1,930 research outputs found
We use a simple nonlinear commodity market model to illustrate the impact of recent reforms of the CAP on the variability of EU and world wheat prices. Second, within an expected utility framework we estimate the transfer and risk effects on producer welfare due to market liberalizing reforms. We found that wheat producers were over-compensated for the losses due to lower prices following the 1992 reforms. The transfer effect clearly dominated while the risk component was small. Further, we did not find producer incomes to be more unstable following to the 1992 CAP reforms.price transmission, CAP reform, price instability, producer welfare, wheat market, Demand and Price Analysis, International Relations/Trade,
Long-term Global Agricultural Output Supply-Demand Balance and Real Farm and Food Prices
Global food demand is estimated from population projections of the United Nations and food supply is projected from Food and Agriculture Organization yield data to quantify the global food supply-demand balance for 2025 and 2050. The eight food categories examined account for 95 percent of global food consumption. Results indicate that the historic era of secularly falling real food prices is over. The real price of corn, for example, is not expected to fall over the next four decades at the annual rate of 1.3 percent that it fell annually from 1960 to 2006. The analysis foresees future real food prices fluctuating around a flat or rising trend. Slowed national economic growth from flat or rising real food prices may be little more than an irritant for consumers in affluent countries, but will entail severe hardship for consumers in the many countries currently troubled by poverty and hunger. Opportunities exist to expand food output by adding cropland in Brazil and irrigation in Africa, for example, but in the long term such developments will be offset by cropland removed from production by urban and industrial development, soil degradation, and the like. Although cropland can be expanded through higher real farm and food prices, higher yields rather than added cropland offer the most attractive opportunities for farm output expansion at low cost to consumers and the environment. The slowing rate of increase in crop and livestock yields corresponds with a slowing rate of increase in public and in private agricultural research and development spending. The world will not have the luxury of curtailing spending on agricultural technology and rejecting promising technologies such as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) if is to keep real food costs from rising. Productive new cropland, irrigation, genetically modified varieties, and other technologies will be hard pressed indeed to match the massive historic gains from hybrid varieties, irrigation, synthetic fertilizers, and mechanization. On the demand side, subsidies to expand demand for farming resources such as biofuels will need revisiting if rising food costs are to be contained.World Food Supply-Demand, Food Prices, Agricultural Markets, Crop and Livestock Yields, Agricultural and Food Policy, Demand and Price Analysis, International Development, Q11, Q18,
Country of Origin Advertising and U.S. Wine Imports
The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of media advertising on the US consumption of imported wine. A panel data of seven countries and twelve years from 1994-2005 is used to estimate the demand function for US wine imports. Our empirical analysis reveals evidence of strong price and advertising effects of domestic and imported wines on imported quantities; the advertising of imported wines significantly increases the quantity of imports while the advertising of domestic wines has a strong depressing effect on imported wine volumes. Our short-run import demand price and advertising elasticity estimates are -0.406 and 0.109 for imports and 0.654 and -0.370 for domestic wines, respectively. Other determinants such as population, real income and country specific fixed effects are also found significant. Based on our model estimates, we compute the marginal return to advertising to be 3.40 for the U.S.International Relations/Trade, Marketing,
Traditional indicators of protection refer to the level effect of price policies on income and ignore the stabilizing effect. We derive a measure of the real rate of protection which incorporates these dual dimensions. The income stabilizing effects of price policy protection lead to a greater level of real protection than would be measured conventionally. Computed real protection rates for the European Union wheat market over the pre- and post-MacSharry reform periods were found to be some 3-5 percent greater than traditional indicators. Moreover, the compensatory payments to farmers following the 1992 reforms had a major risk reducing impact.International Relations/Trade,
Markets Segmented by Regional - Origin Labeling with Quality Control
It is the objective of this paper to provide a methodological framework for the analysis of regional marketing programs which include regional-origin labeling as well as quality assurance and control. Such programs are increasingly introduced in Europe and other parts of the world as a means against quality uncertainty in globalized markets. An equilibrium - displacement model is developed for a segmented market with differential qualities that can be utilized for a broad variety of marketing programs. It is applied to one selected European case, i.e. "Gepruefte Qualitaet - Bayern". It is shown that the price impacts on high-quality and low-quality segments depend crucially on substitutive relationships between the markets and the advertising elasticities. Welfare implications for producers in a program depend strongly on advertising elasticities, too, but also on the costs of participation including quality control and on the co-financing mechanism between government and producers.regional-origin labeling, segmented markets, generic promotion, Gepruefte Qualitaet - Bayern, economic welfare, Marketing,
Foreign Direct Investment and Education Investment in Developing Countries
We introduce a model to explain the economic rationale for the observed policy combination of a developing country (hosting foreign direct investment (FDI) through education investment (EDI)) and the interest of a multinational corporation (MNC) in the local labor quality when it contemplates FDI. Information on local labor is the source of a more efficient contract for the MNC with local labor, and the local government can benefit both agents through EDI, FDI, and information sharing. This strategy set is likely to be used by a country in the early stage of economic development. The education level chosen by the local government, however, will be higher than that which maximizes the welfare of local labor. In that sense, the government has the incentive to benefit itself and the MNC at the expense of local labor.International Relations/Trade, Labor and Human Capital,
Structural change in European calf markets: Policy decoupling and movement restrictions
We analyse weekly calf prices from 2003 to 2009 to assess the impact of two important events which changed the structure of European cattle markets. We find the four European calf markets studied to be integrated. The decoupling of farm payments in the framework of the 2003 reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy is found to reduce prices. We ascertain that the outbreak of the Blue Tongue disease induced a structural change in some of the markets. Using counterfactual scenarios, we provide an indication of the effects resulting from granting member states a high degree of discretion in implementation.2003 CAP reform, cattle market, decoupling, European Union, market integration, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use,
Spatial market integration in the EU beef and veal sector: policy decoupling and export bans
The 2003 reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy of the Euro-pean Union allowed for discretionary implementation among member states. Discretion was allowed with respect to the timing and the degree of decoupling of policy support. Differences among member states were particularly apparent in the European beef and veal sector. Using weekly data from 2003 to 2009, we assess the consequences of different national implementation strategies of the reforms on market integration for young calves, which are intensively traded in the European Union. Time series properties are analyzed with a range unit-root test after which a multivariate cointegration model is estimated. We find that the calf markets in Germany, France, the Netherlands and Spain are integrated and tightly interrelated as evidenced by both short and long-run price transmis-sion. We also find strong statistical support for the hypothesis that decoupling reduced calf price levels. Additionally, we ascertain that the outbreak of the Blue Tongue disease induced a structural change in parts of the EU calf market. Using counterfactual scenarios, we provide an indication of the cost involved with granting member states such a high degree of discretion in implementation. We conclude that the national markets studied here belong to a common market. --2003 CAP reform,calf market,decoupling,EU,market integration,price transmission
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