11 research outputs found

    Kształcenie kadr dla potrzeb obsługi ruchu turystycznego

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    One of the main problems connected with vocational education in Poland is the adoption of the school-based education to the changing needs of labour market in tourism industry. The article characterizes Poland’s system of staff education for needs of tourism industry and presents employers’ demands in this field. Moreover it shows areas that require changes e.g. in cooperation between schools and tourism enterprises. The article is based on literature studies and on analysis of available secondary dat

    Person – job fit in students’ perspective and its consequences for career aspirations

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between students’ dedication (S_DED) and their perception of person-job fit (P_J Fit) and investigate how it correlates with students’ career aspirations (CAREER_ASP). Additionally, the relationship between perceived P_J Fit and students’ work experience (WORK_EXP) and social support (S_SUPPORT) have been analyzed.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: This study was conducted among tourism and/or hospitality students of two universities that agreed to participate in the study. They are located in cities of Poland and Croatia which are very attractive tourist destinations. The questionnaires were administered in each institution and the auditorium survey technique was applied to gather the data.FINDINGS: The findings of this study revealed that there is a positive and significant correlation between students’ dedication and their perception of person-job fit. It was also indicated that there is a positive and significant correlation between students’ work experience, students’ social support and perceived P_J Fit. Finally, it was proved that the more students perceive their skills and abilities as matching the requirements of their future work, the more they believe they can pursue a career in this field.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: It is recommended that the educators pay more attention to the person-job fit of students when recruiting them for T&H courses at higher education institutions. Moreover, it is important to offer a variety of activities to increase students’ dedication to the studies undertaken. Specifically, for curriculums to be suitable and to generate enthusiasm among students, they should be customized to meet the requirements of the labor market and modern teaching techniques should be applied to actively engage students in the learning process, making it challenging.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is one of the first to focus on identifying factors relating to students’ perception of their P_J Fit by linking it with their career aspirations in a single research model.peer-reviewe

    Oferta hotelarska schronisk młodzieżowych w Polsce jako element produktu turystyki szkolnej. Ujęcie teoretyczno-empiryczne

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    This article focuses on the importance of tourism in the development of children and youth. It presents the role and functions of school tourism. In addition, an analysis of the  accommodation offer dedicated to this form of tourism (ie. youth hostels). The article describes the legal requirements in this type of objects relating to the equipment and in service delivery. Furthermore they presented a quantitative structure of youth hostels in Poland in 2016. The content of the study results from using primarily, in the theoretical part, desk research in the form of an analysis of literature on the subject and, in the empirical part, an analysis of secondary materials provided by the institutions dealing with the analysis of tourist accommodation in Poland

    Instruments for managing the EU labour market in the face of the COVID-19 crisis

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    Purpose: The article presents in a multifaceted manner the instruments used in the EU member states to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the labour market. Design/Methodology/Approach: Theoretical issues were examined on the basis of the analysis of available source literature on labour market economics and risk management. The research methods used in this paper include, critical analysis of the source literature, the method of comparative analysis and secondary data analysis. Findings: The article identifies actions taken by the EU member states to support the labour market and to develop a model of instruments intended for EU authorities and member states to reduce the risk of labour market disturbances during the COVID-19 pandemic. Practical Implications: The analysis and evaluation carried out in the article indicated that risk management on the EU labour market during the pandemic requires integrated protective measures. The results obtained may be used to formulate a long-term strategy for the EU labour market and programmes to counter the effects of the crisis. Originality/value: The issues as presented in the article concerning the instruments used to manage the EU labour market in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic have not been studied in Polish and foreign literature.peer-reviewe

