3,718 research outputs found

    A Spectral Algorithm for Learning Hidden Markov Models

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    Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are one of the most fundamental and widely used statistical tools for modeling discrete time series. In general, learning HMMs from data is computationally hard (under cryptographic assumptions), and practitioners typically resort to search heuristics which suffer from the usual local optima issues. We prove that under a natural separation condition (bounds on the smallest singular value of the HMM parameters), there is an efficient and provably correct algorithm for learning HMMs. The sample complexity of the algorithm does not explicitly depend on the number of distinct (discrete) observations---it implicitly depends on this quantity through spectral properties of the underlying HMM. This makes the algorithm particularly applicable to settings with a large number of observations, such as those in natural language processing where the space of observation is sometimes the words in a language. The algorithm is also simple, employing only a singular value decomposition and matrix multiplications.Comment: Published in JCSS Special Issue "Learning Theory 2009

    Dimension-free tail inequalities for sums of random matrices

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    We derive exponential tail inequalities for sums of random matrices with no dependence on the explicit matrix dimensions. These are similar to the matrix versions of the Chernoff bound and Bernstein inequality except with the explicit matrix dimensions replaced by a trace quantity that can be small even when the dimension is large or infinite. Some applications to principal component analysis and approximate matrix multiplication are given to illustrate the utility of the new bounds

    Agnostic Active Learning Without Constraints

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    We present and analyze an agnostic active learning algorithm that works without keeping a version space. This is unlike all previous approaches where a restricted set of candidate hypotheses is maintained throughout learning, and only hypotheses from this set are ever returned. By avoiding this version space approach, our algorithm sheds the computational burden and brittleness associated with maintaining version spaces, yet still allows for substantial improvements over supervised learning for classification

    Measurement-device-independent quantification of entanglement for given Hilbert space dimension

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    We address the question of how much entanglement can be certified from the observed correlations and the knowledge of the Hilbert space dimension of the measured systems. We focus on the case in which both systems are known to be qubits. For several correlations (though not for all), one can certify the same amount of entanglement as with state tomography, but with fewer assumptions, since nothing is assumed about the measurements. We also present security proofs of quantum key distribution without any assumption on the measurements. We discuss how both the amount of entanglement and the security of quantum key distribution (QKD) are affected by the inefficiency of detectors in this scenario.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure