800 research outputs found

    Practical expressions for the internal energy and pressure of Yukawa fluids

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    Simple practical expressions are put forward, which allow to estimate thermodynamic properties of Yukawa fluids in a wide range of coupling, up to the fluid-solid phase transition. These expressions demonstrate excellent agreement with the available results from numerical simulations. The approach provides simple and accurate tool to estimate thermodynamic properties of Yukawa fluids and related systems in a broad range of parameters.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Fluid approach to evaluate sound velocity in Yukawa systems (complex plasmas)

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    The conventional fluid description of multi-component plasma, supplemented by an appropriate equation of state for the macroparticle component, is used to evaluate the longitudinal sound velocity of Yukawa fluids. The obtained results are in very good agreement with those obtained earlier employing the quasi-localized charge approximation and molecular dynamics simulations in a rather broad parameter regime. Thus, a simple yet accurate tool to estimate the sound velocity across coupling regimes is proposed, which can be particularly helpful in estimating the dust-acoustic velocity in strongly coupled dusty (complex) plasmas. It is shown that, within the present approach, the sound velocity is completely determined by particle-particle correlations and the neutralizing medium (plasma), apart from providing screening of the Coulomb interaction, has no other effect on the sound propagation. The ratio of the actual sound velocity to its "ideal gas" (weak coupling) scale only weakly depends on the coupling strength in the fluid regime, but exhibits a pronounced decrease with the increase of the screening strength. The limitations of the present approach in applications to real complex plasmas are briefly discussed.Comment: Physical Review E (in press

    The Bohm sheath criterion in strongly coupled complex plasmas

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    A modification of the classical Bohm sheath criterion is investigated in complex plasmas containing Boltzmann electrons, cold fluid ions and strongly coupled microparticles. Equilibrium is provided by an effective 'temperature' associated with electrostatic interactions between charged grains. Using the small-potential expansion approach of the Sagdeev potential, a significant reduction of the ion Bohm velocity is obtained for complex plasma parameters relevant for experiments. The result is of consequence for all problems involving ion drag on microparticles, including parametric instability, structure formation, wave propagation, etc

    Shocks in economic growth = shocking effects on agricultural markets?

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    Projections on the development of agricultural commodity markets underlie a given set of assumptions on economic growth. However, recent economic and financial crisis, as well as signs of quicker recovery in emerging economies, increase uncertainty in the forecasts of macroeconomic developments. This paper analyses the effects of different economic growth scenarios on agricultural commodity markets. In particular we assess the potential impacts of a faster economic growth in emerging economies on the one hand and of a replication of the recent economic downturn on the other hand. The empirical analysis uses the AGLINKCOSIMO model and builds upon the recently published European agricultural outlook of the EU Commission. The simulation results demonstrate that higher economic growth influences demand more than supply, resulting in higher world market prices. Emerging economies tend to import more and stock less in order to cover their demand needs, while the rest of the world increases its exports. In total the ending stocks decrease and combined with the increased consumption, the stock-to-use ratio decreases. Replication of an economic downturn affects the markets differently, depending on how elastic or inelastic the markets react to price signals. Livestock markets appear more stable and do not regain their baseline levels within a 5-year period. The magnitude of the effects is smaller the longer the simulated time path is and certainly depends on the introduced shock.economic growth, agricultural commodity markets, AGLINK-COSIMO, International Relations/Trade,

    Is Newer Always Better? Assessing Recombination Types of Digital Services

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    Organizations rely on recombination to develop new innovative services. However, a comprehensive understanding of the influence of different recombination types on user perceptions of such services is missing. Based on theory from service science and the concept of recombinant digital innovation, we derived a TAM-based research model to study how associative and additive recombination types influence user perceptions of services and tested it in an online experiment with 362 participants. Our results show that additive recombination types are more capable of positively affecting perceived novelty, perceived value, and adoption intention than associative types, which is dependent on the respective setting of the service. We contribute to research by shedding light on the influence of different recombination types on user perceptions of services and the need for operand-specific digital innovation in service systems. Practitioners can use our findings to improve the configuration of service systems

