10 research outputs found
3D thin-layer model construction.
<p>(a) Creating Lines connecting data points and dividing lines for a 2D slice; (b) Adding slice thickness to make 3D thin-layer model.</p
A human carotid plaque sample with matching Cine slices.
<p>(a) 3D plaque geometry reconstructed from MRI; (b) Stacked contours; (c) Matching Cine contours with minimum circumference; (d) Matching Cine contours with maximum circumference.</p
Average material parameter values and circumferential shrinkage for 16 human carotid plaque samples based on Cine MRI data.
<p>Due to axial shrink applied to the 3D thin-layer model, some C-Shrink values in 3D thin-layer model were negative.</p
The average effective Young’s modulus (YM) values and circumferential shrinkage values for 16 carotid plaque samples based on Cine MRI data by using 2D and 3D thin-layer model.
<p>The average effective Young’s modulus (YM) values and circumferential shrinkage values for 16 carotid plaque samples based on Cine MRI data by using 2D and 3D thin-layer model.</p
Stress-stretch curves from Mooney-Rivlin Models using parameter values determined from Cine MRI for the 16 plaque samples studied.
<p>Stress-stretch curves from Mooney-Rivlin Models using parameter values determined from Cine MRI for the 16 plaque samples studied.</p
The time-specific material YM values for carotid atherosclerotic plaques for 8 patients based on Cine MRI data by using thin-layer model.
<p>The time-specific material YM values for carotid atherosclerotic plaques for 8 patients based on Cine MRI data by using thin-layer model.</p
3D plots of re-constructions 3D geometries of the 16 plaques (8 time pairs).
<p>Red: Lumen; Light blue: Vessel; Yellow: Lipid-rich core; Blue: Calcification; Dark Blue: Loose Matrix.</p
Stress-Stretch curves of Mooney-Rivlin Models for the 16 plaque samples.
<p>Each curve used average parameter values for all available slices for the given plaque sample.</p
Patient information and pressure data at baseline and follow-up when available (Scan time intervals were about 18 months; L: left carotid artery; R: right carotid artery).
<p>Patient information and pressure data at baseline and follow-up when available (Scan time intervals were about 18 months; L: left carotid artery; R: right carotid artery).</p
The flow chart for the iterative procedure to determine material parameters and vessel circumferential shrinkage rate.
<p>The flow chart for the iterative procedure to determine material parameters and vessel circumferential shrinkage rate.</p