121 research outputs found

    Technical support systems for manned space astronomy Semiannual report for period ending 1 Oct. 1968

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    Development of film cassett for astronomical photography in space environment, and image dissectors as display devices for astronomical experimentation from manned spacecraf

    On the investigations of galaxy redshift periodicity

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    In this article we present a historical review of study of the redshift periodicity of galaxies, starting from the first works performed in the seventies of the twentieth century until the present day. We discuss the observational data and methods used, showing in which cases the discretization of redshifts was observed. We conclude that galaxy redshift periodisation is an effect which can really exist. We also discussed the redshift discretization in two different structures: the Local Group of galaxies and the Hercules Supercluster. Contrary to the previous studies we consider all galaxies which can be regarded as a structure member disregarding the accuracy of velocity measurements. We applied the power spectrum analysis using the Hann function for weighting, together with the jackknife error estimator. In both the structures we found weak effects of redshift periodisation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Part. and Nucl. Lett. 200

    Control of static electricity in 35mm film transports under vacuum conditions

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    Control of static electricity in transporting 35mm film in vacuu

    Results from computer program for analyzing scattered light suppression systems for large space telescope

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    A computer program was developed which has the ability to analyze the performance of most light suppression systems so as to predict the amount of scattered light which will reach the image plane for various conditions of unwanted light input from the sun, earth, or moon. This program was used to analyze three different configurations of the large space telescope (LST): an LST with a truncated sunshield, an LST with an extended cylindrical sunshield, and an LST with a conical sunshield which is tilted upwards. The computer program gives the user detailed information as to the paths taken by the unwanted stray light to reach the image plane, and pinpoints those portions of the light suppression system which contribute most of the stray light, so that areas requiring improvements are evident. Certain design guide lines were formulated for any light suppression system selected for the LST, and one which meets these requirements (the tilted sunshade) is described in detail

    Properties of the redshift

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    Central to any analysis of dynamical systems, or large scale motion, is the interpretation of redshifts of galaxies as classical Doppler velocity shifts. This is a testable assumption and for many years evidence has accumulated that is inconsistent with the assumption. Here, the authors review recent evidence suggesting systematic radial dependence and temporal variation of redshifts

    A system for the study of the detection of faint astronomical signals

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    Environmental tests for faint astronomical signal detectio

    Research in far ultraviolet filtering for space optical systems

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    Design and fabrication of multilayer interference filters for ultraviole

    A 1:1 apochromat transfer lens system

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    A prototype system for remote control was constructed for the University of Arizona 90-inch telescope on Kitt Peak. The system uses image dissector tubes, a conventional photocell, and photographic plates as detectors for images formed at the Cassegrain focus of the 90-inch telescope. It was decided to use an image relay system to transfer selected portions of the image plane to image dissectors and the photographic plate. The design of a 1:1 relay system is described. Design considerations are discussed and alternate designs are outlined

    Oscillating universes as eigensolutions of cosmological Schr\"odinger equation

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    We propose a cosmological model which could explain, in a very natural way, the apparently periodic structures of the universe, as revealed in a series of recent observations. Our point of view is to reduce the cosmological Friedman--Einstein dynamical system to a sort of Schr\"odinger equation whose bound eigensolutions are oscillating functions. Taking into account the cosmological expansion, the large scale periodic structure could be easily recovered considering the amplitudes and the correlation lengths of the galaxy clusters.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, submitted to Int. Jou. of Theor. Phy

    The Metallicity of Intergalactic Gas in Cosmic Voids

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    We have used the Hubble/STIS and FUSE archives of ultraviolet spectra of bright AGN to identify intergalactic Lya absorbers in nearby (z < 0.1) voids. From a parent sample of 651 Lya absorbers, we identified 61 void absorbers located more than 1.4/h_70 Mpc from the nearest L* or brighter galaxy. Searching for metal absorption in high-quality (S/N > 10) spectra at the location of three diagnostic metal lines (O VI 1032, C IV 1548, Si III 1206), we detected no metal lines in any individual absorber, or in any group of absorbers using pixel co-addition techniques. The best limits on metal-line absorption in voids were set using four strong Lya absorbers with N(H I) > 10^{14} cm^-2, with 3-sigma equivalent-width limits ranging from 8 mA (O VI), 7-15 mA (C IV), and 4-10 mA (Si III). Photoionization modeling yields metallicity limits Z < 10^{-1.8+/-0.4} Z_sun, from non-detections of C IV and O VI, some 6 times lower than those seen in Lya and OVI absorbers at z < 0.1. Although the void Lya absorbers could be pristine material, considerably deeper spectra are required to rule out a universal metallicity floor produced by bursts of early star formation, with no subsequent star formation in the voids. The most consistent conclusion derived from these low-z results, and similar searches at z = 3-5, is that galaxy filaments have increased their mean IGM metallicity by factors of 30-100 since z = 3.Comment: Accepted for ApJ, 8 pages including Fig 1a,