7,816 research outputs found

    Regenerative cooling design and analysis computer program

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    Program evaluates influences of heat transfer, stress, and cycle life. Coolant passages may be tubes or channels, with or without gas-side wall coating. Program options include two-dimensional thermal analysis model of tube or channel cross-section using relaxation technique with variable number of nodes

    Integral Glass Encapsulation for Solar Arrays

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    Work reported was performed during the period from August 1977 to December 1978. The program objective was to continue the development of electrostatic bonding (ESB) as an encapsulation technique for terrestrial cells. Economic analyses shows that this process can be a cost-effective method of producing reliable, long lifetime solar modules. When considered in sufficient volume, both material and equipment costs are competitive with conventional encapsulation systems. In addition, the possibility of integrating cell fabrication into the encapsulation process, as in the case of the preformed cell contacts discussed in this report, offers the potential of significant overall systems cost reduction

    Strengthening public health systems: Assessing the attributes of the NSW influenza surveillance system

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    © 2016 Dawson et al. Objective: In New South Wales (NSW), influenza surveillance is informed by a number of discrete data sources, including laboratories, emergency departments, death registrations and community surveillance programs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the NSW influenza surveillance system using the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for evaluating public health surveillance systems. Importance of study: Having a strong influenza surveillance system is important for both seasonal and pandemic influenza preparedness. The findings will inform recommendations for strengthening surveillance in NSW. Methods: The scope was limited to all sources included in the NSW Health Influenza Report in 2012-13. To assess the performance of the system, in-depth interviews (N = 21) were conducted with key stakeholders and thematically analysed. Respiratory testing data gathered through the sentinel laboratories in 2012 were used to estimate sensitivity, and laboratory notifications were analysed to assess timeliness and representativeness. Key documents - including reports, guidelines, correspondence and meeting minutes - were also reviewed, providing a method of triangulation. Results: The NSW influenza surveillance system integrates multiple sources of surveillance of influenza and influenza-like illness to provide a comprehensive picture of influenza in the community. Despite its structural complexity, the system delivers quality, timely and relevant data to inform a range of public health activities, and the NSW Health Influenza Report is well regarded by stakeholders. Challenges include managing system complexity, key person risk and cross-jurisdictional issues. Stakeholders commented that system flexibility would depend on additional resourcing. Although the sensitivity of sentinel laboratory surveillance was estimated as 1-25%, depending on the time of year, understanding sensitivity remains a challenge in influenza surveillance where the true incidence of infection is unknown. Conclusion: Influenza surveillance is critical for monitoring virological changes, understanding disease epidemiology and informing public health responses. The system was found to deliver timely and good-quality surveillance information. Additional value could be achieved by increasing flexibility and stability, automating systems (where possible) and formalising processes of data acquisition. The system continues to negotiate a number of constraints, including complexity and cross-jurisdictional issues, which are ongoing obstacles to realising some potential system improvements

    An evolutionary perspective on the kinome of malaria parasites

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    Malaria parasites belong to an ancient lineage that diverged very early from the main branch of eukaryotes. The approximately 90-member plasmodial kinome includes a majority of eukaryotic protein kinases that clearly cluster within the AGC, CMGC, TKL, CaMK and CK1 groups found in yeast, plants and mammals, testifying to the ancient ancestry of these families. However, several hundred millions years of independent evolution, and the specific pressures brought about by first a photosynthetic and then a parasitic lifestyle, led to the emergence of unique features in the plasmodial kinome. These include taxon-restricted kinase families, and unique peculiarities of individual enzymes even when they have homologues in other eukaryotes. Here, we merge essential aspects of all three malaria-related communications that were presented at the Evolution of Protein Phosphorylation meeting, and propose an integrated discussion of the specific features of the parasite's kinome and phosphoproteome

    Probing 5f-state configurations in URu2Si2 with U L3-edge resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy

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    Resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy (RXES) was employed at the U L3 absorption edge and the La1 emission line to explore the 5f occupancy, nf, and the degree of 5f orbital delocalization in the hidden order compound URu2Si2. By comparing to suitable reference materials such as UF4, UCd11, and alpha-U, we conclude that the 5f orbital in URu2Si2 is at least partially delocalized with nf = 2.87 +/- 0.08, and does not change with temperature down to 10 K within the estimated error. These results place further constraints on theoretical explanations of the hidden order, especially those requiring a localized f2 ground state.Comment: 11 pages,7 figure

    Classifying the biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area for the classification phase of the representative areas program

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    This technical report outlines the methods that the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority used to classify the biodiversity of the marine environs of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area for the Representative Areas Program. Classification was the first step in the multiphase Representative Areas Program that eventuated in a new network of no-take areas, free from extractive activities, in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

    Parent Stars of Extrasolar Planets. XI. Trends with Condensation Temperature Revisited

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    We report the results of abundance analyses of new samples of stars with planets and stars without detected planets. We employ these data to compare abundance-condensation temperature trends in both samples. We find that stars with planets have more negative trends. In addition, the more metal-rich stars with planets display the most negative trends. These results confirm and extend the findings of Ramirez et al. (2009) and Melendez et al. (2009), who restricted their studies to solar analogs. We also show that the differences between the solar photospheric and CI meteoritic abundances correlate with condensation temperature.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures; to be published in MNRA

    Electronic structure and magnetic state of transuranium metals under pressure

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    Electronic structure of bcc Np, fcc Pu, Am, and Cm pure metals under pressure has been investigated employing the LDA+U method with spin-orbit coupling (LDA+U+SO). Magnetic state of the actinide ions was analyzed in both LS and jj coupling schemes to reveal the applicability of corresponding coupling bases. It was demonstrated that whereas Pu and Am are well described within the jj coupling scheme, Np and Cm can be described appropriately neither in {m-sigma}, nor in {jmj} basis, due to intermediate coupling scheme realizing in these metals that requires some finer treatment. The LDA+U+SO results for the considered transuranium metals reveal bands broadening and gradual 5f electron delocalization under pressure.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of Fe3O4 - Revisited

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    Recently Tobin et al (2007 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 315218) reported on the spin-resolved photoemission study of Fe3O4(001) films, claiming magnetite being a case against half-metallicity. In the present communication we re-examine recent spin-resolved photoemission experiments on Fe3O4 and explain why their criticism is unfounded