    Agglomeration of microparticles in complex plasmas

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    Agglomeration of highly charged microparticles was observed and studied in complex plasma experiments carried out in a capacitively coupled rf discharge. The agglomeration was caused by strong dust density waves triggered in a particle cloud by decreasing neutral gas pressure. Using a high-speed camera during this unstable regime, it was possible to resolve the motion of individual microparticles and to show that the relative velocities of some particles were sufficiently high to overcome the mutual Coulomb repulsion and hence to result in agglomeration. After stabilising the cloud again through the increase of the pressure, we were able to observe the aggregates directly with a long-distance microscope. We show that the agglomeration rate deduced from our experiments is in good agreement with theoretical estimates. In addition, we briefly discuss the mechanisms that can provide binding of highly charged microparticles in a plasma.Comment: submitted to Phys. Plasm

    Theory of a cavity around a large floating sphere in complex (dusty) plasma

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    In the last experiment with the PK-3 Plus laboratory onboard the International Space Station, interactions of millimeter-size metallic spheres with a complex plasma were studied~[M. Schwabe {\it et al.}, New J. Phys. {\bf 19}, 103019 (2017)]. Among the phenomena observed was the formation of cavities (regions free of microparticles forming a complex plasma) surrounding the spheres. The size of the cavity is governed by the balance of forces experienced by the microparticles at the cavity edge. In this article we develop a detailed theoretical model describing the cavity size and demonstrate that it agrees well with sizes measured experimentally. The model is based on a simple practical expression for the ion drag force, which is constructed to take into account simultaneously the effects of non-linear ion-particle coupling and ion-neutral collisions. The developed model can be useful for describing interactions between a massive body and surrounding complex plasma in a rather wide parameter regime.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures; to be published (2019

    Channeling of particles and associated anomalous transport in a 2D complex plasma crystal

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    Implications of recently discovered effect of channeling of upstream extra particles for transport phenomena in a two-dimensional plasma crystal are discussed. Upstream particles levitated above the lattice layer and tended to move between the rows of lattice particles. An example of heat transport is considered, where upstream particles act as moving heat sources, which may lead to anomalous heat transport. The average channeling length observed was 15 - 20 interparticle distances. New features of the channeling process are also reported

    Thermodynamics of Yukawa fluids near the one-component-plasma limit

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    Thermodynamics of weakly screened (near the one-component-plasma limit) Yukawa fluids in two and three dimensions is analyzed in detail. It is shown that the thermal component of the excess internal energy of these fluids, when expressed in terms of the properly normalized coupling strength, exhibits the scaling pertinent to the corresponding one-component-plasma limit (the scalings differ considerably between the two- and three-dimensional situations). This provides us with a simple and accurate practical tool to estimate thermodynamic properties of weakly screened Yukawa fluids. Particular attention is paid to the two-dimensional fluids, for which several important thermodynamic quantities are calculated to illustrate the application of the approach.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Plasma

    Wake-mediated propulsion of an upstream particle in two-dimensional plasma crystals

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    The wake-mediated propulsion of an "extra" particle in a channel of two neighboring rows of a two-dimensional plasma crystal, observed experimentally by Du et al. [Phys. Rev. E 89, 021101(R) (2014)], is explained in simulations and theory. We use the simple model of a pointlike ion wake charge to reproduce this intriguing effect in simulations, allowing for a detailed investigation and a deeper understanding of the underlying dynamics. We show that the nonreciprocity of the particle interaction, owing to the wake charges, is responsible for a broken symmetry of the channel that enables a persistent self-propelled motion of the extra particle. We find good agreement of the terminal extra-particle velocity with our theoretical considerations and with experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, PRL (https://journals.aps.org/prl/), updated version with correct author affiliation
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