2,656 research outputs found
Dynamic Pricing and Distributed Energy Management for Demand Response
The problem of dynamic pricing of electricity in a retail market is
considered. A Stackelberg game is used to model interactions between a retailer
and its customers; the retailer sets the day-ahead hourly price of electricity
and consumers adjust real-time consumptions to maximize individual consumer
For thermostatic demands, the optimal aggregated demand is shown to be an
affine function of the day-ahead hourly price. A complete characterization of
the trade-offs between consumer surplus and retail profit is obtained. The
Pareto front of achievable trade-offs is shown to be concave, and each point on
the Pareto front is achieved by an optimal day-ahead hourly price.
Effects of integrating renewables and local storage are analyzed. It is shown
that benefits of renewable integration all go to the retailer when the capacity
of renewable is relatively small. As the capacity increases beyond a certain
threshold, the benefit from renewable that goes to consumers increases.Comment: 9 page
Variable-Rate Distributed Source Coding in the Presence of Byzantine Sensors
The distributed source coding problem is considered when the sensors, or
encoders, are under Byzantine attack; that is, an unknown number of sensors
have been reprogrammed by a malicious intruder to undermine the reconstruction
at the fusion center. Three different forms of the problem are considered. The
first is a variable-rate setup, in which the decoder adaptively chooses the
rates at which the sensors transmit. An explicit characterization of the
variable-rate minimum achievable sum rate is stated, given by the maximum
entropy over the set of distributions indistinguishable from the true source
distribution by the decoder. In addition, two forms of the fixed-rate problem
are considered, one with deterministic coding and one with randomized coding.
The achievable rate regions are given for both these problems, with a larger
region achievable using randomized coding, though both are suboptimal compared
to variable-rate coding.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to ISIT 200
Renewables and Storage in Distribution Systems: Centralized vs. Decentralized Integration
The problem of integrating renewables and storage into a distribution network
is considered under two integration models: (i) a centralized model involving a
retail utility that owns the integration as part of its portfolio of energy
resources, and (ii) a decentralized model in which each consumer individually
owns and operates the integration and is capable of selling surplus electricity
back to the retailer in a net-metering setting.
The two integration models are analyzed using a Stackelberg game in which the
utility is the leader in setting the retail price of electricity, and each
consumer schedules its demand by maximizing individual consumer surplus. The
solution of the Stackelberg game defines the Pareto front that characterizes
fundamental trade-offs between retail profit of the utility and consumer
It is shown that, for both integration models, the centralized integration
uniformly improves retail profit. As the level of integration increases, the
proportion of benefits goes to the consumers increases. In contrast, the
consumer-based decentralized integration improves consumer surplus at the
expense of retail profit of the utility. For a profit regulated utility, the
consumer based integration may lead to smaller consumer surplus than that when
no renewable or storage is integrated at either the consumer or the retailer
end.Comment: 10 page
Capacity of Cooperative Fusion in the Presence of Byzantine Sensors
The problem of cooperative fusion in the presence of Byzantine sensors is
considered. An information theoretic formulation is used to characterize the
Shannon capacity of sensor fusion. It is shown that when less than half of the
sensors are Byzantine, the effect of Byzantine attack can be entirely
mitigated, and the fusion capacity is identical to that when all sensors are
honest. But when at least half of the sensors are Byzantine, they can
completely defeat the sensor fusion so that no information can be transmitted
reliably. A capacity achieving transmit-then-verify strategy is proposed for
the case that less than half of the sensors are Byzantine, and its error
probability and coding rate is analyzed by using a Markov decision process
modeling of the transmission protocol.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure
Distributed Learning and Multiaccess of On-Off Channels
The problem of distributed access of a set of N on-off channels by K<N users
is considered. The channels are slotted and modeled as independent but not
necessarily identical alternating renewal processes. Each user decides to
either observe or transmit at the beginning of every slot. A transmission is
successful only if the channel is at the on state and there is only one user
transmitting. When a user observes, it identifies whether a transmission would
have been successful had it decided to transmit. A distributed learning and
access policy referred to as alternating sensing and access (ASA) is proposed.
