194 research outputs found

    <創刊特集>大学は地域の歴史文化にどうかかわるのか : 地域連携の成果と課題

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    <p>Relative changes in postprandial plasma/serum excursions of glucose, pancreatic and gut hormones on day 4 and 42 expressed as mean change in total area under curve (tAUC) with day 0 as reference (with 95% confidence intervals (CI) in brackets), e.g. tAUC<sub>PYY</sub> increased 40% from day 0 to day 4.</p><p><b>†</b> denotes p<0.05. CCK, cholecystokinin, GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide-1, PYY, peptide YY.</p><p>Effect of Antibiotics on Gut Microbiota, Gut Hormones and Glucose Metabolism - Table 2 </p

    Associations of diabetes susceptibility variants with risk of incident CVD.

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    a<p>SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism</p>b<p>According to type 2 diabetes risk increasing allele in original reports</p>c<p>Model 1 adjusted for sex, age and cohort. HR is per risk increasing allele</p>d<p>Model 2 adjusted for sex, age, cohort and prevalent diabetes. HR is per risk increasing allele</p

    Associations of diabetes susceptibility variants with risk of incident CVD in MONICA 1 and Inter99.

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    a<p>SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism</p>b<p>According to type 2 diabetes risk increasing allele in original reports</p>c<p>RAF, risk allele frequency</p>d<p>Model 1 adjusted for sex and age. HR is per risk increasing allele</p>e<p>Model 2 adjusted for sex, age and prevalent diabetes. HR is per risk increasing allele</p>f<p>According to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0050418#pone.0050418-Grarup1" target="_blank">[5]</a></p

    Additional file 1: of Does heterogeneity matter in the estimation of tumour budding and tumour stroma ratio in colon cancer?

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    Table S1. Tumour stroma ratio estimated semi-quantitatively by conventional microscopy and stereology. Table S2. Correlation coefficient for correlations between tumour stroma ratio in the deepest invasive tumour section and random sections A and B. (DOCX 40 kb

    Comparison of risk assessment of Metabolic Syndrome and DRS.

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    <p>*P for comparison with the row immediately above.</p><p>**95% C.I based on observed variance under bootstrap resampling of the differences to MetS.</p>#<p> = Positive Predictive Value.</p>∧<p> = Negative Predictive Value.</p

    Baseline characteristics of subset of subjects from Inter99 cohort.

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    <p>Data are <i>n</i> (%) or median (interquartile range) for continuous variables. For categorical descriptors, values are counts (percentage of total for that cohort). Differences in frequency between converters and nonconverters were evaluated with a Monte Carlo estimation of the χ<sup>2</sup> statistic (2,000 replicates). Differences in medians of continuous variables were evaluated with a Wilcoxon test. NFG, normal fasting glucose; IFG, impaired fasting glucose; eHbA1c, elevated hemoglobin HbA1c.</p