430 research outputs found
Fundamental Constant Observational Bounds on the Variability of the QCD Scale
Many physical theories beyond the Standard Model predict time variations of
basic physics parameters. Direct measurement of the time variations of these
parameters is very difficult or impossible to achieve. By contrast,
measurements of fundamental constants are relatively easy to achieve, both in
the laboratory and by astronomical spectra of atoms and molecules in the early
universe. In this work measurements of the proton to electron mass ratio
and the fine structure constant are combined to place mildly model
dependent limits on the fractional variation of the Quantum Chromodynamic Scale
and the sum of the fractional variations of the Higgs Vacuum Expectation Value
and the Yukawa couplings on time scales of more than half the age of the
universe. The addition of another model parameter allows the fractional
variation of the Higgs VEV and the Yukawa couplings to be computed separately.
Limits on their variation are found at the level of less than over the past seven gigayears. A model dependent relation between the
expected fractional variation of relative to tightens the limits
to over the same time span. Limits on the present day rate of change
of the constants and parameters are then calculated using slow roll
quintessence. A primary result of this work is that studies of the
dimensionless fundamental constants such as and , whose values
depend on the values of the physics parameters, are excellent monitors of the
limits on the time variation of these parameters.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 8 pages, 5 figure
The Relation Between Fundamental Constants and Particle Physics Parameters
The observed constraints on the variability of the proton to electron mass
ratio and the fine structure constant are used to establish
constraints on the variability of the Quantum Chromodynamic Scale and a
combination of the Higgs Vacuum Expectation Value and the Yukawa couplings.
Further model dependent assumptions provide constraints on the Higgs VEV and
the Yukawa couplings separately. A primary conclusion is that limits on the
variability of dimensionless fundamental constants such as and
provide important constraints on the parameter space of new physics and
cosmologies.Comment: Published in the proceedings of the Conference on Varying Constants
and Fundamental Cosmology VARCOSMOFUN16. Modified from the Universe style to
process properly in arXi
Confronting Cosmology and New Physics with Fundamental Constants
The values of the fundamental constants such as , the proton
to electron mass ratio and , the fine structure constant, are sensitive
to the product where is a coupling constant
between a rolling scalar field responsible for the acceleration of the
expansion of the universe and the electromagnetic field with x standing for
either or . The dark energy equation of state can assume
values different than in cosmologies where the acceleration of the
expansion is due to a scalar field. In this case the value of both and
changes with time. The values of the fundamental constants, therefore,
monitor the equation of state and are a valuable tool for determining as a
function of redshift. In fact the rolling of the fundamental constants is one
of the few definitive discriminators between acceleration due to a cosmological
constant and acceleration due to a quintessence rolling scalar field. is
often given in parameterized form for comparison with observations. In this
manuscript the predicted evolution of , is calculated for a range of
parameterized equation of state models and compared to the observational
constraints on . We find that the current limits on place significant constraints on linear equation of state models and
on thawing models where deviates from at late times. They also
constrain non-dynamical models that have a constant not equal to .
These constraints are an important compliment to geometric tests of in that
geometric tests are sensitive to the evolution of the universe before the epoch
of observation while fundamental constants are sensitive to the evolution of
the universe after the observational epoch. Abstract truncated.Comment: To appear in the conference proceedings of the Sesto Conference on
Fundamental Constants and Coupling
Beta Function Quintessence Cosmological Parameters and Fundamental Constants I: Power and Inverse Power Law Dark Energy Potentials
This investigation explores using the beta function formalism to calculate
analytic solutions for the observable parameters in rolling scalar field
cosmologies. The beta function in this case is the derivative of the scalar
with respect to the natural log of the scale factor ,
. Once the beta function is specified,
modulo a boundary condition, the evolution of the scalar as a function
of the scale factor is completely determined. A rolling scalar field cosmology
is defined by its action which can contain a range of physically motivated dark
energy potentials. The beta function is chosen so that the associated "beta
potential" is an accurate, but not exact, representation of the appropriate
dark energy model potential. The basic concept is that the action with the beta
potential is so similar to the action with the model potential that solutions
using the beta action are accurate representations of solutions using the model
action. The beta function provides an extra equation to calculate analytic
functions of the cosmologies parameters as a function of the scale factor that
are that are not calculable using only the model action. As an example this
investigation uses a quintessence cosmology to demonstrate the method for power
and inverse power law dark energy potentials. An interesting result of the
investigation is that the Hubble parameter H is almost completely insensitive
to the power of the potentials and that CDM is part of the family of
quintessence cosmology power law potentials with a power of zero.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Societ
Paper Session II-B - Scientific Results from NICMOS
Observations with the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) began soon after its insertion into the Hubble Space Telescope by STS-82 astronauts in February of 1997. The initial observations were mainly diagnostic with some Early Release Observations (EROs) to demonstrate the abilities of the instrument. This talk presents new observations since the epoch of the EROs along with new science findings from these observations. The author wishes to thank all of those who graciously contributed data for this presentation since most of these images are still in their proprietary period for release. The presentation will also touch on the future plans for the NICMOS project
Beta function quintessence cosmological parameters and fundamental constants – II. Exponential and logarithmic dark energy potentials
This paper uses the beta function formalism to extend the analysis of quintessence cosmological parameters to the logarithmic and exponential dark energy potentials. The previous paper demonstrated the formalism using power and inverse power potentials. The essentially identical evolution of the Hubble parameter for all of the quintessence cases and Lambda CDM is attributed to the flatness of the quintessence dark energy potentials in the dark energy dominated era. The Hubble parameter is therefore incapable of discriminating between static and dynamic dark energy. Unlike the other three potentials considered in the two papers the logarithmic dark energy potential requires a numerical integration in the formula for the superpotential rather than being an analytic function. The dark energy equation of state and the fundamental constants continue to be good discriminators between static and dynamical dark energy. A new analysis of quintessence with all four of the potentials relative the swampland conjectures indicates that the conjecture on the change in the scalar field is satisfied but that the conjecture on the change of the potential is not.This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]
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