14 research outputs found
The development of technology, especially smartphones, is increasing rapidly. This was responded to differently by various characteristics of the community, especially the older adults. With human limitations in the use of technology capable of producing technophobia. This study will explain what seniors include technophobia sufferers with these limitations and what characteristics and factors can surround them. This study uses qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach. The subjects of this study were those who did not use a smartphone. Data analysis by determining what limits and who is investigated, data collection and phenomenological analysis of data. The results of this study concluded that the subject cannot be said to be a sufferer of technophobia. Characteristics that appear elderly in this study is the unwillingness to think of smartphones, incapable of thought, avoiding the use and discussion of the smartphone and the absence of intensive learning efforts. Affective dimensions that appear to be a differentiator in technophobia, namely the absence of envy and the attitude of accepting oneself (surrender). This characteristic leads the subject to the loss of the sense of smartphone. Factors that arise from the loss of sense of smartphone are sensing factors, cognitive abilities, family education and the complexity of smartphone tools.Keywords: Older Adults, Sense of Smartphone, Technophobi
Zonasi System In Admission of New Student and The Impact on The Psychological Condition of Students
This study aims to determine how well the zonasi system in new student admissions (PPDB) is. This achievement stems from the respondents' knowledge of the zonasi system's goals, advantages, and disadvantages. Furthermore, respondents' level of satisfaction and anxiety in dealing with PPDB is also analyzed. The respondents in this study were 250 students from 7 different school districts. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively, descriptive, and regression. The results of this study indicate that the zonasi system was implemented appropriately. In principle, there is no difference between the new and old systems. Therefore, it is believed to encourage students to study harder. The level of student satisfaction tends to be high, and anxiety during PPDB tends to be low; the effect between the two was significant (r=-0.141; p <0.05). This study suggests the need for mapping the zones of state schools. Hence, there are no students outside the state school zone, considering the sudden transfer of students due to changes in assignments and parents' addresses, the need for potential academic tests as a reference for guidance and counseling teachers in providing guidance and counseling services; furthermore, the need to increase the number of new schools with state status.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa baik sistem zonasi dalam penerimaan siswa baru (PPDB). Pencapaian tersebut dilihat dari seberapa baik pengetahuan responden terhadap tujuan, keunggulan, dan kelemahan sistem zonasi. Selanjutnya, tingkat kepuasan dan kecemasan responden dalam menghadapi PPDB juga dianalisis. Penelitian ini diikuti 250 siswa dari 7 sekolah yang berbeda kabupaten. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kuantitatif deskriptif dan regresi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem zonasi telah diterapkan dengan baik. Pada prinsipnya, sistem ini sama saja dengan sistem lama namun dipercaya lebih mampu mendorong siswa untuk belajar lebih giat meskipun tetap ditemukan kelemahan di dalamnya. Tingkat kepuasaan siswa cenderung tinggi dan kecemasan selama PPDB cenderung rendah; pengaruh antara keduanya ditemukan signifikan (r=-0.141; p <0,05). Penelitian ini menyarankan perlunya pemetaan zona sekolah-sekolah negeri sehingga tidak ada siswa yang berada diluar zona sekolah negeri, mempertimbangkan perpindahan siswa secara tiba-tiba karena perpindahan tugas dan alamat orangtua, perlunya tes potensi akademik sebagai referensi bagi Guru BK dalam memberikan layanan bimbingan dan konseling, dan perlunya menambah jumlah sekolah baru yang berstatus negeri
Abstrack: This study examines the influence of emotional intelligence to discipline students of the Faculty of Psychology UNM. The subjects were students of the Faculty of Psychology UNM as many as 150 people by using the technique of random sampling statifaid. The details are die class of 2015 as many as 50 people, class of 2014 as many as 50 people and forces in 2013 to 50 people. Data were collected by using emotional intelligence scale and the scale of student discipline. Data were analyzed by using simple regression analysis. The analysis shows that there is influence of emotional intelligence on student discipline. The higher the emotional intelligence, the higher the student discipline
This research aims to determine the relationship between student engagement and juvenile delinquency among SMA X students in East Luwu. The research sample consisted of 262 students aged 15-19 years. Data collection used the student engagement scale and juvenile delinquency scale. Pearson Product Moment was used for data analysis in this research with the help of the JASP 0.18.3 application. The research analysis results show a relationship between student engagement and juvenile delinquency at SMA X East Luwu with a correlation (r) -0.172 and p = 0.000, which means both variables have a relationship in a hostile and significant direction. This means that the higher student engagement, the lower juvenile delinquency. Conversely, the lower student engagement, the higher the rate of juvenile delinquency
Effectiveness of Hajj Psychology Training to Improve Emotional Intelligence Prospective Pilgrims
Emotional intelligence is one of the keys to success in Hajj worship. Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage emotions to improve the quality of one's own life and relate to others. Training is needed to give the candidate Hajj Jamaah an understanding of the importance of emotional intelligence. The research is aimed at improving the emotional intelligence of Hajj candidates. One hundred candidates from the city of Makassar who are 20 years of age and older are involved in this study. It consists of over 50 subjects as control and 50 as experimental groups. Emotional intelligence is measured by the Emotional Intelligence Test Scale (EIT). Psychological training focuses on developing self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills. The study uses an experimental approach (pretest post-test control group design), with statistical analysis techniques T-Test Between two independent sample means. The research results indicate that the psychological training of Hajj effectively improves the emotional intelligence of the candidate Hajj Jamaah. Psychological training can help a candidate Jamaah Haji to become a more calm, patient, and empathic Jamaah. This is important because the Hajj Jamaah will face various challenges during Hajj worship, both physical and menta
