408 research outputs found

    Combined nutritional stress and a new systemic pesticide (flupyradifurone, Sivanto®) reduce bee survival, food consumption, flight success, and thermoregulation.

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    Flupyradifurone (FPF, Sivanto®) is a new butenolide insecticide that, like the neonicotinoids, is a systemic nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonist. However, FPF is considered bee-safe (according to standard Risk Assessment tests), and is thus a potential solution to the adverse effects of other pesticides on beneficial insects. To date, no studies have examined the impact of nutritional stress (decreased food diversity and quality) and FPF exposure on bee health although both stressors can occur, especially around agricultural monocultures. We therefore tested the effects of a field-realistic FPF concentration (4 ppm, FPFdaily dose = 241 ± 4 ng/bee/day, 1/12 of LD50) and nutritional stress (nectar with low-sugar concentrations) on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) mortality, food consumption, thermoregulation, flight success (unsuccessful vs. successful), and flight ability (duration, distance, velocity). Flight and thermoregulation are critical to colony health: bees fly to collect food and reproduce, and they thermoregulate to increase flight efficiency and to rear brood. We studied the effects across seasons because seasonality can influence bee sensitivity to environmental stress. We demonstrate that, depending upon season and nutritional stress, FPF can reduce bee survival (-14%), food consumption (-14%), thermoregulation (-4%, i.e. hypothermia), flight success (-19%), and increase flight velocity (+13%). Because pesticide exposure and nutritional stress can co-occur, we suggest that future studies and pesticide risk assessments consider both seasonality and nutritional stress when evaluating pesticide safety for bees

    Platelet indices and their association with chronic valvular heart disease in Cavalier King Charles spaniels

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    Chronic valvular heart disease (CVHD) is common in Cavalier King Charles spaniel (CKCS) and has the potential to affect platelet activation or function. The present study objective was to determine platelet closure time, mean platelet component (MPC) concentration and platelet component distribution width (PCDW) in dogs with subclinical CVHD, and to assess the factors influencing these variables. A second objective was to assess platelet count, MPC concentration, PCDW, mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet volume distribution width (PDW), plateletcrit (PCT), mean platelet mass (MPM) and platelet mass distribution width (PMDW) in CKCS. Haematological values, closure time, murmur grade and echocardiographic variables were recorded in 89 CKCS. Associations between explanatory variables (sex, age, murmur grade, echocardiographic variables, platelet count, and haematocrit (HCT)) and outcomes (closure time, MPC concentration, and PCDW) were examined using multivariate regression analysis. Platelet indices were compared between CKCS and a group of 39 control dogs (non-CKCS). A model with 5 variables best explained variation in closure time (R2, 0.74), with greater than 60% of the variance of closure time explained by mitral valve regurgitant jet size. The model of best fit to explain variation in MPC concentration included only platelet count (R2, 0.24). The model of best fit to explain variation in PCDW included platelet count and sex (R2, 0.25). The MPC concentration, MPV, PDW, MPM and PMDW values were significantly higher, and the platelet count, PCT, PCDW and HCT values significantly lower, in the CKCS compared to control dogs. In the present study, a significant effect of mitral valve regurgitant jet size on closure time was consistent with platelet dysfunction. However, platelet activation, as determined by MPC concentration and PCDW, was not a feature of subclinical CVHD in CKCS

    Professional Development Principles for Teachers of English Language Learners

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    Since effective professional development is logically embedded in the reality of schools and teachers‘ work, it stands to reason that the principal would consider that reality for teachers of English language learners (ELL). Certainly, in general, professional development would incorporate principles of adult learning as reported by Knowles (1980): (1) adult learners need to be self-directed; (2) they display readiness to learn when they have a perceived need; and (3) they desire immediate application of new skills and knowledge. Based on adult learning theory, then, principals would provide teachers of ELLs professional development that addresses a need for self-direction, that addresses their particular needs, and that addresses the desire to apply what is learned. Time and created situations whereby teachers can dialogue with other teachers and principals can dialogue with other principals is critical for the effective application of the knowledge gained in professional development sessions and afterward as well

    Impact of the Chlorination of Lithium Argyrodites on the Electrolyte/Cathode Interface in Solid‐State Batteries

