40 research outputs found
Interaction of Small Gases with the Unsaturated Metal Centers of the HKUST‑1 Metal Organic Framework
interactions of CO, CO<sub>2</sub>, OCS, SO<sub>2</sub>, NO,
NO<sub>2</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>O, NH<sub>3</sub>, PH<sub>3</sub>, and
other small molecules with the undercoordinated metal centers of the
HKUST-1 metal organic framework are studied by means of density functional
theory. These molecules are potentially harmful for humans and the
environment and are widely studied because of their spectroscopic
properties. In this work, the energetic and vibrational characteristics
of the adsorbed species are calculated. Adsorption energies on the
Cu<sup>2+</sup> sites of the paddlewheel have been calculated, and
the order is: NH<sub>3</sub> > H<sub>2</sub>O > PH<sub>3</sub> > H<sub>2</sub>S > SO<sub>2</sub> > CO ∼ OCS ∼
CO<sub>2</sub> ∼ N<sub><i>y</i></sub>O<sub><i>x</i></sub> > N<sub>2</sub> > O<sub>2</sub>. The results
show that the interactions
can be classified into three categories: (1) weak physisorption, (2)
polarization and electrostatics, and (3) strong acid–base.
Moreover, interesting vibrational properties are calculated especially
for carbonyl sulfide and dinitrogen monoxide, which can be bound via
two different configurations on the metal atoms. The vibrational modes
are shifting in different directions depending on the binding way
of the molecule; e.g., the symmetric stretching of OCS is shifted
by +17 or −16 cm<sup>–1</sup> when bound via the oxygen
or the sulfur atom, respectively
ADS2 lesson02 conceptual design of structures
We investigated computationally the
α-, γ-, and β-isomeric structures, relative stabilities,
and the electronic and basicity properties of magnetic [V<sup>IV</sup><sub>14</sub>E<sub>8</sub>O<sub>50</sub>]<sup>12–</sup> (hereafter
referred to as <b>{<b>V<sub>14</sub>E<sub>8</sub></b>}</b>) heteropolyoxovanadates (heteroPOVs) and their heavier chalcogenide-substituted
[V<sup>IV</sup><sub>14</sub>E<sub>8</sub>O<sub>42</sub>X<sub>8</sub>]<sup>12–</sup> (<b>{<b>V<sub>14</sub>E<sub>8</sub>X<sub>8</sub></b>}</b>) derivatives for E = Si<sup>IV</sup>, Ge<sup>IV</sup>, and Sn<sup>IV</sup> and X = S, Se, and Te. We used density
functional theory (DFT) with scalar relativistic corrections in combination
with the conductor-like screening model of solvation. The main purpose
of this investigation is to introduce the structure–property
relations in heteroPOVs as well as to assist the synthesis and molecular
deposition of these molecular vanadium-oxide spin clusters on surfaces.
“Fully-reduced” polyoxoanions <b>{<b>V<sub>14</sub>E<sub>8</sub></b>}</b> and <b>{<b>V<sub>14</sub>E<sub>8</sub>X<sub>8</sub></b>}</b> are virtually comprised of [V<sup>IV</sup><sub>14</sub>O<sub>38</sub>]<sup>20–</sup> {V<sub>14</sub>} skeletons of different symmetries, that is, <i>D</i><sub>2<i>d</i></sub> for α-, <i>D</i><sub>2</sub> for γ-, and <i>D</i><sub>4<i>h</i></sub> for β-isomers, which are stabilized by the four {E<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>}<sup>2+</sup> and four {E<sub>2</sub>OX<sub>2</sub>}<sup>2+</sup> moieties, respectively. Our DFT calculations
reveal stability trends α > γ > β for polyoxoanions <b>{<b>V<sub>14</sub>E<sub>8</sub></b>}</b> and <b>{<b>V<sub>14</sub>E<sub>8</sub>X<sub>8</sub></b>}</b>, based on
relative energies and HOMO–LUMO energy gaps. The α-isomeric
polyoxoanions <b>{<b>V<sub>14</sub>E<sub>8</sub></b>}</b> and <b>{<b>V<sub>14</sub>E<sub>8</sub>X<sub>8</sub></b>}</b> with the high negative net charges may easily pick up protons
