41 research outputs found
Physical Inspection metering and evaluation of HVAC systems efficiency in tertiary buildings
Since twenty years European Union produces Directive to decrease energy consumption. The building sector is one of the most affected, since the buildings we live and work are responsible of about one third of global European energy consumption. Heating, Ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC systems) are often unknown by end-users. Also building owner and manager do not know deeply how the systems is composed. In the present work the writer found numerous specific diagnosis and intervention on HVAC system to dramatically decrease energy consumption. Incredible energy savings are possible by simply check and set up the right schedule and set up of HVAC system. Numerous European funded project demonstrated the effectiveness of such approach. Two European project results are described: Harmonac and iSERVcmb.
Harmonac set up standards for HVAC systems inspections, the main findings are related to: general lack of information about system/components effectively installed in a building, HVAC inspections needing of a specific knowledge, not available in the market, lack of knowledge on control system by maintenance service companies, general over sizing of Heating power, Cooling power and water flow, scarce availability of logged data concerning energy consumption.
BMS (Building Management System), if properly designed and installed could decrease inspection time and increase energy efficiency. Nevertheless, the inspections carried out in those years show that few BMS were able to log energy data. With a correctly installed BMS data of consumption the strategy and schedule of HVAC system should be understand, and also pointed the major energy savings opportunities. Buildings long term metering shown that HVAC inspection is fundamental to ensure efficiency of systems and, as a result, the best performance in terms of energy savings and comfort. BMS system should help in this issue, but they have to be originally designed for this purpose. Short term metering demonstrated that such approach could be a low cost solution to understand system behaviour and potential improvement. Building owner approach to system inspection shown clearly that there is a common under estimation of energy savings that could be reached by simply control strategy management.
Since is necessary to demonstrate to building owner how much energy (and money) is possible to save with metering and operation control, the writer believe that the next step is to provide robust benchmark for the most common activities. With benchmark data will be easier to understand the potential of energy savings that is possible to achieve in buildings. That will convince building owner and/or financial bodies and ESCO to invest in big refurbishment of existent building stock, that are just operated “as usual.
Energy performance assessment of HVAC systems by inspection and monitoring
The paper discusses the collection and processing of energy performance data as part of the inspection of HVAC systems, aimed at identifying technically feasible and cost-effective Energy Conservation Opportunities (ECO), as required by EPBD. Case studies developed by the HARMONAC project have shown that low-cost or no-cost ECO's - mostly related to system operation and management - can be identified with an effective system monitoring. Building Management Systems (BMS) may be a powerful tool for this task, provided their HW and SW architecture is designed with adequate attention to energy monitoring. Dedicated instrumentation - such as electricity meters and temperature loggers - may also be employed as an alternative / integration to BMS monitoring. The paper also discusses the application of data analysis tools - such as "carpet plots" and "energy signatures" - to the identification of component malfunctioning, control problems, inadequate maintenance, or system schedule optimization, and to the evaluation of achieved energy saving
Towards Sustainable Urban district: a MACBETH approach
Lowering energy intensity and environmental impacts of buildings is becoming a priority in environmental policies in Europe, considering that cities produce about 80% of all GHG (Greenhouse gas) emissions and consume 75% of energy globally. The big challenge is to find a way to improve the energy performances of existing housing stock representing the majority of the urban fabrics in European cities.
In order to tackle these issues, the paper illustrates a multicriteria assessment model in the frame of a European project named DIMMER (District Information Modelling and Management for Energy Reduction), which aims to promote energy efficient behaviours integrating BIM (Building Information Modelling) and district level 3D models with real-time data from sensors and user feedback. The assessment model is here applied in order to rank energy development scenarios of a district in Turin (Italy) taking into account both different power generation plants.
The methodology here applied is a multi-criteria method named MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation Technique), an Additive Value Model method requiring a non-numerical approach to build a quantitative value model.
The decision process is divided into four phases: 1) analysis of the decision problem and structuring the model using data obtained trough the DIMMER database; 2) validation and improvement of the model via a focus group with experts in the field; 3) weighting of the elements at stake; 4) analysis for the results.
The point of view of the end users is adopted in order to implement the assessment and find the most probable development scenario
Towards Sustainable Urban district: a MACBETH approach
Lowering energy intensity and environmental impacts of buildings is becoming a priority in environmental policies in Europe, considering that cities produce about 80% of all GHG (Greenhouse gas) emissions and consume 75% of energy globally. The big challenge is to find a way to improve the energy performances of existing housing stock representing the majority of the urban fabrics in European cities.
In order to tackle these issues, the paper illustrates a multicriteria assessment model in the frame of a European project named DIMMER (District Information Modelling and Management for Energy Reduction), which aims to promote energy efficient behaviours integrating BIM (Building Information Modelling) and district level 3D models with real-time data from sensors and user feedback. The assessment model is here applied in order to rank energy development scenarios of a district in Turin (Italy) taking into account both different power generation plants.
The methodology here applied is a multi-criteria method named MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation Technique), an Additive Value Model method requiring a non-numerical approach to build a quantitative value model.
The decision process is divided into four phases: 1) analysis of the decision problem and structuring the model using data obtained trough the DIMMER database; 2) validation and improvement of the model via a focus group with experts in the field; 3) weighting of the elements at stake; 4) analysis for the results.