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    Lithium argyrodite-type electrolytes are regarded as promising electrolytes due to their high ionic conductivity and good processability. Chemical modifications to increase ionic conductivity have already been demonstrated, but the influence of these modifications on interfacial stability remains so far unknown. In this work, we study Li6PS5Cl and Li5.5PS4.5Cl1.5 to investigate the influence of halogenation on the electrochemical decomposition of the solid electrolyte and the chemical degradation mechanism at the cathode interface in depth. Electrochemical measurements, gas analysis and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry indicate that the Li5.5PS4.5Cl1.5 shows pronounced electrochemical decomposition at lower potentials. The chemical reaction at higher voltages leads to more gaseous degradation products, but a lower fraction of solid oxygenated phosphorous and sulfur species. This in turn leads to a decreased interfacial resistance and thus a higher cell performance

    Learned, Uncertainty-driven Adaptive Acquisition for Photon-Efficient Multiphoton Microscopy

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    Multiphoton microscopy (MPM) is a powerful imaging tool that has been a critical enabler for live tissue imaging. However, since most multiphoton microscopy platforms rely on point scanning, there is an inherent trade-off between acquisition time, field of view (FOV), phototoxicity, and image quality, often resulting in noisy measurements when fast, large FOV, and/or gentle imaging is needed. Deep learning could be used to denoise multiphoton microscopy measurements, but these algorithms can be prone to hallucination, which can be disastrous for medical and scientific applications. We propose a method to simultaneously denoise and predict pixel-wise uncertainty for multiphoton imaging measurements, improving algorithm trustworthiness and providing statistical guarantees for the deep learning predictions. Furthermore, we propose to leverage this learned, pixel-wise uncertainty to drive an adaptive acquisition technique that rescans only the most uncertain regions of a sample. We demonstrate our method on experimental noisy MPM measurements of human endometrium tissues, showing that we can maintain fine features and outperform other denoising methods while predicting uncertainty at each pixel. Finally, with our adaptive acquisition technique, we demonstrate a 120X reduction in acquisition time and total light dose while successfully recovering fine features in the sample. We are the first to demonstrate distribution-free uncertainty quantification for a denoising task with real experimental data and the first to propose adaptive acquisition based on reconstruction uncertaint

    Randomized controlled pilot study of mindfulness-based stress reduction for persistently fatigued cancer survivors

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    OBJECTIVE: Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is one of the most common, persistent, and disabling symptoms associated with cancer and its treatment. Evidence-based treatments that are acceptable to patients are critically needed. This study examined the efficacy of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) for CRF and related symptoms. METHOD: A sample of 35 cancer survivors with clinically significant CRF was randomly assigned to a 7-week MBSR-based intervention or wait-list control group. The intervention group received training in mindfulness meditation, yoga, and self-regulatory responses to stress. Fatigue interference (primary outcome) and a variety of secondary outcomes (e.g., fatigue severity, vitality, disability, depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbance) were assessed at baseline, post-intervention, and 1-month follow-up. Bonferroni correction was employed to account for multiple comparisons. Controls received the intervention after the 1-month follow-up. Participants in both groups were followed for 6 months after completing their respective MBSR courses to assess maintenance of effects. RESULTS: Compared to controls, the MBSR group reported large post-intervention reductions as assessed by effect sizes (d) in the primary outcome, fatigue interference (d = -1.43, p < 0.001), along with fatigue severity (d = -1.55, p < 0.001), vitality (d = 1.29, p < 0.001), depression (d = -1.30, p < 0.001), and sleep disturbance (d = -0.74, p = 0.001). Results were maintained or strengthened at 1-month follow-up, the point at which significant improvements in disability (d = -1.22, p < 0.002) and anxiety (d = -0.98, p = 0.002) occurred. Improvements in all outcomes were maintained 6 months after completing the course. MBSR adherence was high, with 90% attendance across groups and high rates of participant-reported home practice of mindfulness. CONCLUSIONS: Mindfulness-based stress reduction is a promising treatment for CRF and associated symptoms