at the terminal E–O<sub>t</sub> and E–X<sub>t</sub> sites,
respectively, which is evidenced by strongly negative enthalpies of
monoprotonation. Energetically favorable sites on polyoxoanions α-<b>{<b>V<sub>14</sub>E<sub>8</sub></b>}</b> and α-<b>{<b>V<sub>14</sub>E<sub>8</sub>X<sub>8</sub></b>}</b> for
electrostatic pairing with countercations were also determined. Among
β and γ isomers, the hitherto unknown γ-[V<sub>14</sub>Sn<sub>8</sub>O<sub>50</sub>]<sup>12–</sup> and γ-[V<sub>14</sub>Sn<sub>8</sub>O<sub>42</sub>S<sub>8</sub>]<sup>12–</sup> seem to be the most viable targets for isolation. Furthermore, these
Sn-substituted polyoxoanions are of high interest for electrochemical
studies because of their capability to act as two-electron redox catalysts
Interaction of Biologically Important Organic Molecules with the Unsaturated Copper Centers of the HKUST‑1 Metal–Organic Framework: an Ab-Initio Study
Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs)
provide new possibilities
for their potential use in catalysis, gas storage/separation, and
drug delivery. In this work, a computational study is performed on
the interaction of biologically important organic molecules such as
caffeine, urea, niacin, and glycine with the undercoordinated copper
centers of the HKUST-1 MOF. Density functional theory calculations
are used to identify the adsorption sites of the organic molecules
in HKUST-1 and to calculate their interaction energies. Two types
of interactions are calculated: (i) strong binding via their nitrogen
or oxygen atoms with the copper atoms of the paddlewheel and (ii)
hydrogen bonds with the carboxylate groups of the MOF. Certain molecules
such as caffeine and niacin can interact simultaneously with more
than two paddlewheels, thus making the interactions even stronger.
The interaction energies vary from 75 kJ mol<sup>–1</sup> for
glycine to 200 kJ mol<sup>–1</sup> for caffeine. The confinement
of the guest molecules in the cage windows of the framework can also
create strong interactions. To take into account the effect of coordination
with multiple paddlewheels, a very large model of the HKUST-1 needs
to be used. The numbers of (i) copper sites interacting with the guest
molecule and (ii) hydrogen bonds between the carboxylate groups of
the MOF and the guests have a major impact on binding strength. This
is important information when applying rational design to create new
MOFs that should serve as drug carriers
Interaction of Small Gases with the Unsaturated Metal Centers of the HKUST‑1 Metal Organic Framework
interactions of CO, CO<sub>2</sub>, OCS, SO<sub>2</sub>, NO,
NO<sub>2</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>O, NH<sub>3</sub>, PH<sub>3</sub>, and
other small molecules with the undercoordinated metal centers of the
HKUST-1 metal organic framework are studied by means of density functional
theory. These molecules are potentially harmful for humans and the
environment and are widely studied because of their spectroscopic
properties. In this work, the energetic and vibrational characteristics
of the adsorbed species are calculated. Adsorption energies on the
Cu<sup>2+</sup> sites of the paddlewheel have been calculated, and
the order is: NH<sub>3</sub> > H<sub>2</sub>O > PH<sub>3</sub> > H<sub>2</sub>S > SO<sub>2</sub> > CO ∼ OCS ∼
CO<sub>2</sub> ∼ N<sub><i>y</i></sub>O<sub><i>x</i></sub> > N<sub>2</sub> > O<sub>2</sub>. The results
show that the interactions
can be classified into three categories: (1) weak physisorption, (2)
polarization and electrostatics, and (3) strong acid–base.