The point of view of the end users is adopted in order to implement the assessment and find the most probable development scenario
Transcription profile analysis of vastus lateralis muscle from patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disabling condition characterized by unexplained chronic fatigue that impairs normal activities. Many body systems are affected and etiology has not yet been identified. In addition to immunological and psychological aspects, skeletal muscle symptoms are prominent in CFS patients. In an effort to establish which pathways might be involved in the onset and development of muscle symptoms, we used global transcriptome analysis to identify genes that were differentially expressed in vastus lateralis muscle of female and male CFS patients. We found that the expression of genes that play key roles in mitochondrial function and oxidative balance, including superoxide dismutase 2, were altered, as were genes involved in energy production, muscular trophism and fiber phenotype determination. Importantly, the expression of a gene encoding a component of the nicotinic cholinergic receptor binding site was reduced, suggesting impaired neuromuscular transmission. We argue that these major biological processes could be involved in and/or responsible for the muscle symptoms of CFS
The paper shows a multicriteria evaluation model in order to rank different development scenario if an historical district in Turin (Italy). The scenarios aim to a reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions allowing a more efficient use of the energy resources. The simulation assessment provided refers to an European project named DIMMER (District Information Modelling andManagement for Energy Reduction) and starts assuming that the highest energy consumption of buildings comes from the operative phase (80%). The methodology applied for the assessment of the scenarios is MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation Technique). MACBETH is an Additive Value Model method requiring a non numerical approach in order to build a quantitative values model. The methodology is here applied from a public decision-maker’s point of view with the aim of findingthe most probable energy development scenario. The simulation of decision-making process is divided into three phases: 1) analysis of the decision problem and structuring the MACBETH model; 2) weighting of the elements at stake following the pair-wise comparison required by the methodology; 3) analysis for the results.DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.19254/LaborEst.10.0
The role of prosumers in supporting renewable energies sources
The present study is a part of an on-going Horizon 2020 project, named "SCORE" (Supporting Consumer Co-Ownership in Renewable Energies), which focuses on sustainable cities and communities developments goal. Particularly, this project aims at (1) overcoming usage of energy from fossil sources in favour of renewable sources, (2) increasing the energy efficiency and (3) reducing the energy consumption. Since the first project's task was completed, i.e. identification and description of different case studies, the next one is to propose for each of them several retrofit alternatives, in order to address the above mentioned "SCORE" purposes. In this framework, the main goal of the present study is to select and rank the relevant evaluation criteria, with the aim at building an evaluative matrix, which later makes possible to analyse the feasibility of the different case studies and choice the best retrofit alternative through a Multi-Criteria analysis (MCA). The criteria were pre-selected through a literature reviews, while the final selection took place by organizing a specific working group composed by real stakeholders. The results show how the role of the working groups (one composed by energy experts and the other by evaluation experts) were fundamental since the application of the playing card method allowed to (i) select and rank the set of relevant evaluation criteria and (ii) associate a weight for each evaluation criteria. Finally, it was decided not to aggregate the results of the two expert groups in order to show and consider the difference in stakeholders' point of view
Theoretical Study of Guanine from Gas Phase to Aqueous Solution:Â Role of Tautomerism and Its Implications in Absorption and Emission Spectra
HEAT PUMPS IN TERTIARY BUIDINGS The IEA-ECBS Annex 48 "Heat Pumping and Reversible Air Conditioning" research project has examined the potential of diffusion of heat pump systems in tertiary buildings. The case studies examined within the project have indicated that cuch systems have a high potential for energy efficiency, providely they are correctly commissioned and operated by qualified personnel. Issues relevant to energy monitoring, which appears to be a key factor with this respect, are also discussed in the paper. Obiettivo del lavoro è stato sviluppare il progetto di una residenza con il minimo fabbisogno energetico, soddisfatto in massima parte mediante il ricorso a fonti rinnovabili. Il progetto riguarda la composizione architettonica e il dimensionamento degli impianti tecnici di una villetta ispirata alle forme delle cascine del Canavese, per cui come elemento strutturale si impiega il legno, che si affianca alla della pietra locale. Per gli isolamenti si ricorre a materiali di origine naturale o di recupero. La collaborazione con i produttori locali è essenziale per ridurre l'impatto del sistema di trasporto. Il progetto armonizza le esigenze estetiche e di organizzazione degli ambienti con la funzionalità degli interventi impiantistici, destinati a sfruttare in modo efficiente tutte le fonti energetiche disponibili. Per la riduzione dei consumi energetici da fonti fossili si sono adottate le seguenti misure: forte isolamento termico dell'involucro; sfruttamento passivo dell'energia solare per il riscaldamento degli ambienti e la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria (ACS); ventilazione meccanica con recupero del calore dell'aria espulsa; apparecchiature elettriche ad alta efficienza; caldaia ausiliaria a cippato di filiera corta; solar cooling con macchina frigorifera con ciclo ad assorbiment
Energy savings in HVAC systems by continuous monitoring. Results of a long term monitoring campaign on buildings
The European EPBD (Energy Performance in Buildings Directive) imposes mandatory inspection of HVAC systems with the aim of reducing building energy co nsumption and CO2 emission. Even if an inspection methodology was developed by HARMONAC IEE project, only few member st ates include mandatory inspection in national legislation. The methodology was tested on 400 buildings around Euro pe, showing some general problems on HVAC control. The main issue concerns HVAC system monitoring: without reliable energy consumption data, it is really difficult to achieve the EPBD main aim, the reduction of energy consumption. In this paper some examples are shown, demonstrating the im portance of energy monitoring and correct HVAC control set u