165 research outputs found

    Using Multi-staged Puzzles to Improve Backtracking in Level Design

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    This study explores the potential best practices in using multi-staged puzzles, which involve backtracking, in video games. The researcher focused on enhancing the players’ experiences by applying elements of the flow theory to an artifact level in Dying Light 2. Playtesters’ feedback suggested that best practices in multi-staged backtracking puzzles improve flow state entry and increase enjoyment

    BOOST: Harnessing Black-Box Control to Boost Commonsense in LMs' Generation

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    Large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-3 have demonstrated a strong capability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text. However, amidst their successes, a crucial issue persists: their generated outputs still lack commonsense at times. Moreover, fine-tuning the entire LLM towards more commonsensical outputs is computationally expensive if not infeasible. In this paper, we present a computation-efficient framework that steers a frozen Pre-Trained Language Model (PTLM) towards more commonsensical generation (i.e., producing a plausible output that incorporates a list of concepts in a meaningful way). Specifically, we first construct a reference-free evaluator that assigns a sentence with a commonsensical score by grounding the sentence to a dynamic commonsense knowledge base from four different relational aspects. We then use the scorer as the oracle for commonsense knowledge, and extend the controllable generation method called NADO to train an auxiliary head that guides a fixed PTLM to better satisfy the oracle. We test our framework on a series of GPT-2-, Flan-T5-, and Alpaca-based language models (LMs) on two constrained concept-to-sentence benchmarks. Human evaluation results demonstrate that our method consistently leads to the most commonsensical outputs.Comment: EMNLP 202

    Privacy-Preserving Constrained Domain Generalization via Gradient Alignment

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    Deep neural networks (DNN) have demonstrated unprecedented success for medical imaging applications. However, due to the issue of limited dataset availability and the strict legal and ethical requirements for patient privacy protection, the broad applications of medical imaging classification driven by DNN with large-scale training data have been largely hindered. For example, when training the DNN from one domain (e.g., with data only from one hospital), the generalization capability to another domain (e.g., data from another hospital) could be largely lacking. In this paper, we aim to tackle this problem by developing the privacy-preserving constrained domain generalization method, aiming to improve the generalization capability under the privacy-preserving condition. In particular, We propose to improve the information aggregation process on the centralized server-side with a novel gradient alignment loss, expecting that the trained model can be better generalized to the "unseen" but related medical images. The rationale and effectiveness of our proposed method can be explained by connecting our proposed method with the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) which has been widely adopted as the distribution distance measurement. Experimental results on two challenging medical imaging classification tasks indicate that our method can achieve better cross-domain generalization capability compared to the state-of-the-art federated learning methods

    Does ESG investment reduce carbon emissions in China?

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    This study explores the relationship between ESG investments and carbon emissions in China. Our results show that 1% increase in environmental investments would cause 0.246% decrease in CO2 emissions and 0.558% decrease in carbon emission intensity. The impact of ESG investment is heterogeneous across the developed and underdeveloped regions. Environmental investments in the advanced eastern region have significantly improved carbon productivity. In contrast, environmental investments in the central and western regions significantly reduced carbon emissions, but they have little impact on carbon productivity

    Enhancing Low-Light Images Using Infrared-Encoded Images

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    Low-light image enhancement task is essential yet challenging as it is ill-posed intrinsically. Previous arts mainly focus on the low-light images captured in the visible spectrum using pixel-wise loss, which limits the capacity of recovering the brightness, contrast, and texture details due to the small number of income photons. In this work, we propose a novel approach to increase the visibility of images captured under low-light environments by removing the in-camera infrared (IR) cut-off filter, which allows for the capture of more photons and results in improved signal-to-noise ratio due to the inclusion of information from the IR spectrum. To verify the proposed strategy, we collect a paired dataset of low-light images captured without the IR cut-off filter, with corresponding long-exposure reference images with an external filter. The experimental results on the proposed dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, showing better performance quantitatively and qualitatively. The dataset and code are publicly available at https://wyf0912.github.io/ELIEI/Comment: The first two authors contribute equally. The work is accepted by ICIP 202

    Global Coronal Plasma Diagnostics Based on Multi-slit EUV Spectroscopy

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    Full-disk spectroscopic observations of the solar corona are highly desired to forecast solar eruptions and their impact on planets and to uncover the origin of solar wind. In this paper, we introduce a new multi-slit design (5 slits) to obtain extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectra simultaneously. The selected spectrometer wavelength range (184-197 \r{A}) contains several bright EUV lines that can be used for spectral diagnostics. The multi-slit approach offers an unprecedented way to efficiently obtain the global spectral data but the ambiguity from different slits should be resolved. Using a numerical simulation of the global corona, we primarily concentrate on the optimization of the disambiguation process, with the objective of extracting decomposed spectral information of six primary lines. This subsequently facilitates a comprehensive series of plasma diagnostics, including density (Fe XII 195.12/186.89 \r{A}), Doppler velocity (Fe XII 193.51 \r{A}), line width (Fe XII 193.51 \r{A}) and temperature diagnostics (Fe VIII 185.21 \r{A}, Fe X 184.54 \r{A}, Fe XI 188.22 \r{A}, Fe XII 193.51 \r{A}). We find a good agreement between the forward modeling parameters and the inverted results at the initial eruption stage of a coronal mass ejection, indicating the robustness of the decomposition method and its immense potential for global monitoring of the solar corona.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Accepted on 2024 April 18 for publication in ApJ. Published on 2024 May 30. The name of first author changed once from Linyi Chen (simplified Chinese) to Lami Chan (traditional Chinese) but for the same perso

    Confirming the efficacy and safety of CDK4/6 inhibitors in the first-line treatment of HR+ advanced breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4 and 6 inhibitors (abemaciclib, palbociclib and ribociclib) have been recommended in the first-line treatment of hormone receptor-positive (HR+) breast cancer in China. Our study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CDK4/6 inhibitors by processing survival data using fractional polynomial modeling methods.Methods: Phase II or III randomized controlled trials in treatment-naive HR + patients with advanced breast cancer were systematically searched through the preset search strategy. The fractional polynomial (FP) model was used to relax the proportional hazard assumption and obtain time-varying hazard ratio (HR). Progression-free life years (PFLYs) and life years (LYs) were calculated from the area under curve (AUC) of the predicted progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) curves to evaluate the long-term efficacy benefit. Odds ratio (OR) of grade≥3 adverse events were analyzed for safety outcomes.Results: 6 randomized controlled trials with 2,638 patients were included. The first-order FP model (p = −1) and the first-order FP model (p = 1) were used to calculate the time-varying HR of PFS and OS, respectively. Extrapolating to 240 months, abemaciclib obtained a PFS benefit of 3.059 PFLYs and 6.275 LYs by calculating the AUC of the PFS and OS curves. Palbociclib obtained 2.302 PFLYs and 6.351 LYs. Ribociclib obtained 2.636 PFLYs and 6.543 LYs. In terms of safety, the use of CDK4/6 inhibitors resulted in a higher risk of adverse events (OR = 9.84, 95% CI: 8.13–11.95), especially for palbociclib (OR = 14.04, 95% CI: 10.52–18.90).Conclusion: The use of CDK4/6 inhibitors in treatment-naive patients with HR + advanced breast cancer significantly improves survival, but also increases the risk of adverse events. Abemaciclib and ribociclib may be the best options for prolonging PFS and OS in treatment-naïve patients, respectively
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