2,560 research outputs found

    An Empirical Analysis of the Matching Process in the Spanish Public Employment Agencies: The Vacancies

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    Our work tries to assess the degree to which the matching process of the vacancies managed by the Andalusian public employment agencies (SAE) approaches a theoretical model of the stock-flow type as described by Coles (1994, CEPR) and his collaborators. According to this model, a new vacancy can be "good" (relatively scarce in its labour segment) or "bad" (relatively abundant in its labour segment); this unobservable heterogeneity at the aggregate level determines the probability of coverage of the vacancy and the characteristics of the worker who occupies it. For our study, we work with a sample of 3.565 vacancies registered in the SAE between March 2006 and October 2008. The proposed test requires the estimation of a duration model for the hazard rate of vacancies with multiple exits. A novelty of our test is that it does not require information about the entire stock and flow of candidates of the other side of the market. The main result obtained is the existence of certain evidence in favour of stock-flow matching.Public employment agencies, Matching, Vacancies, Duration models, Stock-flow model.

    La construcción de la vivienda en altura en Buenos Aires: en busca de la flexibilidad

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    Métodos computacionales para el análisis de sistemas de potencia

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    1 archivo PDF (125 páginas)Texto que presenta las técnicas computacionales más usuales para el modelado y análisis de sistemas de potencia en régimen permanente equilibrado y desequilibrado

    La contaminación acústica en las ciudades turísticas litorales de Andalucía 2001-2010

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    A novel investigation was carried out, the main goal of which was to assess and diffuse the alarming acoustic situation suffered in cities of Andalusia. This work is an attempt to innovate the traditional methods of measurement and study of the perception of acoustic pollution. Till now, such measurements have been based on a series of excessively empirical physical variables that are not very useful to determine the problem of urban noise for human beings and its perception/impact on the population. We have thus developed some very interesting methodologies, universally applicable to any city, including a new model of mapping noise and acoustic pollution in our cities. We herewith present the preliminary stage of this investigation, called «The state of the municipal legal normative concerning acoustic pollution», albeit only for the Andalusian tourist shore.Se ha realizado una novedosa investigación, cuya finalidad principal ha sido evaluar y dar a conocer la preocupante situación acústica padecida en las ciudades de Andalucía, intentado en todo momento innovar los métodos tradicionales de medición y estudio de la percepción de la contaminación acústica, que han estado basados en una serie de variables físicas excesivamente empíricas, pero que no llegan a ser de total utilidad, a la hora de conocer el problema de los ruidos urbanos a nivel humano, y a su percepción/repercusión en la ciudadanía. De este modo, hemos conseguido desarrollar unas metodologías muy interesantes y universalmente aplicables a cualquier ciudad, incluyendo un nuevo modelo de cartografía sobre el ruido y de la contaminación acústica en nuestras ciudades. La fase preliminar de esta investigación, denominada «El estado de las normativas legales municipal relacionadas con la contaminación acústica» es la que presentamos, pero lo hacemos sólo para la franja turística litoral andaluza

    A Brazilian anuran (Hylodes magalhaesi: Leptodactylidae) infected by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis: a conservation concern

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    Several studies have associated the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis with anuran population declines worldwide. To date, the fungus has been found in Africa, the Americas, Australia, and Europe. However, it has never been reported to occur in the Atlantic forest or Brazil. Based on morphological, histological, and molecular data, we encountered evidence of B. dendrobatidis infection in a high-altitude stream-dwelling Brazilian anuran species, Hylodes magalhaesi (Leptodactylidae). One population (Municipality of Camanducaia, State of Minas Gerais) was surveyed from 2001 to 2005. Tadpoles lacking teeth were observed and collected in 2004. Histological and molecular analyses identified infection by B. dendrobatidis. Although infected tadpoles seem nowadays to co-exist with the disease, our results are alarming due to the highly endangered situation of the Brazilian Atlantic forest and its fauna. Effects of the chytrid infection on the studied population are still unknown. Further investigations are needed to provide information on its distribution in relation to other populations of H. magalhaesi

    Solid-phase extraction of nitro-PAH from aquatic samples and its separation by reverse-phase capillary liquid chromatography

