9 research outputs found
This research aims to analyze the effect of internet banking quality service and brand equity to customer satisfaction in Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Medan Aksara. Sample were 40 persons and the method used is accidental sampling. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. The analysis used is multiple linear regression, where Y is customer satisfaction variable, X1 is the quality service of Internet Banking and X2 is Brand equity. Hypothesis testing by t-test showed that brand equity variable influence of positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. While the quality service of internet banking variable influence of positive on customer satisfaction but not significant. Adjusted R2 of 0,186 indicates that 18,6% customer satisfaction can be explained by quality service of internet banking variable and brand equity. While the rest 81,40 % can be explained by other variables outside of five variables independent (X1) used in this researc
Model Wisata Halal Sustainable Di Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah model konsepsual untuk menggambarkan dan membuktikan secara empirik bagaimana wisata halal dapat diterapkan di Indonesia secara sustainable. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di 4 (empat) daerah di Indonesia, yakni, Nusa Tenggara Barat , Bali, Aceh, dan Sumatera Utara. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah para pakar wisata halal yang berasal dari pemerintah, MUI, pelaku bisnis dan masyarakat termasuk akademisi, yang berjumlah 18 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan melalui FGD, depth interview, kuesioner, dan pertanyaan tulisan dan lisan. Metode yang digunakan melalui Analytical Network Process (ANP) .dengan terlebih dahulu mencari mencari factor kekuatan, kelemahan , peluang dan ancaman yang
menggunakan Analisa SWOT.Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari para stakeholders yang berasal dari keempat daerah di atas mengungkapkan bahwa Aspek regulasi sangat penting bagi penerapan wisata halal , walaupun daerah
memiliki aspek regulasi sendiri tetapi aspek regulasi dari pusat tentang wisata halal paling utama dan aspek sertifikasi halal adalah aspek yang paling dominan
dalam model wisata halal sustainable. Seluruh daerah memiliki kesamaan aspek dominan yakni regulasi tentang wisata halal yang saat ini masih belum dimiliki
pemerintah, dengan nilai tertinggi 0,336, diikuti masyarakat 0,311 serta objek wisata sebesar 0,297. Selanjutnya aspek dominan lainnya yang adalah regulasi
tentang sertifikasi halal, baik regulasi dari pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah dengan nilai 0,278 untuk sertifikasi yang dibuat regulasi pusat,dan 0,333 maupun regulasi atau kebijakan tentang wisata halal yang dibuat daerah.
Penelitian ini juga menemukan 12 aspek penting yang menjadi priorias dalam menuju wisata halal sustainable di Indonesia. Aspek-aspek tersebut antara lain. SDM, Daya Tarik Alam dan budaya, Sikap SDM, Kuliner, Infrastruktur, Media Sosial dan internet. Tokoh Masyarakat, Sadar wisata, Edukasi dan Informas. Seluruh pihak termasuk para peneliti terdahulu berharap Sinergitas stakeholders
diharapkan dapat dilakukan secara baik dalam penerapan wisata halal sehingga wisata halal sustainable di Indonesia dapat tercapai dan pertumbuhan ekonomi
dapat meningkat baik di daerah maupun di Indonesia yang akhirnya dapat memberikan kesejahteraan masyarakat secara manyeluruh
Training and Assistance in Processing Agricultural Products for the Humbahas Community
The agricultural potential in Humbang Hasundutan (Humbahas) Regency has not fully become a business that can improve the welfare of its people. Considering the pattern of farming management carried out by the community to increase their income in Humbang Hasundutan (Humbahas) Regency, in general it is still a subsystem by utilizing labor in the family with limited capital with management patterns in accordance with local wisdom. Therefore, it is necessary to provide training and assistance in the processing of agricultural products for the Humbahas community in order to be a solution to the problems that exist in the Humbahas community in optimizing natural resources and human resources to the maximum. By using survey methods, initial socialization, to training and mentoring, it is hoped that the goals of this service can be achieved. It can be seen from the success indicators, namely, partners are able to process agricultural products and are able to be creative in creating new processed products from agricultural products. The results of this service show that the maximum processing of agricultural products in the future will make the community's GRDP increase and maintain the community's economy, especially farmers in Humbang Hasundutan (HUMBAHAS)
Strategi UMKM Dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Bisnis Global
In the Indonesian economy, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises or MSMEs are the business group that has the largest number and is proven to be resistant to various kinds of shocks to the economic crisis. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are encouraged to be able to develop into the global market not only on a national scale. Strategy is very important to determine the success of a company to achieve its long-term goals. By choosing the right strategy for a particular company position, it will make a company have a competitive advantage. The purpose of this research is to find out what is the most appropriate strategy that should be taken by PT. Muniru Burni Telong as a UMKM in facing Global Business competition. This research method uses SWOT analysis and IFAS, EFAS, by previously collecting data through interviews, questionnaires, observations and literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the strategy that must be carried out by PT Muniru Burni Telong is in quadrant I, which is a quadrant that supports an aggressive growth strategy which shows that this company has the power to take advantage of existing opportunities, meaning that the organization is in a strong condition so it is possible to continue to expand opening branches to the targeted countries, enlarging growth and achieving maximum progress.
Dalam perekonomian Indonesia, Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah atau UMKM merupakan kelompok usaha yang memiliki jumlah paling besar dan terbukti tahan terhadap berbagai macam goncangan krisis ekonomi.Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) didorong harus mampu berkembang sampai ke pasar gobal bukan hanya di skala nasional saja. Strategi merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk menentukan keberhasilan perusahaan untuk mencapai tujuan jangka panjangnya. Dengan memilih strategi yang tepat pada posisi perusahaan tertentu, akan membuat sebuah perusahaan memiliki keunggulan kompetitif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi apa yang paling tepat yang harus diambil PT. Muniru Burni Telong sebagai UMKM dalam menghadapi persaingan Bisnis Global . Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Analisis SWOT dan IFAS, EFAS, dengan sebelumnya melakukan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, kuesioner, observasi dan juga studi literature. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang harus dilakukan oleh PT Muniru Burni Telong adalah di kuadran I yaitu kuadran yang mendukung strategi pertumbuhan agresif yang menunjukkan perusahaan ini memiliki kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang yang ada, artinya organisasi dalam keadaan kondisi kuat sehingga sangat dimungkinkan untuk terus melakukan ekspansi membuka cabang ke negara-negara yang akan dituju, memperbesar pertumbuhan dan meraih kemajuan secara maksimal.
Kata Kunci : Strategi , UMKM, Bisnis Global, SWO
Do The Socio-Economic Status, Religious Attitudeand Customer Perception Impact On Customer Behavior? : Islamic Banking Case
This study aims to investigate customer behavior at Islamic banks,Indonesia. This research was analyzed by using path analysis approach involving 200 respondents as customers at several Islamic banks in Medan, Indonesia. Based on this research show the socio-economic status and religious attitudes have positively and significantly impactto customer behavior. On the other hand, socio-economic status and religious attitude are also positively and significantly impact for customer perceptions. Customer perceptions have the implication to increase positive customer behavior, sharia banking managers in Indonesia need to foster the religiosity of customers and target prospective customers who have good religiosity and good socio-economic status
Training of alphanumeric filing system and electronic filing to teachers and administrative staffs of junior high school in Dolok Ilir
The archiving process uses a certain system in the preparation, maintenance of records so that they can be recovered quickly and precisely and easily for destruction of archives based on certain criteria. The archive itself has enormous benefits for educational organizations, because the archive is information on activities carried out by schools. Archives in schools need to be well managed, so that archives can be used effectively and efficiently and have good accessibility. The arrangement of archives usually has several problems including, documents cannot be recovered because they are lost, the number of documents is always increasing every day, the storage area for documents is too small compared to the number of documents, so the space is insufficient, not to mention the lack of staff capacity, and the system. The storage is not in accordance with the principles of archiving. For this reason, this service is aimed at providing knowledge and skills in arranging archives in accordance with RI archiving principles, namely using an alphanumeric archive storage system, through training followed by practice and evaluation. Adequate archive facilities and infrastructure are needed in schools for this training. After the dedication was carried out, teachers and administrative staff experienced an increase in knowledge and skills in compiling personal archives and schools got the facilities and infrastructure that supported archiving. Furthermore, an evaluation of the application of archiving in schools is carried out in order to determine its effectiveness in school management
Photo Editing Training for PKK Group in Rambung Barat Village Using Free Smartphone Applications as an Effort to Promote Attractive Products
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the business income of women members of the PKK group in Rambung Barat Village has decreased because the purchasing power of the surrounding community has decreased. Marketing of business products is only done locally. These problems require a strategy so that products can be marketed widely by utilizing digital marketing. The women members of the PKK group already have solutive and innovative products but if the product photos presented are less attractive then consumers will not be interested. In online marketing, consumers only see photos of the products offered. Creating attractive product photos and being able to convey the message of the product is expensive if it has to be done by a professional. This activity aims to increase knowledge and expertise in taking product photos that are carried out independently. So that it can compete and attract potential consumers to make purchases. The method used is by conducting training and mentoring. Participants filled out the pretest and post test to see the extent of the knowledge gained. The results of the activity show that this activity has a positive impact. There is increasing knowledge about using smartphone applications to make good and attractive product photos. PKK members have been able to make product photos that can be used in digital marketing. So that later the product is increasingly known to the wider community and the existing products are increasingly sold in the market
Wp艂yw zarz膮dzania kreatywnego uczelni na wyniki przedsi臋biorstw student贸w
Creative behavior development is one of the most important aspect of modern education. It can be achieved using university creative management therefor this study seems to be very promising for the practice. The paper examines the impact of efficient teachers, and creative management on the enterprising performance of the universities students in Indonesia. This research also investigates the mediating impact of student involvement among the association of efficient teachers, creative management and enterprising performance of the universities students in Indonesia. This article adopted the questionnaires to obtain the data and also employed the smart-PLS to check the nexus among understudy variables. The results indicated that efficient teachers, and creative management have a significant association with the enterprising performance of universities students in Indonesia. The findings also revealed that student involvement positively mediates among the relations of efficient teachers, creative management and enterprising performance of the universities students in Indonesia. This research guided the regulators regarding developing the policies related to the creative university involvement that improve the students enterprising performance.Tw贸rczy rozw贸j zachowa艅 jest jednym z najwa偶niejszych aspekt贸w wsp贸艂czesnej edukacji. Mo偶na to osi膮gn膮膰 za pomoc膮 uniwersyteckiego kreatywnego zarz膮dzania, dlatego niniejsze badanie wydaje si臋 by膰 bardzo obiecuj膮ce dla praktyki. Artyku艂 analizuje wp艂yw skutecznych nauczycieli i kreatywnego zarz膮dzania na wyniki przedsi臋biorcze student贸w uniwersytet贸w w Indonezji. Badanie to analizuje r贸wnie偶 po艣rednicz膮cy wp艂yw zaanga偶owania student贸w w艣r贸d stowarzyszenia skutecznych nauczycieli, kreatywnego zarz膮dzania i przedsi臋biorczych wynik贸w student贸w uniwersytet贸w w Indonezji. W artykule przyj臋to kwestionariusze do uzyskania danych, a tak偶e wykorzystano smart-PLS do sprawdzenia powi膮zania mi臋dzy zmiennymi w badaniu. Wyniki wskazuj膮, 偶e wydajni nauczyciele i kreatywne zarz膮dzanie maj膮 istotny zwi膮zek z przedsi臋biorczymi osi膮gni臋ciami student贸w uniwersytet贸w w Indonezji. Wyniki ujawni艂y r贸wnie偶, 偶e zaanga偶owanie student贸w pozytywnie po艣redniczy mi臋dzy relacjami skutecznych nauczycieli, kreatywnym zarz膮dzaniem i przedsi臋biorczymi osi膮gni臋ciami student贸w uniwersytet贸w w Indonezji. Badanie to pokierowa艂o regulatorami w zakresie opracowywania polityk zwi膮zanych z kreatywnym zaanga偶owaniem uniwersytet贸w, kt贸re poprawiaj膮 wyniki przedsi臋biorcze student贸w
Economic Recovery in North Sumatera Province After the Covid-19 Pandemic, Through MSME Development and Increasing Muslim Friendly Tourism
The tourism industry and MSMEs can be a driving force for regional economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic. Now halal tourism or Muslim friendly tourism, has become an industry that is taken into account in the tourism sector. This study aims to increase Muslim friendly tourism through efforts to develop MSMEs towards economic recovery in the North Sumatra region. So that both businesses can rise and operate better after the covid19 pandemic. By using in-depth interviews and giving questionnaires to MSMEs in North Sumatra, the majority of which are Muslim, as well as potential advantages in the area. It can be seen that all local governments in North Sumatra which have favorite tourist objects/destinations are very supportive of MSMEs in their area, who generally do culinary business. Halal certification assistance from the government, including digital-based training programs and financial assistance, is urgently needed by the community and enables MSMEs to be able to gradually rise after slumping during the COVID-19 pandemic, and slowly realize regional economic recovery. It takes a commitment from all parties to continue to help MSMEs to survive and develop post-covid-19, so that their existence can make an important contribution in supporting halal tourism