215 research outputs found

    Assessment of personal exposure to radio frequency radiation in realistic environments

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    Enhanced indoor location tracking through body shadowing compensation

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    This paper presents a radio frequency (RF)-based location tracking system that improves its performance by eliminating the shadowing caused by the human body of the user being tracked. The presence of such a user will influence the RF signal paths between a body-worn node and the receiving nodes. This influence will vary with the user's location and orientation and, as a result, will deteriorate the performance regarding location tracking. By using multiple mobile nodes, placed on different parts of a human body, we exploit the fact that the combination of multiple measured signal strengths will show less variation caused by the user's body. Another method is to compensate explicitly for the influence of the body by using the user's orientation toward the fixed infrastructure nodes. Both approaches can be independently combined and reduce the influence caused by body shadowing, hereby improving the tracking accuracy. The overall system performance is extensively verified on a building-wide testbed for sensor experiments. The results show a significant improvement in tracking accuracy. The total improvement in mean accuracy is 38.1% when using three mobile nodes instead of one and simultaneously compensating for the user's orientation

    Compact personal distributed wearable exposimeter

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    A compact wearable personal distributed exposimeter (PDE) is proposed, sensing the power density of incident radio frequency (RF) fields on the body of a human. In contrast to current commercial exposimeters, our PDE, being composed of multiple compact personal wearable RF exposimeter sensor modules, minimizes uncertainties caused by the proximity of the body, the specific antenna used, and the exact position of the exposimeter. For unobtrusive deployment inside a jacket, each individual exposimeter sensor module is specifically implemented on the feedplane of a textile patch antenna. The new wearable sensor module's high-resolution logarithmic detector logs RF signal levels. Next, on-board flash memory records minimum, maximum, and average exposure data over a time span of more than two weeks, at a one-second sample period. Sample-level synchronization of each individual exposimeter sensor module enables combining of measurements collected by different nodes. The system is first calibrated in an anechoic chamber, and then compared with a commercially available single-unit exposimeter. Next, the PDE is validated in realistic conditions, by measuring the average RF power density on a human during a walk in an urban environment and comparing the results to spectrum analyzer measurements with a calibrated antenna