    Ocena ryzyka personalnego w wybranych hotelach w województwie zachodniopomorskim

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    The objective of the article is to assess human resource risk in selected hotels. A theoretical part of the study is a result of the use of the desk research method. An empirical part includes the results of interviews with human resource managers conducted in five hotels located in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship and the assessment of the human resource risk level in the analyzed hotels. Respondents assessed two elements: the probability of occurring risk events and their impact on a hotel. The human resource risk level is a product of these two parameters expressed in points. Due to a limited number of research entities, the article involves the analysis of the case study. Therefore, the research findings cannot be generalized with regard to the whole industry. However, they can serve as the basis for a discussion on the phenomenon of human resource risk in the hotel industry and its impact on work efficiency, thus the functioning of the whole organization.Celem artykułu jest ocena ryzyka personalnego w wybranych przedsiębiorstwach hotelarskich. Część teoretyczna opracowania jest wynikiem wykorzystania metody badawczej desk research. W części empirycznej przedstawiono wyniki wywiadów przeprowadzonych z menedżerami personalnymi w pięciu hotelach zlokalizowanych w województwie zachodniopomorskim i dokonano oceny poziomu ryzyka personalnego w badanych obiektach. Respondenci oceniali 2 elementy: prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia zdarzeń ryzykownych oraz wielkość ich skutków dla hotelu. Poziom ryzyka personalnego jest iloczynem tych dwóch wyrażonych punktowo parametrów. Ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę podmiotów badawczych artykuł ma charakter analizy studium przypadku. Stąd też rezultatów badań nie można uogólniać na całą branżę. Mogą one jednak stanowić podstawę do dyskusji nad zjawiskiem ryzyka personalnego w hotelarstwie i jego wpływu na efektywność pracy, a w rezultacie na funkcjonowanie całej organizacji

    Inwestycje retencyjne w kapitał ludzki w hotelarstwie. Aspekty teoretyczne

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    Jednym z podstawowych problemów branży hotelarskiej jest wysoki poziom rotacji kadr. Problem ten po części powodowany jest szybkim wzrostem liczby obiektów hotelarskich i popytem na doświadczonych pracowników. Głównie jednak wynika z ograniczonych inwestycji retencyjnych, tj. mało konkurencyjnych warunków płacowych i zasad motywowania stosowanych przez obiekty hotelarskie. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie znaczenia inwestycji retencyjnych, takich jak: szkolenia, odpowiednia treść pracy, programy praca–życie dla funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa hotelarskiego. Przedmiotem rozważań w niniejszym artykule jest inwestowanie w kapitał ludzki na poziomie mikroekonomicznym (świadomie pominięto analizę inwestowania w sferę B + R oraz w edukację w systemie szkolnym). Artykuł jest wynikiem studiów literaturowych oraz analizy dostępnych danych wtórnych, dotyczących analizowanego zagadnienia

    Employee Financial Wellness Programs (EFWPs) as an Innovation in Incentive Systems of Energy Sector Enterprises in Poland during the COVID-19 Pandemic—Current Status and Development Prospects

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a loss of the sense of financial security among employees. The consequence is decreased productivity, affecting employers who also suffer related costs. Actions to support employees’ financial wellness are therefore important and necessary, especially in the case of those working in the strategic sector ensuring national energy security. The main aim of the article is to present, from the theoretical and practical point of view, the essence and role of Employee Financial Wellness Programs (EFWPs) in the creation of an effective incentive system in energy sector companies in Poland during the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The following research methods were used: critical analysis of source literature, comparative analysis of existing data and the descriptive method with elements of deductive reasoning. In order to collect primary data, the indirect survey method was used, namely, the CAWI Internet survey technique, which was addressed to the main energy generation sector entities in the country. The research has shown that financial wellness instruments are new to the Polish market, where they have been in limited operation since 2021. It was confirmed that some companies in the energy sector are using such innovative tools, but they also show the need and interest to implement more extensive and comprehensive Employee Financial Wellness Programs that will reduce the financial stress of employees while motivating them to work more efficiently during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Mitigating risk of the tourism sector in the European Union member states during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Purpose: The article presents, in a multidimensional perspective, the instruments applied in EU member states to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the tourism sector. Design/Methodology/Approach: Research conducted in the article was based on secondary data. Research methods applied in the paper include critical review of literature, method of comparative analysis and secondary data analysis. Findings: The outcome of the article is the identification of actions undertaken in EU member states to support the tourism sector and original elaboration on the scheme of instruments used by EU authorities and countries in order to limit the epidemic risk in tourism. Practical Implications: The analysis and evaluation carried out in the article demonstrated that risk management in EU member states’ tourist sectors at the time of pandemic requires integrated protective measures. The results may be used to develop a long-term strategy for the EU’s tourism sector and programmes for prevention of crisis outcomes in other sectors of the economy as well. Originality/value: In the perspective presented herein, issues related to the epidemic risk in the tourism sector, discussed in the article, have not been the subject of scientific analyses in domestic or foreign literature.peer-reviewe