46 research outputs found

    Dynamical effects of exchange symmetry breaking in mixtures of interacting bosons

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    In a double-well potential, a Bose-Einstein condensate exhibits Josephson oscillations or self-trapping, depending on its initial preparation and on the ratio of inter-particle interaction to inter-well tunneling. Here, we elucidate the role of the exchange symmetry for the dynamics with a mixture of two distinguishable species with identical physical properties, i.e. which are governed by an isospecific interaction and external potential. In the mean-field limit, the spatial population imbalance of the mixture can be described by the dynamics of a single species in an effective potential with modified properties or, equivalently, with an effective total particle number. The oscillation behavior can be tuned by populating the second species while maintaining the spatial population imbalance and all other parameters constant. In the corresponding many-body approach, the single-species description approximates the full counting statistics well also outside the realm of spin-coherent states. The method is extended to general Bose-Hubbard systems and to their classical mean-field limits, which suggests an effective single-species description of multicomponent Bose gases with weakly an-isospecific interactions.Comment: amended and expanded, accepted for Phys. Rev. A, 14 pages, 7 figure

    Counting Statistics of Many-Particle Quantum Walks

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    We study quantum walks of many non-interacting particles on a beam splitter array, as a paradigmatic testing ground for the competition of single- and many-particle interference in a multi-mode system. We derive a general expression for multi-mode particle-number correlation functions, valid for bosons and fermions, and infer pronounced signatures of many-particle interferences in the counting statistics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure