1 research outputs found
Portfolio Vol. V N 2
Koons, Marilynn. America Is . Poem. 4.
Rucker, J.G. Nothing but the Beat . Prose. 5.
Wyman, John. Pringle . Prose. 6.
Tolan, Marace. Hands at Midnight . Poem. 7.
Wright, Edward A. All in a Day\u27s Work . Prose. 8.
Benson, Virginia. Now is the Time . Prose. 9.
Moll, Wilhelm. The Dead Lover . Prose. 12.
Flammt, Marga. Escape . Poem. 14.
Rolph, Alice. Fancy\u27s Flight . Poem. 14.
Vercoe, Mary. Future . Poem. 14.
Klammt,Marga. Parting . Poem. 14.
Anonymous. Denisoniana . Picture. 10.
Benson, Virginia. Marquand-H.M. Pulham. Esquire . Prose. 15.
Benson, Virginia. Junior Miss . Prose. 15.
Reynolds, Virginia. Stubs of the Jungle . Prose. 16.
Masquers. Thespiana . Prose. 17.
Anonymous. How to Knit a Sweater, or, Eighteen Holes . Prose. 20