36 research outputs found
A Novel Mode-Division Multiplexer/Demultiplexer with Ultra-Large Bandwidth and Ultra-Low Insertion Loss Based on Five-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber
A novel mode-division multiplexer/demultiplexer (MUX/DMUX) based on a five-core photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is proposed in this study. The structural parameters of MUX/DMUX were optimized using finite-difference eigenmode (FDE) and eigenmode expansion methods. The numerical simulation results show that the device can simultaneously multiplex five modes of LP01, LP11, LP21, LP31, and LP12 in the main core with an ultra-low insertion loss. At 1.55 μm, the mode conversion efficiency and insertion loss of the five modes were greater than 93.5% and less than 0.29 dB, respectively. The proposed MUX/DMUX is compact, with a length of only 1.84 mm. In addition, the device can operate efficiently with crosstalk of less than -11.34 dB over an ultra-wide bandwidth of 620 nm (from 1.33–1.95 μm, covering E-, S-, C-, L-, U-bands), offering great potential in future mode-division multiplexing systems
Data_Sheet_1_Knowledge, attitudes, and practices associated with bioterrorism preparedness in healthcare workers: a systematic review.pdf
IntroductionBioterrorism is an important issue in the field of biosecurity, and effectively dealing with bioterrorism has become an urgent task worldwide. Healthcare workers are considered bioterrorism first responders, who shoulder essential responsibilities and must be equipped to deal with bioterrorism. This study aims to extract and summarize the main research components of the bioterrorism knowledge, attitude, and practice dimensions among healthcare workers.MethodThis study utilized a systematic review research design based on the PRISMA 2020 guidelines. A literature search was conducted in the PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases for peer-reviewed literature, and the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) version 2018 was used to assess the quality of the literature.ResultA total of 16 studies were included in the final selection. Through the analysis and summary of the included studies, three main aspects and 14 subaspects of the knowledge dimension, three main aspects and 10 subaspects of the attitude dimension, and two main aspects and six subaspects of the practice dimension were extracted.ConclusionThis study conducted a literature review on bioterrorism knowledge, attitudes, and practices for healthcare workers based on the PRISMA 2020 guidelines. The findings can guide improvements in health literacy and provide beneficial information to professional organizations that need to respond effectively to bioterrorism.</p
Schematic representations of typic DLVO interaction energy profiles.
<p>The DLVO interaction energy profiles in (a), (b), (c), and (d) were denoted as type I, II, III, and IV respectively.</p
Illustration of a spherical colloid interacting with a planar surface covered with a hemispheroidal asperity.
<p>d<i>S</i> is a differential area element on the colloid surface, <b>k</b> is the unit vector directed towards the positive <i>z</i> axis, <b>n</b> is the outward unit normal to the colloid surface, d<i>A</i> is the projected area of d<i>S</i> on the collector surface, <i>h</i> is local distance between d<i>S</i> and d<i>A</i>, <i>H</i> is separation distance between the particle and collector surface. Modified from Shen et al. [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0147368#pone.0147368.ref030" target="_blank">30</a>].</p
Calculated adhesive torque for the 1156 nm colloid attached atop the hemispherical asperity in Fig 2 as a function of the asperity’s radius at different ionic strengths (□, 0.0001 M; Δ, 0.001 M; ○, 0.01 M; *, 0.2 M).
<p>The maximum hydrodynamic torques for approach velocity of 1.2 × 10<sup>−5</sup> m/s (solid line) was also shown for comparison.</p
Calculated primary minimum depths (<i>U</i><sub>pri</sub>) and secondary minimum depths (<i>U</i><sub>sec</sub>) between a planar surface and nanoparticles of different radii (□, 10 nm; ◊, 20 nm; Δ, 30 nm; ○, 50 nm; *, 100 nm) at different ionic strengths.
<p>The zeta potentials of the nanoparticles and the planar surface were assumed to be the same as those of 1156 nm colloid and sand in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0147368#pone.0147368.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>, respectively.</p
Effluent concentrations for the 1156 nm latex particles from the columns.
<p>Phase 1, attachment of colloids at (a) 0.2 M or (b) 0.01 M; Phase 2, elution with colloid-free electrolyte solution; Phase 3, elution with DI water; Phase 4, flow interruption for 3 days; Phase 5, elution with DI water. (2) is re-plotted figure for (1) on a semi-log scale.</p
Calculated primary minimum depths (<i>U</i><sub>pri</sub>) and secondary minimum depths (<i>U</i><sub>sec</sub>) between two identical nanoparticles of different radii (□, 10 nm; ◊, 20 nm; Δ, 30 nm; ○, 50 nm; *, 100 nm) at different ionic strengths.
<p>The zeta potentials of the nanoparticles were assumed to be the same as those of 1156 nm colloid in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0147368#pone.0147368.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>.</p
Calculated primary minimum depths <i>U</i><sub>pri</sub> for the 1156 nm colloid interacting with the planar surface carrying a hemisphere with different radii at different ionic strengths (a, 0.0001 M; b, 0.001 M; c, 0.01 M; d, 0.2 M).
<p>Note the change in scale of the <i>y</i> axes among the various graphs.</p
DLVO energy profiles for the 1156 nm colloid interacting with the planar surface carrying a hemisphere with different radii (a, 100 nm; b, 5 nm; c, 20 nm; d, 15 nm) at different ionic strengths (black, 0.2 M; pink, 0.01 M; red, 0.001 M; blue, 0.0001 M).
<p>The calculated primary minimum depth (<i>U</i><sub>pri</sub>), maximum energy barrier (<i>U</i><sub>max</sub>), and secondary minimum depth (<i>U</i><sub>sec</sub>) are also shown.</p