168 research outputs found
Effective bound of linear series on arithmetic surfaces
We prove an effective upper bound on the number of effective sections of a
hermitian line bundle over an arithmetic surface. It is an effective version of
the arithmetic Hilbert--Samuel formula in the nef case. As a consequence, we
obtain effective lower bounds on the Faltings height and on the
self-intersection of the canonical bundle in terms of the number of singular
points on fibers of the arithmetic surface
Innovations Autoencoder and its Application in One-class Anomalous Sequence Detection
An innovations sequence of a time series is a sequence of independent and
identically distributed random variables with which the original time series
has a causal representation. The innovation at a time is statistically
independent of the history of the time series. As such, it represents the new
information contained at present but not in the past. Because of its simple
probability structure, an innovations sequence is the most efficient signature
of the original. Unlike the principle or independent component analysis
representations, an innovations sequence preserves not only the complete
statistical properties but also the temporal order of the original time series.
An long-standing open problem is to find a computationally tractable way to
extract an innovations sequence of non-Gaussian processes. This paper presents
a deep learning approach, referred to as Innovations Autoencoder (IAE), that
extracts innovations sequences using a causal convolutional neural network. An
application of IAE to the one-class anomalous sequence detection problem with
unknown anomaly and anomaly-free models is also presented
Adaptive Subband Compression for Streaming of Continuous Point-on-Wave and PMU Data
A data compression system capable of providing real-time streaming of
high-resolution continuous point-on-wave (CPOW) and phasor measurement unit
(PMU) measurements is proposed. Referred to as adaptive subband compression
(ASBC), the proposed technique partitions the signal space into subbands and
adaptively compresses subband signals based on each subband's active bandwidth.
The proposed technique conforms to existing industry phasor measurement
standards, making it suitable for streaming high-resolution CPOW and PMU data
either in continuous or burst on-demand/event-triggered modes. Experiments on
synthetic and real data show that ASBC reduces the CPOW sampling rates by
several orders of magnitude for real-time streaming while maintaining the
precision required by industry standards
Grid Monitoring and Protection with Continuous Point-on-Wave Measurements and Generative AI
Purpose This article presents a case for a next-generation grid monitoring
and control system, leveraging recent advances in generative artificial
intelligence (AI), machine learning, and statistical inference. Advancing
beyond earlier generations of wide-area monitoring systems built upon
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and synchrophasor
technologies, we argue for a monitoring and control framework based on the
streaming of continuous point-on-wave (CPOW) measurements with AI-powered data
compression and fault detection.
Methods and Results: The architecture of the proposed design originates from
the Wiener-Kallianpur innovation representation of a random process that
transforms causally a stationary random process into an innovation sequence
with independent and identically distributed random variables. This work
presents a generative AI approach that (i) learns an innovation autoencoder
that extracts innovation sequence from CPOW time series, (ii) compresses the
CPOW streaming data with innovation autoencoder and subband coding, and (iii)
detects unknown faults and novel trends via nonparametric sequential hypothesis
Conclusion: This work argues that conventional monitoring using SCADA and
phasor measurement unit (PMU) technologies is ill-suited for a future grid with
deep penetration of inverter-based renewable generations and distributed energy
resources. A monitoring system based on CPOW data streaming and AI data
analytics should be the basic building blocks for situational awareness of a
highly dynamic future grid
On the expected number of facets for the convex hull of samples
This paper studies the convex hull of -dimensional samples i.i.d.
generated from spherically symmetric distributions. Specifically, we derive a
complete integration formula for the expected facet number of the convex hull.
This formula is with respect to the CDF of the radial distribution. As the
number of samples approaches infinity, the integration formula enables us to
obtain the asymptotic value of the expected facet number for three categories
of spherically symmetric distributions. Additionally, the asymptotic result can
be applied to estimating the sample complexity in order that the probability
measure of the convex hull tends to one
Non-parametric Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting via Innovations Representation
Probabilistic time series forecasting predicts the conditional probability
distributions of the time series at a future time given past realizations. Such
techniques are critical in risk-based decision-making and planning under
uncertainties. Existing approaches are primarily based on parametric or
semi-parametric time-series models that are restrictive, difficult to validate,
and challenging to adapt to varying conditions. This paper proposes a
nonparametric method based on the classic notion of {\em innovations} pioneered
by Norbert Wiener and Gopinath Kallianpur that causally transforms a
nonparametric random process to an independent and identical uniformly
distributed {\em innovations process}. We present a machine-learning
architecture and a learning algorithm that circumvent two limitations of the
original Wiener-Kallianpur innovations representation: (i) the need for known
probability distributions of the time series and (ii) the existence of a causal
decoder that reproduces the original time series from the innovations
representation. We develop a deep-learning approach and a Monte Carlo sampling
technique to obtain a generative model for the predicted conditional
probability distribution of the time series based on a weak notion of
Wiener-Kallianpur innovations representation. The efficacy of the proposed
probabilistic forecasting technique is demonstrated on a variety of electricity
price datasets, showing marked improvement over leading benchmarks of
probabilistic forecasting techniques
Challenging Low Homophily in Social Recommendation
Social relations are leveraged to tackle the sparsity issue of user-item
interaction data in recommendation under the assumption of social homophily.
However, social recommendation paradigms predominantly focus on homophily based
on user preferences. While social information can enhance recommendations, its
alignment with user preferences is not guaranteed, thereby posing the risk of
introducing informational redundancy. We empirically discover that social
graphs in real recommendation data exhibit low preference-aware homophily,
which limits the effect of social recommendation models. To comprehensively
extract preference-aware homophily information latent in the social graph, we
propose Social Heterophily-alleviating Rewiring (SHaRe), a data-centric
framework for enhancing existing graph-based social recommendation models. We
adopt Graph Rewiring technique to capture and add highly homophilic social
relations, and cut low homophilic (or heterophilic) relations. To better refine
the user representations from reliable social relations, we integrate a
contrastive learning method into the training of SHaRe, aiming to calibrate the
user representations for enhancing the result of Graph Rewiring. Experiments on
real-world datasets show that the proposed framework not only exhibits enhanced
performances across varying homophily ratios but also improves the performance
of existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) social recommendation models.Comment: This paper has been accepted by The Web Conference (WWW) 202
Model development of dust emission and heterogeneous chemistry within the Community Multiscale Air Quality modeling system and its application over East Asia
The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model has been further developed in terms of simulating natural wind-blown dust in this study, with a series of modifications aimed at improving the model\u27s capability to predict the emission, transport, and chemical reactions of dust. The default parameterization of initial threshold friction velocity constants are revised to correct the double counting of the impact of soil moisture in CMAQ by the reanalysis of field experiment data; source-dependent speciation profiles for dust emission are derived based on local measurements for the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts in East Asia; and dust heterogeneous chemistry is also implemented. The improved dust module in the CMAQ is applied over East Asia for March and April from 2006 to 2010. The model evaluation result shows that the simulation bias of PM10 and aerosol optical depth (AOD) is reduced, respectively, from −55.42 and −31.97 % by the original CMAQ to −16.05 and −22.1 % by the revised CMAQ. Comparison with observations at the nearby Gobi stations of Duolun and Yulin indicates that applying a source-dependent profile helps reduce simulation bias for trace metals. Implementing heterogeneous chemistry also results in better agreement with observations for sulfur dioxide (SO2), sulfate (SO42−), nitric acid (HNO3), nitrous oxides (NOx), and nitrate (NO3−). The investigation of a severe dust storm episode from 19 to 21 March 2010 suggests that the revised CMAQ is capable of capturing the spatial distribution and temporal variation of dust. The model evaluation also indicates potential uncertainty within the excessive soil moisture used by meteorological simulation. The mass contribution of fine-mode particles in dust emission may be underestimated by 50 %. The revised CMAQ model provides a useful tool for future studies to investigate the emission, transport, and impact of wind-blown dust over East Asia and elsewhere
RobGC: Towards Robust Graph Condensation
Graph neural networks (GNNs) have attracted widespread attention for their
impressive capability of graph representation learning. However, the increasing
prevalence of large-scale graphs presents a significant challenge for GNN
training due to their computational demands, limiting the applicability of GNNs
in various scenarios. In response to this challenge, graph condensation (GC) is
proposed as a promising acceleration solution, focusing on generating an
informative compact graph that enables efficient training of GNNs while
retaining performance. Despite the potential to accelerate GNN training,
existing GC methods overlook the quality of large training graphs during both
the training and inference stages. They indiscriminately emulate the training
graph distributions, making the condensed graphs susceptible to noises within
the training graph and significantly impeding the application of GC in
intricate real-world scenarios. To address this issue, we propose robust graph
condensation (RobGC), a plug-and-play approach for GC to extend the robustness
and applicability of condensed graphs in noisy graph structure environments.
Specifically, RobGC leverages the condensed graph as a feedback signal to guide
the denoising process on the original training graph. A label propagation-based
alternating optimization strategy is in place for the condensation and
denoising processes, contributing to the mutual purification of the condensed
graph and training graph. Additionally, as a GC method designed for inductive
graph inference, RobGC facilitates test-time graph denoising by leveraging the
noise-free condensed graph to calibrate the structure of the test graph.
Extensive experiments show that RobGC is compatible with various GC methods,
significantly boosting their robustness under different types and levels of
graph structural noises
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