2,408 research outputs found

    The german Regiogeld system and its handling in everyday life

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    This paper introduces a special form of a community currency, the German Regiogeld System. Firstly it describes what it is, its origin and current status. Generally Regiogeld is a private monetary system with a regional validity and a non-profit-agenda. In detail the present 73 Regiogeld projects in Germany are quite different. This results from the fact that Regiogeld is originated in the fusing of different movements which affect its constructions and its objectives, its organizational, financial and personnel resources. Secondly, this paper focuses on the actual way of working in practice. It describes why consumers use this limited and costly form of money at all. In an interpretative process they earmark Regiogeld, by what qualitative different meanings and patterns of usages evolve. Thus Regiogeld can be used as affirmation of moral attitudes or as a sign for a symbolic community of ‘better’ people as well as an instrument of power that forces others into a local buying behaviour. Altogether, in the hands of the consumers Regiogeld multiplies to a bunch of different special monies. Understanding this process helps to understand how complementary currencies can be conceived, established and operated successfully

    Moral Money – The action guiding Impact of Complementary Currencies

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    This paper investigates a special form of a community currency, the German Regiogeld System, which is a private monetary system with a regional validity and a non-profit-agenda. The focus of the sociological study is on how this special money effects actions of consumers. After some general information to the Regiogeld system, it therefore describes why people use this limited and costly form of money at all, how exactly they use it and for what special patterns of usage they adopt the regional money as their own. As a result it can be demonstrated that money is evaluated concerning its functionality and its symbolism. Since Regiogeld attempts to be an efficient monetary system and a moral symbol at once, it develops a structural problem which restricts the Regiogeld’ expansion

    Complementary Currencies in Germany

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    In several places in Germany colourful slips of paper replace the Euro as a medium of exchange. These unofficial tenders German Regiogeld, a phenomenon which occurred around 2001 and spread rapidly all over Germany. It appears not only with different names but also in various forms. The article introduces this special complementary currency. It describes briefly – and from a sociological point of view – what it is, how it has originated, the actual status quo and possible future developments. It is based on my 4 year ethnographic research which was done in the context of a sociological dissertation. For this article one of my results is particular important: Regiogeld is a phenomenon which originated in the fusing of different movements, a money-reform-oriented, an esoteric and several regionalization-­oriented

    Characteristics of resources and the provision of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Germany: the cases of fruit tree meadows and wolf protection

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    Work on common pool resources has paid scant attention to the role of properties of natural resources for the way their provision is governed. This paper scrutinizes determinants of institutions that regulate the provision of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Two cases of maintaining ecosystem services are compared (protection of wolves and management of scattered fruit tree meadows). Distinct characteristics of resources (mobility) and differences in the overarching European regulatory framework explain their different institutional embeddedness. Cost-effectiveness considerations seem to be paramount in the design of institutions. In the case of wolf protection, the state uses its power to modify property rights in order to increase acceptance of wolf management. This is essential for political reasons as well as to prevent EU sanctions. On the other hand, scattered fruit tree maintenance is subject to voluntary, long-term agreements, justified by medium-term irreversibility and asset specific investments.Institutions, Governance, Wolf Management, Scattered fruit trees, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Als Jugendlicher fettleibig - als Erwachsener krank : Bewegung, die Spaß macht, fördert das Abnehmen - Adipositas-Therapien auf dem Prüfstand

