41 research outputs found
IRAS results on outer galaxy star formation
An infrared defined (60 micron) sample of IRAS sources were systematically studied in order to investigate star formation in the outer Galaxy. Five percent of the sample are point sources with IRAS spectra that suggest the emission is from a dust shell surrounding a mature star. Ninety five percent have spectra where flux density strictly rises with wavelength. The sources are extended, and it is shown that Point Source Catalog fluxes seriously underestimate total fluxes. CO kinematic distances were reliably assigned to two thirds of the sources. Most of the infrared luminosities correspond to B spectral types. Six cm continuum emission were detected from all sources inferred to have spectral type B1 or earlier. The combined IRAS/CO/6 cm data show these sources are young, moderately massive stars that are embedded in interstellar clouds. The young embedded sources define a distinct band in an IRAS color-colar diagram. Normal IRAS galaxies fall in the same band, consistent with the interpretation that their infrared emission is due to star formation
The Power of SOFIA/FORCAST in Estimating Internal Luminosities of Low Mass Class 0/I Protostars
With the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) routinely
operating science flights, we demonstrate that observations with the Faint
Object infraRed CAmera for the SOFIA Telescope (FORCAST) can provide reliable
estimates of the internal luminosities, , of protostars. We have
developed a technique to estimate using a pair of FORCAST
filters: one "short-wavelength" filter centered within 19.7-25.3 m, and
one "long-wavelength" filter within 31.5-37.1 m. These
estimates are reliable to within 30-40% for 67% of protostars and to within a
factor of 2.3-2.6 for 99% of protostars. The filter pair comprised of
F25.3m and F37.1m achieves the best sensitivity and most constrained
results. We evaluate several assumptions that could lead to systematic
uncertainties. The OH5 dust opacity matches observational constraints for
protostellar environments best, though not perfectly; we find that any improved
dust model will have a small impact of 5-10% on the estimates.
For protostellar envelopes, the TSC84 model yields masses that are twice those
of the Ulrich model, but we conclude this mass difference does not
significantly impact results at the mid-infrared wavelengths probed by FORCAST.
Thus, FORCAST is a powerful instrument for luminosity studies targeting newly
discovered protostars or suspected protostars lacking detections longward of 24
m. Furthermore, with its dynamic range and greater angular resolution,
FORCAST may be used to characterize protostars that were either saturated or
merged with other sources in previous surveys using the Spitzer Space Telescope
or Herschel Space Observatory.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
IRAS colors of VLA identified objects in the galaxy
Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) sources found within 4 degrees of l = 125 deg, b = 2 deg on the 3rd HCON 60 micron Sky Brightness Images were observed at the Very Large Array (VLA). Regions were to be identified where massive stars are forming by looking for small areas of radio continuum emissions. The IRAS sources could be divided into three groups by their IRAS 12 micron/25 micron and 60 micron/100 micron color. The group identified with star forming regions contained essentially all of the objects with extended radio emission. In all of these cases the extended radio emission showed a morphology consistent with the identification of these objects as HII regions. The conclusion drawn is that star formation regions can be distinguished from other objects by their infrared colors
A correlation between the IRAS infrared cirrus at 60 or 100 microns and neutral atomic hydrogen in the outer galaxy
A linear correlation was found between the infrared cirrus at 100 or 60 microns and neutral atomic hydrogen near the galactic plane. Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) Sky Brightness images were compared to the 0.5 deg resolution Weaver-Williams HI survey in two regions of the outer Galaxy near l = 125 deg and l = 215 deg. The dust temperature inferred is nearly uniform and in reasonable agreement with theoretical predictions of thermal dust emission
An IRAS Hires study of low mass star formation in the Taurus molecular ring
The Taurus molecular cloud supposedly has no star clusters but only isolated star formation. However, the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) shows us that a small star cluster is currently forming in Taurus. Most of the sources are deeply embedded and are probably low-mass protostars. We use High Resolution (HiRes) images of the IRAS data from the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) to look for additional infrared members of the cluster. We also investigate the question of whether the infrared emission matches predictions for protostellar sources by examining whether the dust emission is resolved on scales of one arcminute (approx. 10(exp 17) cm). With the exception of a luminous visible star, HD 29647, we find that the sources L1527, TMC1A, TMC1, TMC1C, tMR1, and IC2087 are unresolved in the HiRes images at 60 microns. Further analysis of IC2087 shows that it is unresolved at all four IRAS wavelengths
Science with High Spatial Resolution Far-Infrared Data
The goal of this workshop was to discuss new science and techniques relevant to high spatial resolution processing of far-infrared data, with particular focus on high resolution processing of IRAS data. Users of the maximum correlation method, maximum entropy, and other resolution enhancement algorithms applicable to far-infrared data gathered at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) for two days in June 1993 to compare techniques and discuss new results. During a special session on the third day, interested astronomers were introduced to IRAS HIRES processing, which is IPAC's implementation of the maximum correlation method to the IRAS data. Topics discussed during the workshop included: (1) image reconstruction; (2) random noise; (3) imagery; (4) interacting galaxies; (5) spiral galaxies; (6) galactic dust and elliptical galaxies; (7) star formation in Seyfert galaxies; (8) wavelet analysis; and (9) supernova remnants
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Evolutionary Signatures In The Formation Of Low-Mass Protostars. II. Toward Reconciling Models And Observations
