20 research outputs found
Conserved but flexible modularity in the zebrafish skull: implications for craniofacial evolvability
Morphological variation is the outward manifestation of development and provides fodder for adaptive evolution. Because of this contingency, evolution is often thought to be biased by developmental processes and functional interactions among structures, which are statistically detectable through forms of covariance among traits. This can take the form of substructures of integrated traits, termed modules, which together comprise patterns of variational modularity. While modularity is essential to an understanding of evolutionary potential, biologists currently have little understanding of its genetic basis and its temporal dynamics over generations. To address these open questions, we compared patterns of craniofacial modularity among laboratory strains, defined mutant lines and a wild population of zebrafish ( ). Our findings suggest that relatively simple genetic changes can have profound effects on covariance, without greatly affecting craniofacial shape. Moreover, we show that instead of completely deconstructing the covariance structure among sets of traits, mutations cause shifts among seemingly latent patterns of modularity suggesting that the skull may be predisposed towards a limited number of phenotypes. This new insight may serve to greatly increase the evolvability of a population by providing a range of 'preset' patterns of modularity that can appear readily and allow for rapid evolution
Hypoxia alters vulnerability to capture and the potential for trait-based selection in a scaled-down trawl fishery
No abstract available
Summary of the housing and husbandry conditions of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) at University of Glasgow
The environmental and housing conditions which fish experience may have profound effects on their biology, physiology and behaviour. As so, it is essential to share the housing and husbandry details of laboratories in scientific papers. Unfortunately, most of the times, these details are overlooked and just referred as „standard holding conditions”. As these conditions can have strong effect on the animals and could be different between and within facilities (even between different rooms in the same facility), the absence of housing and husbandry details in scientific papers could limit the reproducibility of the studies. To be as informative as possible, we are thus providing the details of the housing and husbandry conditions of zebrafish (Danio rerio) used in projects at the University of Glasgow during 2017 – 2020. Details about our earlier zebrafish housing conditions can be found in our previous paper (Rácz et al., 2019- doi.org/10.1089/zeb.2018.1628)
Identification of Individual Zebrafish (Danio rerio): A Refined Protocol for VIE Tagging Whilst Considering Animal Welfare and the Principles of the 3Rs
Simple SummaryIn aquatic ecology research studies commonly employ a tagging technique named visible implant elastomer (VIE). Despite existing widespread guidance on the use of this marking technique on fish, there is still a lack of information regarding efficiency in small fishes, as well as its impact on fish welfare. The current paper highlights important animal welfare issues and introduces a newly improved VIE tagging protocol, presenting information on individual survival rate, tag retention, and use of different elastomer colours, quantified in different populations and age groups of zebrafish. Specifically, we compare a previously used tagging method with a newly improved protocol which places particular emphasis to the Three Rs, helping to refine this scientific procedure. The shared detailed protocol and information will be beneficial to the zebrafish research community and beyond.In aquatic ecology, studies have commonly employed a tagging technique known as visible implant elastomer (VIE). This method has not been widely adopted by the zebrafish research community and also lacks refinement with regard to animal welfare. The current paper introduces a new VIE tagging protocol, with the aim of improving existing tagging techniques by placing particular emphasis on the Three Rs. To improve animal welfare and fish survival, we added the use of an analgesic compound (lidocaine) through the marking procedure, followed by after-treatment with antiseptics (melaleuca, aloe vera, and PVP-I as active ingredients) to improve tissue regeneration and healing. The newly improved protocol has been quantitatively evaluated on different populations and age groups of zebrafish. This study will be useful to the scientific zebrafish community and to the wider field including biologist and aquarists, especially in consideration of animal welfare, where tagging techniques are considered as a potential noxious stimulus for fish
Identification of individual zebrafish (Danio rerio): a refined protocol for VIE tagging whilst considering animal welfare and the principles of the 3Rs
In aquatic ecology, studies have commonly employed a tagging technique known as visible implant elastomer (VIE). This method has not been widely adopted by the zebrafish research community and also lacks refinement with regard to animal welfare. The current paper introduces a new VIE tagging protocol, with the aim of improving existing tagging techniques by placing particular emphasis on the Three Rs. To improve animal welfare and fish survival, we added the use of an analgesic compound (lidocaine) through the marking procedure, followed by after-treatment with antiseptics (melaleuca, aloe vera, and PVP-I as active ingredients) to improve tissue regeneration and healing. The newly improved protocol has been quantitatively evaluated on different populations and age groups of zebrafish. This study will be useful to the scientific zebrafish community and to the wider field including biologist and aquarists, especially in consideration of animal welfare, where tagging techniques are considered as a potential noxious stimulus for fish
Simulated trapping and trawling exert similar selection on fish morphology
