500 research outputs found

    What are Some Best HR Practices in Response to Natural Disasters in Terms of Training and Communication?

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    Today’s world is defined by, among other characteristics, borderless and unconventional threats, global challenges, and fast-paced change. HR has not been initially designed to organize or oversee crisis management. However HR’s role in training and development can contribute to an organization’s overall crisis management capacity, as well as to effective crisis communication in particular. Studies show that crisis-prepared companies have fewer crises to grapple with, stay in business longer and fare better in financial terms

    When Developing a Career Path, What are the Key Elements to Include?

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    Question: When developing a career path from scratch, what are the key elements to include in the design process and what factors lead to a successful implementation

    El fortalecimiento de las capacidades desde el interior hacia el exterior

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    En 2004, los representantes de 15 Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y la Media Luna Roja de África y el personal del Instituto Fritz se reunieron en Johannesburgo (Sudáfrica) para promover la postura cada vez más mayoritaria de que los problemas humanitarios del continente africano no pueden resolverse desde el exterior

    Off-Road Vehicle Recreation in the West: Implications of a Wyoming Analysis

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    Community/Rural/Urban Development, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Beyond the Hype:Digital Transformations in Global Land, Housing, and Property

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    This theme issue investigates how 21st-century digital innovations are changing the nature and value of land, housing, and property. Contributors bring together an array of cases to understand how digitization is remaking land and housing on a global scale and, in turn, how existing property relations structure digital transformations in particular geographies. In this introduction to the theme issue, we outline how hype can be used as an analytical entry point to characterize the collection’s contribution, demonstrating how hype elides unequal relations of land and labor while stoking speculation in immovable property, even as it creates new markets for less tangible assets—whether rental data or virtual plots—that usher in new global connections and familiar market dynamics

    Entendendo a escassez de professores: Uma análise da oferta e demanda de professores nos Estados Unidos

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    This paper reviews the sources of and potential solutions to teacher shortages in the United States. It describes the sources of current and projected increases in teacher demand relative to enrollments, shifts in pupil-teacher ratios, and attrition. It places these in relation to recent declines in teacher supply and evaluates evidence of shortages in fields like mathematics, science, special education, and educators for English learners, as well as in particular parts of the country. Our analysis using national databases through 2016 predicted an estimated annual teacher shortage of approximately 112,000 teachers in 2017-18. Our recent review of state teacher workforce reports estimated 109,000 individuals were uncertified for their teaching positions in the US in 2017, roughly approximating our projections. We discuss the factors driving shortages and, based on previous research, identify responses that might ameliorate these trends.Este artículo analiza las fuentes de escasez de maestros en los Estados Unidos y posibles soluciones para este situación. Describe las fuentes de aumentos actuales y proyectados en la demanda de maestros en relación a las matrículas, cambios en las proporciones alumno- maestro y la atrición. En relación con la disminución reciente en la oferta de maestros, encontramos evidencia de escasez en campos como matemáticas, ciencias, educación especial y educadores para estudiantes de inglés, así como en partes específicas del país. Nuestro análisis utilizando bases de datos nacionales hasta 2016 predijo una escasez anual estimada de aproximadamente 112.000 profesores en 2017-18. Nuestra reciente revisión de los informes de la fuerza de trabajo de maestros del estado estimó que 109.000 personas no fueron certificadas para sus posiciones de enseñanza en los EE.UU. En 2017, acercándose a nuestras proyecciones. Discutimos los factores que impulsan la escasez y, sobre la base de investigaciones anteriores, identificamos respuestas que pueden mejorar esas tendencias.Este artigo analisa as fontes de escassez de professores nos Estados Unidos e possíveis soluções para este dliema. Ele descreve as fontes de aumentos atuais e projetados na demanda de professores em relação às matrículas, mudanças nas proporções aluno-professor e atrito. Em relação aos declínios recentes na oferta de professores, encontramos evidências de escassez em áreas como matemática, ciências, educação especial e educadores para alunos de inglês, bem como em partes específicas do país.Nossa análise usando bases de dados nacionais até 2016 previu uma escassez anual estimada de aproximadamente 112.000 professores em 2017-18. Nossa recente revisão dos relatórios da força de trabalho de professores do estado estimou que 109.000 pessoas não foram certificadas para suas posições de ensino nos EUA. Em 2017, aproximando-se de nossas projeções. Discutimos os fatores que impulsionam a escassez e, com base em pesquisas anteriores, identificamos respostas que podem melhorar essas tendências

    Labeling of endothelial cells with magnetic microbeads by angiophagy

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    Objectives Attachment of magnetic particles to cells is needed for a variety of applications but is not always possible or efficient. Simpler and more convenient methods are thus desirable. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that endothelial cells (EC) can be loaded with micron-size magnetic beads by the phagocytosis-like mechanism ‘angiophagy’. To this end, human umbilical vein EC (HUVEC) were incubated with magnetic beads conjugated or not (control) with an anti-VEGF receptor 2 antibody, either in suspension, or in culture followed by re-suspension using trypsinization. Results In all conditions tested, HUVEC incubation with beads induced their uptake by angiophagy, which was confirmed by (i) increased cell granularity assessed by flow cytometry, and (ii) the presence of an F-actin rich layer around many of the intracellular beads, visualized by confocal microscopy. For confluent cultures, the average number of beads per cell was 4.4 and 4.2, with and without the presence of the anti-VEGFR2 antibody, respectively. However, while the actively dividing cells took up 2.9 unconjugated beads on average, this number increased to 5.2 if binding was mediated by the antibody. Magnetic pulldown increased the cell density of beads-loaded cells in porous electrospun poly-capro-lactone scaffolds by a factor of 4.5 after 5 min, as compared to gravitational settling (p < 0.0001). Conclusion We demonstrated that EC can be readily loaded by angiophagy with micron-sized beads while attached in monolayer culture, then dispersed in single-cell suspensions for pulldown in porous scaffolds and for other applications