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    In Deutschland sind 15 Prozent der Kinder und Jugendlichen zwischen drei und 17 Jahren übergewichtig, über 6 Prozent leiden an Adipositas, krankhafter Fettleibigkeit mit schweren gesundheitlichen Folgen. Diese vom Robert-Koch-Institut im vergangenen Jahr ermittelten Zahlen decken sich mit unseren eigenen Untersuchungen an 11- bis 15-Jährigen in sechs hessischen Schulen. Zudem zeichnet sich ab, dass die Zahl der Übergewichtigen bei den Jugendlichen besonders ansteigt: Innerhalb der vergangenen 20 Jahre hat sich der Anteil adipöser 14- bis 17-Jähriger verdreifacht, Tendenz weiter steigend. Dies ist umso besorgniserregender, da mindestens 70 Prozent dieser Jugendlichen nicht wieder abspecken und als Erwachsene gesundheitlich schwer beeinträchtigt sind. Immerhin sind in Europa jährlich etwa eine Millionen Sterbefälle auf Folgen des Übergewichts zurückzuführen, was allein die deutsche Volkswirtschaft mit 15 Milliarden Euro im Jahr belastet. Übergewicht ist auch ein soziales Problem: Kinder aus sozial schwachen Familien und mit Migrationshintergrund tragen ein erheblich höheres Risiko. Wie unsere Erhebungen weiter vermuten lassen, sind vor allem solche Kinder betroffen, deren Eltern ebenfalls unter Übergewicht oder Adipositas leiden. Fettleibige Kinder fühlen sich oft ausgegrenzt und sozial stigmatisiert. Dies beeinträchtigt ihre psychosoziale Entwicklung erheblich. Mehr als die Hälfte der von uns befragten übergewichtigen Schulkinder fühlen sich unwohl und möchten ihr Gewicht unbedingt reduzieren. ..

    Belastungssteuerung im Spitzensport : Informations-Vorsprung für Trainer und Athleten

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    Wer seine sportliche Leistung verbessern will, muss die Anforderungen beim Training kontinuierlich steigern. Das wusste schon Milon von Kroton, einer der berühmtesten Athleten der Antike. Der einstmals schwächliche Knabe begann sein Krafttraining, indem er ein neugeborenes Kalb um den Hof seiner Eltern trug. Der Legende nach fuhr er damit fort, bis das Kalb zum Stier herangewachsen war. Heutzutage bewegen sich Spitzenathleten auf einem schmalen Grat zwischen hochwirksamem Trainingsreiz und Überlastung. Die diagnostischen Methoden der Sportwissenschaft und Sportmedizin helfen ihnen, ihre Trainingsbelastungen optimal zu steuern

    Paving the way to electrified road transport - Publicly funded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in vehicles in Europe

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    The electrification of road transport or electro-mobility is seen by many as a potential game-changing technology that could have a significant influence on the future cost and environmental performance of personal individual mobility as well as short distance goods transport. While there is currently a great momentum vis-à-vis electro-mobility, it is yet unclear, if its deployment is economically viable in the medium to long term. Electromobility, in its early phase of deployment, still faces significant hurdles that need to be overcome in order to reach a greater market presence. Further progress is needed to overcome some of these hurdles. The importance of regulatory and financial support to emerging environmentally friendly transport technologies has been stressed in multiple occasions. The aim of our study was to collect the information on all on-going or recently concluded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, which received EU or national public funding with a budget >1mln Euro, in order to assess which of the electric drive vehicles (EDV) challenges are addressed by these projects and to identify potential gaps in the research, development, and demonstration (R, D & D) landscape in Europe. The data on R, D & D projects on electric and plug-in vehicles, which receive public funding, has been collected by means of (i) on-line research, (ii) validation of an inventory of projects at member state level through national contacts and (iii) validation of specific project information through distribution of project information templates among project coordinators. The type of information which was gathered for the database included: EDV component(s) targeted for R&D, location and scope of demo projects, short project descriptions, project budget and amount of public co-funding received, funding organisation, project coordinator,number and type of partners (i.e. utilities, OEMs, services, research institutions, local authorities), start and duration of the project. The validation process permitted the identification of additional projects which were not accounted for in the original online search. Statistical elaboration of the collected data was conducted. More than 320 R, D & D projects funded by the EU and Member states are listed and analyzed. Their total budgets add up to approximately 1.9 billion Euros. Collected data allowed also the development of an interactive emobility visualization tool, called EV-Radar, which portrays in an interactive way R&D and demonstration efforts for EDVs in Europe. It can be accessed under http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ev-radar.JRC.F.6-Energy systems evaluatio