continuous phase transition. These
results are established using a controlled expansion in the deviation from d=3
spatial dimensions, as well as in a large number N of internal flavors. We
discuss the possible relevance of our findings to the phenomenon of
superconducting domes condensing out of a non-Fermi liquid normal state near
quantum critical points.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure
Holographic RG flows, entanglement entropy and the sum rule
We calculate the two-point function of the trace of the stress tensor in
holographic renormalization group flows between pairs of conformal field
theories. We show that the term proportional to the momentum squared in this
correlator gives the change of the central charge between fixed points in d=2
and in d>2 it gives the holographic entanglement entropy for a planar region.
This can also be seen as a holographic realization of the Adler-Zee formula for
the renormalization of Newton's constant. Holographic regularization is found
to provide a perfect match of the finite and divergent terms of the sum rule,
and it is analogous to the regularization of the entropy in terms of mutual
information. Finally, we provide a general proof of reflection positivity in
terms of stability of the dual bulk action, and discuss the relation between
unitarity constraints, the null energy condition and regularity in the interior
of the gravity solution.Comment: v2: 32 pages, 1 figure. Refs. and comments added. Version published
in JHE
The g-theorem and quantum information theory
We study boundary renormalization group flows between boundary conformal
field theories in dimensions using methods of quantum information theory.
We define an entropic -function for theories with impurities in terms of the
relative entanglement entropy, and we prove that this -function decreases
along boundary renormalization group flows. This entropic -theorem is valid
at zero temperature, and is independent from the -theorem based on the
thermal partition function. We also discuss the mutual information in boundary
RG flows, and how it encodes the correlations between the impurity and bulk
degrees of freedom. Our results provide a quantum-information understanding of
(boundary) RG flow as increase of distinguishability between the UV fixed point
and the theory along the RG flow.Comment: 34 pages + appendices, 8 figures. v2. Improved and corrected version
of the proo
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