Kompetensi Sosial Guru TK/Paud dalam Pembelajaran dan Dampaknya pada Perkembangan Kepribadian Anak Usia Dini
Abstrak. Pengaplikasian kompetensi sosial guru di TK/PAUD masih jarang dibahas. Tujuan
penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaplikasian kompetensi sosial guru TK/PAUD dalam
pembelajaran serta dampaknya pada perkembangan kepribadian anak. Desain penelitian yang
digunakan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan subjek guru TK/PAUD sebanyak 124 orang. Instrumen
yang digunakan adalah skala kompetensi sosial dan instrumen dampak kompetensi sosial
siswa yang dianalisis dengan SPSS versi 21.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa
pengaplikasian kompetensi sosial guru tergolong baik. Adapun dampak pada perkembangan
kepribadian anak seperti perkembangan kepribadian siswa, di antaranya perubahan pada
penyesuaian diri siswa, hadirnya karakter baik, minat sosial, percaya diri, simpati & empati,
lebih komunikatif, mandiri & kreatif, mampu bekerja sama, menunjang pembelajaran,
memahami konsep dirinya sendiri dan lain-lainnya.
Kata Kunci: Kompetensi Sosial, Pembelajaran, Perkembangan Kepribadia
Verbal and Numerical Abilities of Students in Senior High School in Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Verbal and numerical abilities are fundamental skills of a student in Senior High School. However, the research
regarding the verbal and numerical abilities specifically in Wajo Regency using psychological tests is minimal.
This study aims to determine the profile of verbal and numerical abilities of new students at senior high school
(SMAN) in Wajo Regency and a description of the academic abilities of male and female students. The
population in this study were all students of SMAN Wajo Regency with specific characteristics, namely sitting
in class X, not having cognitive impairment, able to read and operationalize basic mathematics. In this study, the
sample that the researcher successfully collected was 991 students. Data collection used a psychological test
with two subtests, namely verbal ability and numerical ability. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and
processed using SPSS version 21.0. This study indicates that the medium category dominates the verbal and
numerical abilities of high school students in Wajo Regency. Female students have better verbal skills on
synonyms and word analogies. On the other hand, male students are more capable to analyze opposite words. In
numerical ability, female students have better abilities in numbers while boys are better at arithmetic and
geometric. Statistically, there is no difference in the verbal ability of male and female students.
Keywords: Psychotest; Gender; Senior High School
Kontrol Diri pada Mantan Pecandu Narkoba: Sebuah Studi Fenomenologi
Cessation of drug use and recovery from drug addiction is a complicated process and takes a long time, so it is not uncommon for a former drug addict to experience a relapse. This research aims to describe the description and aspects of self-control in former drug addicts as part of the recovery process. The research method used in this research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The subject is a male (26 years old) former addict who did not attend formal rehabilitation. Data was obtained by observation and interviews. Based on the results of the research analysis, it was found that the subjects behavioral control, cognitive control and decesional control so as not to use drugs again. The subject also received external encouragement from family and people around him
Verbal and Numerical Abilities of Students in Senior High School in Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Verbal and numerical abilities are fundamental skills of a student in Senior High School. However, the research regarding the verbal and numerical abilities specifically in Wajo Regency using psychological tests is minimal. This study aims to determine the profile of verbal and numerical abilities of new students at senior high school (SMAN) in Wajo Regency and a description of the academic abilities of male and female students. The population in this study were all students of SMAN Wajo Regency with specific characteristics, namely sitting in class X, not having cognitive impairment, able to read and operationalize basic mathematics. In this study, the sample that the researcher successfully collected was 991 students. Data collection used a psychological test with two subtests, namely verbal ability and numerical ability. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and processed using SPSS version 21.0. This study indicates that the medium category dominates the verbal and numerical abilities of high school students in Wajo Regency. Female students have better verbal skills on synonyms and word analogies. On the other hand, male students are more capable to analyze opposite words. In numerical ability, female students have better abilities in numbers while boys are better at arithmetic and geometric. Statistically, there is no difference in the verbal ability of male and female students
Tarmizi Thalib
([email protected])
Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi
([email protected])
Muh. Nur Hidayat Nurdin
([email protected])
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Negeri Makassar
Jl. A. P. Pettarani, Makassar, 90222
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh outcome expectancy terhadap persistensi aplikan beasiswa. Subjek penelitian ini sebanyak 61 aplikan beasiswa LPDP yang telah gagal pada tahap sebelumnya dan akan mendaftar kembali. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pengukuran korelasi spearman pada subjek yang diambil secara aksidental. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa outcome expectancy mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap persistensi aplikan beasiswa dengan koefisien korelasi positif dan nilai signifikasi sebesar 0,292 dan 0,022 (p<0,05).
Kata kunci: Persistensi, Outcome Expectancy, Aplikan Beasiswa