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    In this work, an analytical methodology to extract 1-nitronaphthalene, 2-nitrofluorene, 9-nitroanthracene, 3-nitrofluoranthene, and 1-nitropyrene aquatic samples is proposed. Capillary liquid chromatography with on-column UV detection (µLC-UV) was employed to separate and quantitate all five nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (nitro-PAH) extracted from water samples. Two different extraction techniques were tested and compared: liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid phase extraction (SPE) with two different sorbents, octadecylsilica (C18) and styrene divinylbenzene (XAD-2) particles. The elution of analytes was tested with both acetonitrile and methylene chloride. The best recovery results were obtained for SPE-C18 extraction with the methylene chloride with values ranging from 76 to 97% with RSD values smaller than 4%. The chromatographic conditions for analysis was carried out using a 250 × 0.3 mm i.d. packed capillary column with 5 µm C18 particles. The elution was isocratic with 65% acetonitrile in water (v/v) as mobile phase with a flow rate of 7 µL min-1. The detection limits due to on-column UV detection (ranging ~3-30 mmol L-1) are limiting for environmental applications, however, they are suited for toxicological studies

    A systematic assessment of the influence of geometry and materials properties on the performance of arch dams

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    Arch dams have different properties that play a relevant role in their behavior, although it is not clear to what degree or in what sense. There is some consensus regarding the relevance of certain factors such as length at crown, height, base and crest thickness, or Young modulus of dam and foundation. However, others such as the shape of arcs and cantilevers, which are correlated and whose effect is more difficult to consider, can also be influential. In this work, a systematic study of the response of arch dams in front of the common loading scenarios has been carried out, taking into account the usual range of variation of their properties. In total, 39 input variables related to geometry, material strength and thermal load were considered. Ranges of variation for each of these parameters have been defined according to the usual design criteria and 3,000 different geometries – together with the corresponding FEM models have been generated with random values of these parameters. The resulting displacements and stresses have been used to fit prediction models based on a machine learning technique named ‘random forests’ that give an estimate of the dam response. The interpretation of these models can be associated with the relative importance of the characteristics of arch dams on each of the behavior variables

    Pobreza y capital social: dilucidando los procesos de una relación compleja : Un análisis para el caso del GBA

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    El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar el efecto del capital social sobre la pobreza dependiendo de las distintas definiciones de pobreza utilizadas, el tipo de lazo social empleado para aproximar la noción de capital social (fuerte o débil), y ciertas variables de interacción entre capital social y capital humano. Usando datos de panel corto para el Gran Buenos Aires (desde octubre de 2000 hasta mayo de 2002), y controlando por el efecto de ciertas variables regionales, temporales, familiares e individuales, encontramos que los lazos débiles casi nunca son significativos. Por el contrario, parecería existir un efecto umbral sobre la pobreza en el caso de los lazos fuertes. Debido a este efecto asimétrico, sólo los hogares que poseen un alto nivel educativo presentan una relación negativa entre esta variable y la probabilidad de caer en la pobreza. En consecuencia, mientras es apropiada como estrategia de subsistencia, la acumulación de capital social no parece ser un instrumento efectivo para aumentar la movilidad económica ascendente.The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of social capital on poverty outcomes depending on alternative poverty definitions, whether strong or weak ties are used as proxy indicators for social capital, and the kind of interaction variables between social capital and human capital. Using a short panel of household for the Great Buenos Aires (from october 2000 to may 2002), and controlling for regional, temporal, family and individual variables, we find that weak ties are almost never significant. On the contrary, a threshold effect on poverty is found for strong ties. Because of this asymmetric effect, only highly educated people enjoy from a negative relation between this variable and the likelihood of poverty. Therefore, while appropriated for subsistence strategies, social capital accumulation does not appear to be a useful mechanism to increase upward income mobility.Facultad de Ciencias Económica

    "Liquide" Urbanität und Selbstbestimmung: Stadt und Identität in der deutschsprachigen und brasilianischen Gegenwartsliteratur

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    Neben geografischen und physischen Aspekten ist die Stadt auch ein poetischer und subjektiver Raum, in dem individuelle Weltbilder aufeinandertreffen, miteinander interagieren und sich sogar verwandeln. Fernando Toledo befasst sich mit dem urbanen Raum und seinen Auswirkungen auf die Identität und die narrativen Repräsentationen in einem von Globalisierungsprozessen und der Entwicklung der sogenannten "flüchtigen Moderne" dominierten Kontext. Durch eine innovative theoretische Kontextualisierung in den Literaturwissenschaften bietet seine interdisziplinäre Studie einen neuen Blick auf die deutschsprachige und brasilianische Gegenwartsliteratur sowie ihre Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede