7,570 research outputs found
Results on Multiple Coulomb Scattering from 12 and 20 GeV electrons on Carbon targets
Multiple scattering effects of 12 and 20 GeV electrons on 8 and 20 mm
thickness carbon targets have been studied with high-resolution silicon
microstrip detectors of the UA9 apparatus at the H8 line at CERN. Comparison of
the scattering angle between data and GEANT4 simulation shows excellent
agreement in the core of the distributions leaving some residual disagreement
in the tails.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures. Updated to match published versio
Physics Behind Precision
This document provides a writeup of contributions to the FCC-ee mini-workshop
on "Physics behind precision" held at CERN, on 2-3 February 2016.Comment: https://indico.cern.ch/event/469561
QCD corrections to the forward-backward asymmetries of and quarks at the Z pole
Measurements of the forward-backward production asymmetry of heavy quarks in Z decays provide a precise determination of \swsqeffl . The asymmetries are sensitive to QCD effects, in particular hard gluon radiation. In this paper QCD corrections for \AFBbb~ and \AFBcc~ are discussed. The interplay between the experimental techniques used to measure the asymmetries and the QCD effects is investigated using simulated events. A procedure to estimate the correction needed for experimental measurements is proposed, and some specific examples are given
Identification of a glucocorticoid response element in the human gamma chain fibrinogen promoter
The effect of the synthetic glucocorticoid hormone dexamethasone on human gamma chain fibrinogen gene expression was examined. The whole promoter region of 3.8 kb of this gene and progressive 5'-deletions were inserted into a promoterless expression vector, upstream of the luciferase gene and transiently transfected into the human hepatoma HepG2 cells, in the presence or in the absence of dexamethasone stimulation. Deletion analysis allowed to identify a region located between -1359 and -954 bp upstream from the transcription start site, involved in hormone inducibility. On the basis of a computer-assisted analysis, a putative GRE was found in this region at bases -1116 to -1102. Specific point mutations eliminating this putative GRE led to complete loss of glucocorticoid inducibility, thus indicating its functional role. Binding of the rat glucocorticoid receptor to this site was demonstrated by mobility-shift assays
New constraint on the existence of the mu+-> e+ gamma decay
The analysis of a combined data set, totaling 3.6 \times 10^14 stopped muons
on target, in the search for the lepton flavour violating decay mu^+ -> e^+
gamma is presented. The data collected by the MEG experiment at the Paul
Scherrer Institut show no excess of events compared to background expectations
and yield a new upper limit on the branching ratio of this decay of 5.7 \times
10^-13 (90% confidence level). This represents a four times more stringent
limit than the previous world best limit set by MEG.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, a version accepted in Phys. Rev. Let
Proceedings of the Workshop on Monte Carlo's, Physics and Simulations at the LHC PART II
These proceedings collect the presentations given at the first three meetings
of the INFN "Workshop on Monte Carlo's, Physics and Simulations at the LHC",
held at the Frascati National Laboratories in 2006. The first part of these
proceedings contains pedagogical introductions to several basic topics of both
theoretical and experimental high pT LHC physics. The second part collects more
specialised presentations.Comment: 157 pages, 136 figures; contribution by M. Grazzini has been adde
The MEG detector for decay search
The MEG (Mu to Electron Gamma) experiment has been running at the Paul
Scherrer Institut (PSI), Switzerland since 2008 to search for the decay \meg\
by using one of the most intense continuous beams in the world. This
paper presents the MEG components: the positron spectrometer, including a thin
target, a superconducting magnet, a set of drift chambers for measuring the
muon decay vertex and the positron momentum, a timing counter for measuring the
positron time, and a liquid xenon detector for measuring the photon energy,
position and time. The trigger system, the read-out electronics and the data
acquisition system are also presented in detail. The paper is completed with a
description of the equipment and techniques developed for the calibration in
time and energy and the simulation of the whole apparatus.Comment: 59 pages, 90 figure
MEG Upgrade Proposal
We propose the continuation of the MEG experiment to search for the charged
lepton flavour violating decay (cLFV) \mu \to e \gamma, based on an upgrade of
the experiment, which aims for a sensitivity enhancement of one order of
magnitude compared to the final MEG result, down to the
level. The key features of this new MEG upgrade are an increased rate
capability of all detectors to enable running at the intensity frontier and
improved energy, angular and timing resolutions, for both the positron and
photon arms of the detector. On the positron-side a new low-mass, single
volume, high granularity tracker is envisaged, in combination with a new highly
segmented, fast timing counter array, to track positron from a thinner stopping
target. The photon-arm, with the largest liquid xenon (LXe) detector in the
world, totalling 900 l, will also be improved by increasing the granularity at
the incident face, by replacing the current photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) with a
larger number of smaller photosensors and optimizing the photosensor layout
also on the lateral faces. A new DAQ scheme involving the implementation of a
new combined readout board capable of integrating the diverse functions of
digitization, trigger capability and splitter functionality into one condensed
unit, is also under development. We describe here the status of the MEG
experiment, the scientific merits of the upgrade and the experimental methods
we plan to use.Comment: A. M. Baldini and T. Mori Spokespersons. Research proposal submitted
to the Paul Scherrer Institute Research Committee for Particle Physics at the
Ring Cyclotron. 131 Page
Measurement of the radiative decay of polarized muons in the MEG experiment
We studied the radiative muon decay by
using for the first time an almost fully polarized muon source. We identified a
large sample (~13000) of these decays in a total sample of 1.8x10^14 positive
muon decays collected in the MEG experiment in the years 2009--2010 and
measured the branching ratio B() =
(6.03+-0.14(stat.)+-0.53(sys.))x10^-8 for E_e > 45 MeV and E_{\gamma} > 40 MeV,
consistent with the Standard Model prediction. The precise measurement of this
decay mode provides a basic tool for the timing calibration, a normalization
channel, and a strong quality check of the complete MEG experiment in the
search for process.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Added an introduction to NLO calculation which
was recently calculated. Published versio
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