158 research outputs found
Actuation performances of anisotropic gels
We investigated the actuation performances of anisotropic gels driven by
mechanical and chemical stimuli, in terms of both deformation processes and
stroke--curves, and distinguished between the fast response of gels before
diffusion starts and the asymptotic response attained at the steady state. We
also showed as the range of forces that an anisotropic hydrogel can exert when
constrained is especially wide;indeed, changing fiber orientation allows to
induce shear as well as transversely isotropic extensions.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure
Interplay between activity, elasticity, and liquid transport in self-contractile biopolymer gels
Active gels play an important role in biology and in inspiring biomimetic active materials, due to their ability to change shape, size, and create their own morphology. We study a particular class of active gels, generated by polymerizing actin in the presence of cross-linkers and clusters of myosin as molecular motors, which exhibit large contractions. The relevant mechanics for these highly swollen gels is the result of the interplay between activity and liquid flow: gel activity yields a structural reorganization of the gel network and produces a flow of liquid that eventually exits from the gel boundary. This dynamics inherits lengthscales that are typical of the liquid flow processes. The analyses we present provide insights into the contraction dynamics, and they focus on the effects of the geometry on both gel velocity and fluid flow
The TPS Direct Transport: a new method for transporting deformations in the Size-and-shape Space
Modern shape analysis allows the fine comparison of shape changes occurring between different objects. Very often the classic machineries of Generalized Procrustes Analysis and Principal Component Analysis are used in order to contrast the shape change occurring among configurations represented by homologous landmarks. However, if size and shape data are structured in different groups thus constituting different morphological trajectories, a data centering is needed if one wants to compare solely the deformation representing the trajectories. To do that, inter-individual variation must be filtered out. This maneuver is rarely applied in studies using simulated or real data. A geometrical procedure named Parallel Transport, that can be based on various connection types, is necessary to perform such kind of data centering. Usually, the Levi Civita connection is used for interpolation of curves in a Riemannian space. It can also be used to transport a deformation. We demonstrate that this procedure does not preserve some important characters of the deformation, even in the affine case. We propose a novel procedure called `TPS Direct Transport' which is able to perfectly transport deformation in the affine case and to better approximate non affine deformation in comparison to existing tools. We recommend to center shape data using the methods described here when the differences in deformation rather than in shape are under study
Local and Global Energies for Shape Analysis in Medical Imaging
In a previous contribution a new Riemannian shape space, named TPS space, was introduced to perform statistics on shape data. This space was endowed with a Rie-mannian metric and a flat connection, with torsion, compatible with the given metric. This connection allows the definition of a Parallel Transport of the deformation compatible with the threefold decomposition in spherical, deviatoric and non affine components. Such a Parallel Transport also conserves the-energy, strictly related to the total elastic strain energy stored by the body in the original deformation. New machinery is here presented in order to calculate the bending energy on the body only (body bending energy) in order to restrict it exclusively within physical boundaries of objects involved in the deformation analysis. The novelty of this new procedure resides in the fact that we propose a new metric to conserve during the TPS direct transport. This allows transporting the shape change more coherently with the mechanical meaning of the deformation. The geometry of the TPS Space is then further developed in order to better represent the relationship between the-energy, the strain energy and the so called bending-energy densities
The decomposition of deformation: new metrics to enhance shape analysis in medical imaging
In landmarks-based Shape Analysis size is measured, in most cases, with Centroid Size. Changes in shape are decomposed in affine and non affine components. Furthermore the non affine component can be in turn decomposed in a series of local deformations (partial warps). If the extent of deformation between two shapes is small, the difference between centroid size and m-Volume increment is barely appreciable. In medical imaging applied to soft tissues bodies can undergo very large deformations, involving large changes in size. The cardiac example, analyzed in the present paper, shows changes in m-Volume that can reach the 60%. We show here that standard Geometric Morphometrics tools (landmarks, Thin Plate Spline, and related decomposition of the deformation) can be generalized to better describe the very large deformations of biological tissues, without losing a synthetic description. In particular, the classical decomposition of the space tangent to the shape space in affine and non affine components is enriched to include also the change in size, in order to give a complete description of the tangent space to the size-and-shape space. The proposed generalization is formulated by means of a new Riemannian metric describing the change in size as change in m-Volume rather than change in Centroid Size. This leads to a redefinition of some aspects of the Kendall’s size-and-shape space without losing Kendall’s original formulation. This new formulation is discussed by means of simulated examples using 2D and 3D platonic shapes as well as a real example from clinical 3D echocardiographic data. We demonstrate that our decomposition based approaches discriminate very effectively healthy subjects from patients affected by Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Statistical shape modeling of the left ventricle: myocardial infarct classification challenge
Statistical shape modeling is a powerful tool for visualizing and quantifying geometric and functional patterns of the heart. After myocardial infarction (MI), the left ventricle typically remodels in response to physiological challenges. Several methods have been proposed in the literature to describe statistical shape changes. Which method best characterizes left ventricular remodeling after MI is an open research question. A better descriptor of remodeling is expected to provide a more accurate evaluation of disease status in MI patients. We therefore designed a challenge to test shape characterization in MI given a set of three-dimensional left ventricular surface points. The training set comprised 100 MI patients, and 100 asymptomatic volunteers (AV). The challenge was initiated in 2015 at the Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart workshop, in conjunction with the MICCAI conference. The training set with labels was provided to participants, who were asked to submit the likelihood of MI from a different (validation) set of 200 cases (100 AV and 100 MI). Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve were used as the outcome measures. The goals of this challenge were to (1) establish a common dataset for evaluating statistical shape modeling algorithms in MI, and (2) test whether statistical shape modeling provides additional information characterizing MI patients over standard clinical measures. Eleven groups with a wide variety of classification and feature extraction approaches participated in this challenge. All methods achieved excellent classification results with accuracy ranges from 0.83 to 0.98. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves were all above 0.90. Four methods showed significantly higher performance than standard clinical measures. The dataset and software for evaluation are available from the Cardiac Atlas Project website1
Sull'uso dei metodi variazionali per la deduzione di modelli lineari delle piastre sottili dalla teoria tridimensionale dell'elasticita'
Dottorato di ricerca in meccanica teorica e applicata. 7. cicloConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
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