A long-standing problem in low-mass star formation is the "luminosity problem," whereby protostars are underluminous compared to the accretion luminosity expected both from theoretical collapse calculations and arguments based on the minimum accretion rate necessary to form a star within the embedded phase duration. Motivated by this luminosity problem, we present a set of evolutionary models describing the collapse of low-mass, dense cores into protostars. We use as our starting point the evolutionary model following the inside-out collapse of a singular isothermal sphere as presented by Young & Evans. We calculate the radiative transfer of the collapsing core throughout the full duration of the collapse in two dimensions. From the resulting spectral energy distributions, we calculate standard observational signatures (L(bol), T(bol), L(bol)/L(smm)) to directly compare to observations. We incorporate several modifications and additions to the original Young & Evans model in an effort to better match observations with model predictions; we include (1) the opacity from scattering in the radiative transfer, (2) a circumstellar disk directly in the two-dimensional radiative transfer, (3) a two-dimensional envelope structure, taking into account the effects of rotation, (4) mass-loss and the opening of outflow cavities, and (5) a simple treatment of episodic mass accretion. We find that scattering, two-dimensional geometry, mass-loss, and outflow cavities all affect the model predictions, as expected, but none resolve the luminosity problem. On the other hand, we find that a cycle of episodic mass accretion similar to that predicted by recent theoretical work can resolve this problem and bring the model predictions into better agreement with observations. Standard assumptions about the interplay between mass accretion and mass loss in our model give star formation efficiencies consistent with recent observations that compare the core mass function and stellar initial mass function. Finally, the combination of outflow cavities and episodic mass accretion reduces the connection between observational class and physical stage to the point where neither of the two commonly used observational signatures (T(bol) and L(bol)/L(smm)) can be considered reliable indicators of physical stage.NASA 1224608, 1288664, 1288658, RSA 1377304, NNX 07-AJ72GNSF AST0607793UT Austin University Continuing FellowshipAstronom
Science Communication Versus Science Education: The Graduate Student Scientist As A K-12 Classroom Resource
Science literacy is a major goal of science educational reform (NRC, 1996; AAAS, 1998; NCLB Act, 2001). Some believe that teaching science only requires pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) (Shulman, 1987). Others believe doing science requires knowledge of the methodologies of scientific inquiry (NRC, 1996). With these two mindsets, the challenge for science educators is to create models that bring the two together. The common ground between those who teach science and those who do science is science communication, an interactive process that galvanizes dialogue among scientists, teachers, and learners in a rich ambience of mutual respect and a common, inclusive language of discourse (Stocklmayer, 2001). The dialogue between science and non-science is reflected in the polarization that separates those who do science and those who teach science, especially as it plays out everyday in the science classroom. You may be thinking, why is this important? It is vital because, although not all science learners become scientists, all K-12 students are expected to acquire science literacy, especially with the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). Students are expected to acquire the ability to follow the discourse of science as well as connect the world of science to the context of their everyday life if they plan on moving to the next grade level, and in some states, to graduate from high school. This paper posits that science communication is highly effective in providing the missing link for K-12 students’ cognition in science and their attainment of science literacy. This paper will focus on the “Science For Our Schools” (SFOS) model implemented at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA) as a project of the National Science Foundation’s GK-12 program, (NSF 2001) which has been a huge success in bridging the gap between those who “know” science and those who “teach” science. The SFOS model makes clear the distinctions that identify science, science communication, science education, and science literacy in the midst of science learning by bringing together graduate student scientists and science teachers to engage students in the two world’s dialogue in the midst of the school science classroom. The graduate student scientists and the science teachers worked as a team throughout the school year and became effective science communicators as they narrowed the gulf between the two worlds
The Contribution of Ionizing Stars to the Far-Infrared and Radio Emission in the Galaxy
This is the first report of a new contract. However, this project represents ongoing work, so there are completed tasks as well as newly started tasks to report. The project involves the completion of the IRAS Galaxy Atlas (IGA), a large image database produced using data from the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). In this phase, the project switches from the production and characterization of the IGA to its use in astronomical research studies of massive star formation. The research utilizes the IGA as well as two other large data sets being produced by research partners
A First Look at the Auriga-California Giant Molecular Cloud With Herschel and the CSO: Census of the Young Stellar Objects and the Dense Gas
We have mapped the Auriga/California molecular cloud with the Herschel PACS
and SPIRE cameras and the Bolocam 1.1 mm camera on the Caltech Submillimeter
Observatory (CSO) with the eventual goal of quantifying the star formation and
cloud structure in this Giant Molecular Cloud (GMC) that is comparable in size
and mass to the Orion GMC, but which appears to be forming far fewer stars. We
have tabulated 60 compact 70/160um sources that are likely pre-main-sequence
objects and correlated those with Spitzer and WISE mid-IR sources. At 1.1 mm we
find 18 cold, compact sources and discuss their properties. The most important
result from this part of our study is that we find a modest number of
additional compact young objects beyond those identified at shorter wavelengths
with Spitzer. We also describe the dust column density and temperature
structure derived from our photometric maps. The column density peaks at a few
x 10^22 cm^-2 (N_H2) and is distributed in a clear filamentary structure along
which nearly all the pre-main-sequence objects are found. We compare the YSO
surface density to the gas column density and find a strong non-linear
correlation between them. The dust temperature in the densest parts of the
filaments drops to ~10K from values ~ 14--15K in the low density parts of the
cloud. We also derive the cumulative mass fraction and probability density
function of material in the cloud which we compare with similar data on other
star-forming clouds.Comment: in press Astrophysical Journal, 201