It is shown that ASA has finite expected regret when compared with the optimal
centralized scheme with fixed channel allocation.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
On the Dynamics of Distributed Energy Adoption: Equilibrium, Stability, and Limiting Capacity
The death spiral hypothesis in electric utility represents a positive
feedback phenomenon in which a regulated utility is driven to financial
instability by rising prices and declining demand. We establish conditions for
the existence of death spiral and conditions of stable adoption of distributed
energy resources. We show in particular that linear tariffs always induce death
spiral when the fixed operating cost of the utility rises beyond a certain
threshold. For two-part tariffs with connection and volumetric charges, the
Ramsey pricing that optimizes myopically social welfare subject to the revenue
adequacy constraint induces a stable equilibrium. The Ramsey pricing, however,
inhibits renewable adoption with a high connection charge. In contrast, a
two-part tariff with a small connection charge results in a stable adoption
process with a higher level of renewable adoption and greater long-term total
consumer surplus. Market data are used to illustrate various solar adoption
scenarios.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure
Stochastic Interchange Scheduling in the Real-Time Electricity Market
The problem of multi-area interchange scheduling in the presence of
stochastic generation and load is considered. A new interchange scheduling
technique based on a two-stage stochastic minimization of overall expected
operating cost is proposed. Because directly solving the stochastic
optimization is intractable, an equivalent problem that maximizes the expected
social welfare is formulated. The proposed technique leverages the operator's
capability of forecasting locational marginal prices (LMPs) and obtains the
optimal interchange schedule without iterations among operators
Online Learning of Optimal Bidding Strategy in Repeated Multi-Commodity Auctions
We study the online learning problem of a bidder who participates in repeated
auctions. With the goal of maximizing his T-period payoff, the bidder
determines the optimal allocation of his budget among his bids for goods at
each period. As a bidding strategy, we propose a polynomial-time algorithm,
inspired by the dynamic programming approach to the knapsack problem. The
proposed algorithm, referred to as dynamic programming on discrete set (DPDS),
achieves a regret order of . By showing that the regret is
lower bounded by for any strategy, we conclude that DPDS is
order optimal up to a term. We evaluate the performance of
DPDS empirically in the context of virtual trading in wholesale electricity
markets by using historical data from the New York market. Empirical results
show that DPDS consistently outperforms benchmark heuristic methods that are
derived from machine learning and online learning approaches
Maximum Likelihood Fusion of Stochastic Maps
The fusion of independently obtained stochastic maps by collaborating mobile
agents is considered. The proposed approach includes two parts: matching of
stochastic maps and maximum likelihood alignment. In particular, an affine
invariant hypergraph is constructed for each stochastic map, and a bipartite
matching via a linear program is used to establish landmark correspondence
between stochastic maps. A maximum likelihood alignment procedure is proposed
to determine rotation and translation between common landmarks in order to
construct a global map within a common frame of reference. A main feature of
the proposed approach is its scalability with respect to the number of
landmarks: the matching step has polynomial complexity and the maximum
likelihood alignment is obtained in closed form. Experimental validation of the
proposed fusion approach is performed using the Victoria Park benchmark
dataset.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing on 24-March-201
On Robust Tie-line Scheduling in Multi-Area Power Systems
The tie-line scheduling problem in a multi-area power system seeks to
optimize tie-line power flows across areas that are independently operated by
different system operators (SOs). In this paper, we leverage the theory of
multi-parametric linear programming to propose algorithms for optimal tie-line
scheduling within a deterministic and a robust optimization framework. Through
a coordinator, the proposed algorithms are proved to converge to the optimal
schedule within a finite number of iterations. A key feature of the proposed
algorithms, besides their finite step convergence, is the privacy of the
information exchanges; the SO in an area does not need to reveal its dispatch
cost structure, network constraints, or the nature of the uncertainty set to
the coordinator. The performance of the algorithms is evaluated using several
power system examples
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