194 research outputs found
Five supporting tables. A table caption of each is given within the file. (XLSX 84 kb
<創刊特集>大学は地域の歴史文化にどうかかわるのか : 地域連携の成果と課題
<p>Relative changes in postprandial plasma/serum excursions of glucose, pancreatic and gut hormones on day 4 and 42 expressed as mean change in total area under curve (tAUC) with day 0 as reference (with 95% confidence intervals (CI) in brackets), e.g. tAUC<sub>PYY</sub> increased 40% from day 0 to day 4.</p><p><b>†</b> denotes p<0.05. CCK, cholecystokinin, GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide-1, PYY, peptide YY.</p><p>Effect of Antibiotics on Gut Microbiota, Gut Hormones and Glucose Metabolism - Table 2 </p
Associations of diabetes susceptibility variants with risk of incident CVD.
a<p>SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism</p>b<p>According to type 2 diabetes risk increasing allele in original reports</p>c<p>Model 1 adjusted for sex, age and cohort. HR is per risk increasing allele</p>d<p>Model 2 adjusted for sex, age, cohort and prevalent diabetes. HR is per risk increasing allele</p
Associations of diabetes susceptibility variants with risk of incident CVD in MONICA 1 and Inter99.
a<p>SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism</p>b<p>According to type 2 diabetes risk increasing allele in original reports</p>c<p>RAF, risk allele frequency</p>d<p>Model 1 adjusted for sex and age. HR is per risk increasing allele</p>e<p>Model 2 adjusted for sex, age and prevalent diabetes. HR is per risk increasing allele</p>f<p>According to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0050418#pone.0050418-Grarup1" target="_blank">[5]</a></p
Additional file 1: of Does heterogeneity matter in the estimation of tumour budding and tumour stroma ratio in colon cancer?
Table S1. Tumour stroma ratio estimated semi-quantitatively by conventional microscopy and stereology. Table S2. Correlation coefficient for correlations between tumour stroma ratio in the deepest invasive tumour section and random sections A and B. (DOCX 40 kb
Reclassification of subjects with impaired fasting glucose and/or elevated HbA1c in three MetS groups by DRS.
<p>Reclassification of subjects with impaired fasting glucose and/or elevated HbA1c in three MetS groups by DRS.</p
Comparison of risk assessment of Metabolic Syndrome and DRS.
<p>*P for comparison with the row immediately above.</p><p>**95% C.I based on observed variance under bootstrap resampling of the differences to MetS.</p>#<p> = Positive Predictive Value.</p>∧<p> = Negative Predictive Value.</p
Reclassification of all subjects in three MetS groups by DRS.
<p>Reclassification of all subjects in three MetS groups by DRS.</p
Baseline characteristics of subset of subjects from Inter99 cohort.
<p>Data are <i>n</i> (%) or median (interquartile range) for continuous variables. For categorical descriptors, values are counts (percentage of total for that cohort). Differences in frequency between converters and nonconverters were evaluated with a Monte Carlo estimation of the χ<sup>2</sup> statistic (2,000 replicates). Differences in medians of continuous variables were evaluated with a Wilcoxon test. NFG, normal fasting glucose; IFG, impaired fasting glucose; eHbA1c, elevated hemoglobin HbA1c.</p
Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Computer-assisted stereology and automated image analysis for quantification of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in colon cancer
A. Histogram of intensity levels for all positive detected nuclei in both the central and invasive area. B. Ascendingly plotted standard deviations per tumor (3 sections). (DOCX 73 kb
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