102 research outputs found
Engineering nodal topological phases in Ising superconductors by magnetic superstructures
Recently it was discovered that superconductivity in transition metal
dichalcogenides (TMDs) is strongly affected by an out-of-plane spin-orbit
coupling (SOC). In addition, new techniques of fabricating 2d ferromagnets on
van der Waals materials are rapidly emerging. Combining these breakthroughs, we
propose a realization of nodal topological superconductivity in TMDs by
fabricating nanostructured ferromagnets with an in-plane magnetization on the
top surface. The proposed procedure does not require application of external
magnetic fields and applies to monolayer and multilayer (bulk) systems. The
signatures of the topological phase include Majorana flat bands that can be
directly observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) techniques. We
concentrate on NbSe and argue that the proposed structures demonstrating
the nodal topological phase can be realized withing existing technology.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
Superlattice platform for chiral superconductivity with tuneable and high Chern numbers
Finding concrete realizations for topologically nontrivial chiral
superconductivity has been a long-standing goal in quantum matter research.
Here we propose a route to a systematic realization of chiral superconductivity
with nonzero Chern numbers. This goal can be achieved in a nanomagnet lattice
deposited on top of a spin-orbit coupled two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG)
with proximity s-wave superconductivity. The proposed structure can be regarded
as a universal platform for chiral superconductivity supporting a large variety
of topological phases. The topological state of the system can be electrically
controlled by, for example, tuning the density of the 2DEG.Comment: 5+6 pages, 4 figure
Chern mosaic - topology of chiral superconductivity on ferromagnetic adatom lattices
In this work we will explore the properties of superconducting surfaces
decorated by two-dimensional ferromagnetic adatom lattices. As discovered
recently [R\"ontynen and Ojanen, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{114}, 236803 (2015)],
in the presence of a Rashba spin-orbit coupling these systems may support
topological superconductivity with complex phase diagrams and high Chern
numbers. We show how the long-range hopping nature of the effective low-energy
theory generically gives rise to a phase diagram covered by a \emph{Chern
mosaic} -- a rich pattern of topological phases with large Chern numbers. We
study different lattice geometries and the dependence of energy gaps and
abundance of different phases as a function of system parameters. Our findings
establish the studied system as one of the richest platforms for topological
matter known to date.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure
Mesoscopic photon heat transistor
We show that the heat transport between two bodies, mediated by
electromagnetic fluctuations, can be controlled with an intermediate quantum
circuit - leading to the device concept Mesoscopic Photon Heat Transistor
(MPHT). Our theoretical analysis is based on a novel Meir-Wingreen-Landauer
type of conductance formula, which gives the photonic heat current through an
arbitrary circuit element coupled to two dissipative reservoirs at finite
temperatures. As an illustration we present an exact solution for the case when
the intermediate circuit can be described as an electromagnetic resonator. We
discuss in detail how the MPHT can be implemented experimentally in terms of a
flux-controlled SQUID circuit.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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