114 research outputs found
Radio Spectral Index Variations of the SNR HB3
We present images of the SNR HB3 at both 408 MHz and 1420 MHz from the
Canadian Galactic Plane Survey mainly based on data from the Synthesis
Telescope of the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory. We reproduce the
100m-Effelsberg HB3 image at 2695 MHz at large scale, and find that there
exists a background emission gradient across the HB3 area. Based on our
analysis of background emission and the boundary between W3 and HB3, we give
HB3's flux density as 68.6 +/- 11.5 Jy at 408 MHz and 44.8 +/- 12.0 Jy at 1420
MHz, after subtracting flux from compact sources within HB3. The integrated
flux-density-based spectral index between 408 MHz and 1420 MHz is 0.34 +/-
0.15. The averaged T-T plot spectral index using all subareas is 0.36. Our
measurement values are less than a previously published value of 0.6. The
408-1420 MHz spectral index varies spatially in HB3 in the range 0.1 to 0.7. We
investigate the data used by previous authors, and consider more data at 232
MHz, 3650 MHz and 3900 MHz which are not included in previous calculations.
There is evidence for two spectral indices for HB3 in the radio band, i.e.,
0.63 (38 - 610 MHz) and 0.32 (408 - 3900 MHz). This is consistent with the
spatial variations: the low frequency data mainly reflects the steeper indices
and the high frequency data mainly reflects the flatter indices.Comment: 8 pages, 4 tables, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&
Radio observations and spectral index study of SNR G126.2+1.6
We present new images of the low radio surface brightness Supernova Remnant
(SNR) G126.2+1.6, based on the 408 MHz and 1420 MHz continuum emission and the
HI-line emission data of the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS). {\bf We
find the SNR's flux densities at 408 MHz (9.73.9 Jy) and 1420 MHz
(6.72.1 Jy) which have been} corrected for flux densities from compact
sources within the SNR. The integrated flux density based spectral index
(S) is 0.300.41. The respective T-T plot
spectral index is 0.30 0.08. We also find spatial variations of spectral
index within the SNR{\bf:0.2-0.6.} HI observations show structures probably
associated with the SNR, i.e, features associated with the SNR's southeastern
filaments in the radial velocity range of -33 to -42 kms, and with its
northwestern filaments in -47 to -52 kms. This association suggests a
distance of 5.6 kpc for SNR G126.2+1.6. The estimated Sedov age for G126.2+1.6
is less than 2.1 yr.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables, accepted by A&
Investigations of supernovae and supernova remnants in the era of SKA
Two main physical mechanisms are used to explain supernova explosions:
thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf(Type Ia) and core collapse of a
massive star (Type II and Type Ib/Ic). Type Ia supernovae serve as distance
indicators that led to the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the
Universe. The exact nature of their progenitor systems however remain unclear.
Radio emission from the interaction between the explosion shock front and its
surrounding CSM or ISM provides an important probe into the progenitor star's
last evolutionary stage. No radio emission has yet been detected from Type Ia
supernovae by current telescopes. The SKA will hopefully detect radio emission
from Type Ia supernovae due to its much better sensitivity and resolution.
There is a 'supernovae rate problem' for the core collapse supernovae because
the optically dim ones are missed due to being intrinsically faint and/or due
to dust obscuration. A number of dust-enshrouded optically hidden supernovae
should be discovered via SKA1-MID/survey, especially for those located in the
innermost regions of their host galaxies. Meanwhile, the detection of
intrinsically dim SNe will also benefit from SKA1. The detection rate will
provide unique information about the current star formation rate and the
initial mass function. A supernova explosion triggers a shock wave which expels
and heats the surrounding CSM and ISM, and forms a supernova remnant (SNR). It
is expected that more SNRs will be discovered by the SKA. This may decrease the
discrepancy between the expected and observed numbers of SNRs. Several SNRs
have been confirmed to accelerate protons, the main component of cosmic rays,
to very high energy by their shocks. This brings us hope of solving the
Galactic cosmic ray origin's puzzle by combining the low frequency (SKA) and
very high frequency (Cherenkov Telescope Array: CTA) bands' observations of
SNRs.Comment: To be published in: "Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre
Array", Proceedings of Science, PoS(AASKA14
A Study of Radio Knots within Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A
The study on the dynamic evolution of young supernova remnants (SNRs) is an
important way to understand the density structure of the progenitor's
circumstellar medium. We have reported the acceleration or deceleration, proper
motion and brightness changes of 260 compact radio features in the second
youngest known SNR Cas A at 5\,GHz based on the VLA data of five epochs from
1987 to 2004. The radio expansion center locates at . Three-quarters of the compact knots are
decelerating, this suggests that there are significant density fluctuations in
the stellar winds of the remnant's progenitor. We have verified that the
acceleration or deceleration of compact knots are not related with the
distribution of brightness. The brightening, fading, disappearing or new
appearing of compact radio features in Cas A suggests that the magnetic field
in the remnant is changing rapidly.Comment: 20 pages,9 figures, ApJ accepte
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