2,164 research outputs found
Exchange and spin Jahn-Teller distortions for a triangular cluster of spin-1/2
We study the effects of magnetoelastic coupling on the degenerate ground
state of the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model for the regular
triangular spin cluster. Static displacement of spins spontaneously lifts the
degeneracy of the ground state through the distance dependence of exchange
coupling, i.e., a spin Jahn-Teller mechanism takes place. On the other hand,
dynamical displacement does not lift the degeneracy, though the cluster
distorts spontaneously. The energy decrease obtained by dynamical theory is
twice as large as that obtained by static theory because of quantum
fluctuation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Accepted by JPSJ. Clarified some setences.
Corrected typo
ERG and Schwinger-Dyson Equations - Comparison in formulations and applications --
The advantageous points of ERG in applications to non-perturbative analyses
of quantum field theories are discussed in comparison with the Schwinger-Dyson
equations. First we consider the relation between these two formulations
specially by examining the large N field theories. In the second part we study
the phase structure of dynamical symmetry breaking in three dimensional QED as
a typical example of the practical applications.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, references are added. Invited talk presented at
Second Conference on the Exact RG, Sept 18 - 22, 2000, Rome, Ital
Induced top Yukawa coupling and suppressed Higgs mass parameters
In the scenarios with heavy top squarks, mass parameters of the Higgs field
must be fine-tuned due to a large logarithmic correction to the soft scalar
mass. We consider a new possibility that the top Yukawa coupling is small above
TeV scale. The large top mass is induced from strong Yukawa interaction of the
Higgs with another gauge sector, in which supersymmetry breaking parameters are
given to be small. Then it is found that the logarithmic correction to the
Higgs soft scalar mass is suppressed in spite of the strong coupling and the
fine-tuning is ameliorated. We propose an explicit model coupled to a
superconformal gauge theory which realizes the above situation.Comment: RevTeX4 style, 10 pages, 3 figure
Simultaneous electronphoton excitation of helium in a CO2 laser field
International audienceThe R-matrix Floquet method is used to study electron-impact excitation of helium in the presence of a CO 2 laser field, for collision energies between 19 and 21.5 eV and laser intensities of 10 7 and 10 8 W cm −2. Collision geometries with the electron incident at various angles to the laser polarization axis are considered. The signal for production of metastable states is in good agreement with the results of a low-frequency approximation and a semi-classical approach, while agreement with experiment is reasonable
The magnetic structure of the intermelallic compounds in the cubic Laves phase (C15) crystal
Magnetic structure of intermetallic compounds of rare earth and 3d transition metal with the C15 structure is studied on the basis of the classical Heisenberg model. By making use of the Lyons-Kaplan method, magnetic phase diagram is calculated with respect to the states with the modulation wave vector Q equivalent to [0,0,0] to obtain seven types of spin structure, and their stability is compared with screw structures of Q parallel with [0,0,1], [1,1,0] and [1,1,1]. The stable region of the Q = [0,0,0] states is limited most drastically by the modulation of Q ∥ [1,1,0].Article信州大学理学部紀要 30(1): 7-23(1995)departmental bulletin pape
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