Commercial fishery harvest can influence the evolution of wild fish populations. Our knowledge of selection on morphology is however limited, with most previous studies focusing on body size, age, and maturation. Within species, variation in morphology can influence locomotor ability, possibly making some individuals more vulnerable to capture by fishing gears. Additionally, selection on morphology has the potential to influence other foraging, behavioral, and life-history related traits. Here we carried out simulated fishing using two types of gears: a trawl (an active gear) and a trap (a passive gear), to assess morphological trait-based selection in relation to capture vulnerability. Using geometric morphometrics, we assessed differences in shape between high and low vulnerability fish, showing that high vulnerability individuals display shallower body shapes regardless of gear type. For trawling, low vulnerability fish displayed morphological characteristics that may be associated with higher burst-swimming, including a larger caudal region and narrower head, similar to evolutionary responses seen in fish populations responding to natural predation. Taken together, these results suggest that divergent selection can lead to phenotypic differences in harvested fish populations
A physiological perspective on fisheries-induced evolution
There is increasing evidence that intense fishing pressure is not only depleting fish stocks but also causing evolutionary changes to fish populations. In particular, body size and fecundity in wild fish populations may be altered in response to the high and often size-selective mortality exerted by fisheries. While these effects can have serious consequences for the viability of fish populations, there are also a range of traits not directly related to body size which could also affect susceptibility to capture by fishing gears – and therefore fisheries-induced evolution (FIE) – but which have to date been ignored. For example, overlooked within the context of FIE is the likelihood that variation in physiological traits could make some individuals within species more vulnerable to capture. Specifically, traits related to energy balance (e.g. metabolic rate), swimming performance (e.g. aerobic scope), neuroendocrinology (e.g. stress responsiveness), and sensory physiology (e.g., visual acuity) are especially likely to influence vulnerability to capture through a variety of mechanisms. Selection on these traits could produce major shifts in the physiological traits within populations in response to fishing pressure that are yet to be considered but which could influence population resource requirements, resilience, species’ distributions, and responses to environmental change
Fishery-induced evolution: understanding selection on physiology and behaviour using simulated fishery approaches
Human predators are reshaping the evolutionary trajectories of wild animal populations. We are quickly changing the evolutionary landscape around us, through either active selection of desirable phenotypes, or by passive selection as a result of specific harvesting methods. Commercial fishing, with its global reach and enormous exploitation rates far in excess of natural predators, represents one of the strongest drivers of such anthropogenically-driven evolution. Our understanding of fisheries-induced evolution (FIE) is however fragmentary, historically reflecting a focus on size-selection and age at maturation. In addition, until now the vast majority of studies have investigated responses to selection on individual traits, as opposed to trying to understand the nexus of traits making up fishery vulnerability.
In an effort to elucidate the evolutionary effect of commercial fishing on fish populations, and to understand some of the selective mechanisms that might operate in real fisheries, I conducted a number of laboratory simulations of commercial fishing on zebrafish Danio rerio. These experiments tested the importance of morphology, group behaviour and environmental stochasticity on fishery selection, as well as yielding an insight into the multigenerational effect of fishery selection
Environmental forcing alters fisheries selection
Fishing-induced evolution (FIE) threatens the ecology, resilience, and economic value of fish populations. Traits under selection, and mechanisms of selection, can be influenced by abiotic and biotic perturbations, yet this has been overlooked. Here, we present the fishery selection continuum, where selection ranges from rigid fisheries selection to flexible fisheries selection. We provide examples on how FIE may function along this continuum, and identify selective processes that should be considered less or more flexible. We also introduce fishery reaction norms, which serve to conceptualise how selection from fishing may function in a dynamic context. Ultimately, we suggest an integrative approach to studying FIE that considers the environmental conditions in which it functions
Fish vulnerability to capture by trapping is modulated by individual parasite density
Commercial fishery harvest is a powerful evolutionary agent, but we know little about whether environmental stressors affect harvest-associated selection. We test how parasite infection relates to trapping vulnerability through selective processes underlying capture. We used fish naturally infected with parasites, including trematodes causing black spots under fish skin. We first assessed how individual parasite density related to standard metabolic rate (SMR), maximum metabolic rate (MMR) and absolute aerobic scope (AAS)—then used laboratory fishing simulations to test how capture vulnerability was related to parasite density. We further explored group-trapping dynamics using experimental shoals containing varying proportions of infected fish (groups of six with either 0, 2, 4 or 6 infected individuals). At the individual level, we found a positive relationship between parasite presence and SMR, but not MMR or AAS. While we saw no relationship between individual metabolic capacity and vulnerability to trapping, we found the length of time fish spent in traps increased with increasing parasite density, a predictor of trapping-related capture probability. At the group level, the number of infected individuals in a shoal did not affect overall group trapping vulnerability. Our results suggest that parasite infection has some capacity to shift individual vulnerability patterns in fisheries, and potentially influence the evolutionary outcomes of fisheries-induced evolution