    IGF2BP3 promotes mRNA degradation through internal m<sup>7</sup>G modification

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    Recent studies have suggested that mRNA internal m7G and its writer protein METTL1 are closely related to cell metabolism and cancer regulation. Here, we identify that IGF2BP family proteins IGF2BP1-3 can preferentially bind internal mRNA m7G. Such interactions, especially IGF2BP3 with m7G, could promote the degradation of m7G target transcripts in cancer cells. IGF2BP3 is more responsive to changes of m7G modification, while IGF2BP1 prefers m6A to stabilize the bound transcripts. We also demonstrate that p53 transcript, TP53, is m7G-modified at its 3’UTR in cancer cells. In glioblastoma, the methylation level and the half lifetime of the modified transcript could be modulated by tuning IGF2BP3, or by site-specific targeting of m7G through a dCas13b-guided system, resulting in modulation of cancer progression and chemosensitivity

    Does ethnicity influence the short-term adaptation to first reading correction?

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    PurposeEthnic variations in accommodative amplitude (AA) are not uncommon. Accommodation can become reduced in response to short-term wear of first near spectacles. Whether ethnicity has an influence on the magnitude of this adaptation is not well understood. We investigated the impact of first near spectacles on changes in AA and on convergence cross-link interactions in incipient presbyopes of Chinese and Caucasian ethnicities.MethodsForty-one subjects (22 Caucasians and 19 Chinese) aged 36 to 44 years completed the study. Accommodative stimulus response function, AA, and AC/A and CA/C ratios were measured before and after single vision reading spectacles were used for near tasks over a 2-month period and then again 2 months after discontinuing near spectacle wear.ResultsAfter wearing reading spectacles for 2 months, the accommodative stimulus response slopes and AC/A and CA/C ratios remained invariant irrespective of ethnicity. The accommodative, but not vergence, bias decreased (p &lt; 0.05). The nearpoint of accommodation shifted distally producing an average decrease in AA of 0.52 D from baseline (p &lt; 0.05). Recovery to near baseline values occurred after discontinuing the reading glasses for 2 months. Differences based on ethnicity were not significant. The baseline AA vs. age plots showed steeper slopes for Chinese than the Caucasian subjects in the sample.ConclusionsThe pattern of adaptation by accommodation and cross-link interactions to short-term first reading spectacles is not influenced by ethnicity

    Lipid control and use of lipid-regulating drugs for prevention of cardiovascular events in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients: a prospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dyslipidaemia is an important but modifiable risk factor of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in type 2 diabetes. Yet, the effectiveness of lipid regulating drugs in Asians is lacking. We examined the effects of lipid control and treatment with lipid regulating drugs on new onset of CVD in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this prospective cohort consisting of 4521 type 2 diabetic patients without history of CVD and naïve for lipid regulating treatment recruited consecutively from 1996 to 2005, 371 developed CVD after a median follow-up of 4.9 years. We used Cox proportional hazard regression to obtain the hazard ratios (HR) of lipids and use of lipid regulating drugs for risk of CVD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The multivariate-adjusted HR (95% confidence interval) of CVD in patients with high LDL-cholesterol (≥ 3.0 mmol/L) was 1.36 (1.08 - 1.71), compared with lower values. Using the whole range value of HDL-cholesterol, the risk of CVD was reduced by 41% with every 1 mmol/L increase in HDL-cholesterol. Plasma triglyceride did not predict CVD. Statins use was associated with lower CVD risk [HR = 0.66 (0.50 - 0.88)]. In sub-cohort analysis, statins use was associated with a HR of 0.60 (0.44 - 0.82) in patients with high LDL-cholesterol (≥ 3.0 mmol/L) and 0.49 (0.28 - 0.88) in patients with low HDL-cholesterol. In patients with LDL-cholesterol < 3.0 mmol/L, use of fibrate was associated with HR of 0.34 (0.12 - 1.00). Only statins were effective in reducing incident CVD in patients with metabolic syndrome [(HR = 0.58(0.42--0.80)].</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In Chinese type 2 diabetic patients, high LDL-cholesterol and low HDL-cholesterol predicted incident CVD. Overall, patients treated with statins had 40-50% risk reduction in CVD compared to non-users.</p