276 research outputs found
Top quark physics at a future LC and the LHC
This lecture will give a brief review of top quark physics, concentrating on recent and some not so recent, mainly theoretical developments relevant for a future linear collider, and some related topics of top physics at hadron colliders
Radiative Corrections to the top quark width
Calculations of radiative corrections to the top quark width are reviewed.
QCD effects are discussed for systems produced in
annihilation near the energy threshold.}Comment: Karlsruhe Univ. preprint TTP 93-21, 6p., 2 figures not included (Talk
presented by M. Je\.zabek at the Workshop on Physics and Experiments at
Linear Colliders, Waikoloa, Hawaii, April 1993
Social networks – whether public or in enterprises – regularly ask users to rate their peers’ content using different voting techniques. When employed in innovation challenges, these rating procedures are part of an open, interactive, and continuous engagement among customers, employees, or citizens. In this regard, assessment accuracy (i.e., correctly identifying good and bad ideas) in crowdsourced eval-uation processes may be influenced by the display of peer ratings. While it could sometimes be useful for users to follow their peers, it is not entirely clear under which circumstances this actually holds true. Thus, in this research-in-progress article, we propose a study design to systematically investigate the effect of peer ratings on assessment accuracy in crowdsourced idea evaluation processes. Based on the elaboration likelihood model and social psychology, we develop a research model that incorporates the mediating factors extraversion, locus of control, as well as peer rating quality (i.e., the ratings’ corre-lation with the evaluated content’s actual quality). We suggest that the availability of peer ratings de-creases assessment accuracy and that rating quality, extraversion, as well as an internal locus of control mitigate this effect
Determination of the strong coupling constant from the CLEO measurement of the total hadronic cross section in annihilation below 10.56 GeV
Using recent CLEO III results for the cross section for at seven centre-of-mass energies between 6.964 and 10.538 GeV, we derive a value for the strong coupling constant where the uncertainties are uncorrelated and correlated, respectively. Our result differs significantly from the one derived by CLEO III, as a consequence of inclusion of quark mass effects and the proper matching between the effective theories with four and five flavours. Combining this new result with an analysis based on earlier cross section measurements in the energy region between 2 and 10.6 GeV, we obtain , well consistent with the current world average
Eine empirische Untersuchung von Kosteneinflußfaktoren bei integrationsorientierten Reengineering-Projekten
Die Zusammenhänge zwischen Merkmalen eines Software-Altsystems und den daraus resultierenden Kosten für bestimmte Reengineering-Aktivitäten sind nahezu unerforscht. Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht schildert die experimentelle Untersuchung von drei ausgewählten Einflußfaktoren bei einer für das integrationsorientierte Reengineering typischen Aufgabenstellung. Untersucht wurden die Wirkungen der Komplexität des Quelltexts, der Dokumentiertheit der Datenstrukturen sowie der Verfügbarkeit von Tages- bzw. Testdaten
Ideate. Collaborate. Repeat. A Research Agenda for Idea Generation, Collaboration and Evaluation in Open Innovation
Open innovation has been and remains to be a rapidly changing field of research in Information Systems and various other disciplines. With the rise of professional open innovation platforms and the emergence of crowdsourcing as well as employee-driven innovation, studies on the front-end of open innovation – namely idea generation, collaboration and evaluation – are facing new challenges. In this structured literature review, we analyze a large body of prior research in order to derive a framework, which is able to classify and reflect the lively debate on open innovation. In addition, we identify important implications for practitioners with advise on the design of open innovation systems. Moreover, our study identifies several promising areas for future research
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