Moreover, interesting vibrational properties are calculated especially
for carbonyl sulfide and dinitrogen monoxide, which can be bound via
two different configurations on the metal atoms. The vibrational modes
are shifting in different directions depending on the binding way
of the molecule; e.g., the symmetric stretching of OCS is shifted
by +17 or −16 cm<sup>–1</sup> when bound via the oxygen
or the sulfur atom, respectively
Single-Layer Tl<sub>2</sub>O: A Metal-Shrouded 2D Semiconductor with High Electronic Mobility
first metal-shrouded two-dimensional semiconductor, single-layer
Tl<sub>2</sub>O, is discussed from first principles. It is thermally
and dynamically stable, has a low cleavage energy calling for exfoliation
from layered Tl<sub>2</sub>O bulk, and has a very small interface
mismatch compared to (001) Tl metal. Single-layer Tl<sub>2</sub>O
exhibits a direct bandgap of 1.56 eV and a very high charge carrier
mobility of 4.3 × 10<sup>3</sup> cm<sup>2</sup> V<sup>–1</sup> s<sup>–1</sup>. The metal-shrouded 2D semiconductor promises
interesting applications in 2D electronics. An intriguing layer-thickness-dependent
direct-to-indirect bandgap transition is observed, and contrary to
early literature, the bulk is also a semiconductor
DFTB Parameters for the Periodic Table, Part 2: Energies and Energy Gradients from Hydrogen to Calcium
In the first part of this series,
we presented a parametrization
strategy to obtain high-quality electronic band structures on the
basis of density-functional-based tight-binding (DFTB) calculations
and published a parameter set called QUASINANO2013.1. Here, we extend
our parametrization effort to include the remaining terms that are
needed to compute the total energy and its gradient, commonly referred
to as repulsive potential. Instead of parametrizing these terms as
a two-body potential, we calculate them explicitly from the DFTB analogues
of the Kohn–Sham total energy expression. This strategy requires
only two further numerical parameters per element. Thus, the atomic
configuration and four real numbers per element are sufficient to
define the DFTB model at this level of parametrization. The QUASINANO2015
parameter set allows the calculation of energy, structure, and electronic
structure of all systems composed of elements ranging from H to Ca.
Extensive benchmarks show that the overall accuracy of QUASINANO2015
is comparable to that of well-established methods, including PM7 and
hand-tuned DFTB parameter sets, while coverage of a much larger range
of chemical systems is available
Пропаганда во время Второй мировой войны: сравнительно-исторический анализ на примере некоторых визуальных источников
Текст работы публикуется с изъятиями
GeP<sub>3</sub>: A Small Indirect Band Gap 2D Crystal with High Carrier Mobility and Strong Interlayer Quantum Confinement
We propose a two-dimensional
crystal that possesses low indirect
band gaps of 0.55 eV (monolayer) and 0.43 eV (bilayer) and high carrier
mobilities similar to those of phosphorene, GeP<sub>3</sub>. GeP<sub>3</sub> has a stable three-dimensional layered bulk counterpart,
which is metallic and known from experiment since 1970. GeP<sub>3</sub> monolayer has a calculated cleavage energy of 1.14 J m<sup>–2</sup>, which suggests exfoliation of bulk material as viable means for
the preparation of mono- and few-layer materials. The material shows
strong interlayer quantum confinement effects, resulting in a band
gap reduction from mono- to bilayer, and then to a semiconductor–metal
transition between bi- and triple layer. Under biaxial strain, the
indirect band gap can be turned into a direct one. Pronounced light
absorption in the spectral range from ∼600 to 1400 nm is predicted
for monolayer and bilayer and promises applications in photovoltaics
Electromechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes
Electromechanical properties of carbon
nanotubes were studied using Born–Oppenheimer molecular dynamics
simulations within the QM/MM approach. The indentation of nanotubes
was simulated using an AFM tip. The electronic structure and transport
response to the mechanical deformations were investigated for different
deflection points starting from perfect unperturbed systems up to
the point where the first bonds break. We found the dependence of
the force constant on the diameter size: the smaller the diameter,
the larger the <i>k</i>. For the metallic-armchair tubes,
with diameters from 8 to 13 Å, the conductance decreases only
slightly under radial deformation, and a tiny band gap opening of
up to 50 meV was observed
Detailed Atomistic Investigation of Fe-Doped Rutile Phases
have investigated iron-doped rutile TiO<sub>2</sub> in great detail
by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The influence of
the Fe dopants on the structural and electronic properties are calculated.
Three different dopant models are considered in this study, where
iron is present in Fe(II), Fe(III), and Fe(IV) oxidation states. Our
results indicate that the configuration of Fe(III), where two neighboring
Ti sites are replaced by Fe dopants and an O vacancy locates in between,
is the lowest-energy structure. The resulting Mößbauer
signatures are in excellent agreement with the available experimental
literature data, thus supporting the proposed structural model. Although
the crystal structure of doped rutile is not significantly altered,
even for larger concentrations of dopant atoms, the local structure
around Fe atoms can be strongly distorted, especially due to the presence
of oxygen vacancies. Fe doping lowers the band gap and introduces
midgap states